Scenes of Sowerby
Arthur Comfort
Scenes of Sowerby, taken from Arthur Comfort's series Our Home & Country
- Photo #1:
The Belfry at St Peter's Church, Sowerby
- Photo #2:
Sowerby Post Office
- Photo #3:
John Whiteley
- Photo #4:
A pulpit/chair which was used by John Almighty Whiteley when preaching at the Star, Sowerby
The Belfry at St Peter's Church, Sowerby
This image [JNM1309.JPG] is taken from The Halifax Courier [1st August 1914]
Sowerby Post Office
This image [JNM2309.JPG] is taken from The Halifax Courier [1st August 1914]
John Whiteley
This image [JNM3309.JPG] is taken from The Halifax Courier [1st August 1914]
A pulpit/chair which was used by John Almighty Whiteley when
preaching at the Star, Sowerby
This image [JNM4309.JPG] is taken from The Halifax Courier [1st August 1914]
Malcolm Bull
Revised 14:28 / 17th June 2023 / 4449
Page Ref: PH3706