The Shoulder of Mutton, Southowram
Some images of The Shoulder of Mutton, Southowram
- Photo #1:
The Shoulder of Mutton, Southowram when Joseph Rushworth was licensee
- Photo #2:
The Shoulder of Mutton, Southowram
The Shoulder of Mutton, Southowram
when Joseph Rushworth was licensee
[Taken about 1900]
This image [DW265.JPG] was kindly submitted by Darren Webley
The Shoulder of Mutton, Southowram
[Taken in 2013]
This image [PHG5.JPG] was kindly submitted by Phil Griffin
Malcolm Bull
Revised 18:28 / 11th December 2022 / 2965
Page Ref: PH4059