The New Talbot Inn, Woolshops
Some images of New Talbot Inn, Woolshops
- Photo #1:
The New Talbot Inn, Woolshops
- Photo #2:
The New Talbot Inn, Woolshops
- Photo #3:
The back of the Talbot Hotel
- Photo #4:
The New Talbot Inn, Woolshops and the lower end of the Prince's Arcade
- Photo #5:
Looking up Woolshops with the New Talbot Inn on the left
- Photo #6:
The New Talbot Inn, Woolshops
- Photo #7:
The New Talbot Inn, Woolshops
The New Talbot Inn, Woolshops
This image [GY260.JPG] was kindly submitted by Graham Yarker
The New Talbot Inn, Woolshops
This image [GY276.JPG] was kindly submitted by Graham Yarker
The back of the Talbot Hotel
This image [DW4.JPG] is taken from Sketches of Old Halifax
The New Talbot Inn, Woolshops and the lower end of the Prince's
[Taken in 1968]
This image [GY184.JPG] was kindly submitted by Graham Yarker
Looking up Woolshops with the New Talbot Inn on the
This photograph comes from the Gladys Lumb Collection
and is used by kind permission of Stephen Gee
The New Talbot Inn, Woolshops
This image [GY575.JPG] was kindly submitted by Graham Yarker
The New Talbot Inn, Woolshops
This image [JRR256.JPG] was kindly submitted by John Rushworth
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:24 / 31st December 2022 / 5919
Page Ref: PH523