Some images of Prefabs
- Photo #1:
Prefabs at Illingworth
- Photo #2:
Prefabs at the corner of Illingworth Road and Occupation Lane, known as Illingworth Gardens .
Prefabs at Illingworth
[Taken in 1963]
This image [LP43.JPG] was kindly submitted by Les Piggin
Prefabs at the corner of Illingworth Road and Occupation Lane, known
as Illingworth Gardens.
The photo shows how the prefabs were aligned with the pre-existing
semi-detached house which is still there but now seems set back
alongside the present row of buildings
This image [LP44.JPG] was kindly submitted by Les Piggin
Malcolm Bull
Revised 16:31 / 15th April 2021 / 3113
Page Ref: PH4841