Grave of Joseph Denton

Southowram Wesleyan

The grave of Joseph Denton at Southowram Wesleyan Graveyard


Sacred to the Memory of
Joseph son of Joseph and
Susannah Denton, of Southowram, 
who died October 8th 1819, aged 1 year and 6 months.
Also of Mary Denham wife
of William Denham & daughter of the above Joseph and
Susannah Denton, 
who died August 5th 1825, aged 23 Years.
Also of the above 
Susannah Denton,
who died July 30th 1834 aged 51 years.
Also of their second son Joseph 
who died August 18th 1849, aged 18 years.
Also of the above said 
Joseph  Denton Senr, 
who died February 9th 1855, aged 72 years.

© Malcolm Bull 2024
Revised 13:55 / 21st July 2024 / 2763

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