Royds' House, Rawson Street, Halifax Interior
Some images of the interior of Royds' House
- Photo #1:
The salon at Royds' House, Halifax
- Photo #2:
The salon when it was used as a banking hall
- Photo #3:
The salon when it was used as a banking hall
- Photo #4:
A plaster relief depicting John Royds as Neptune in the salon at Royds' House, Halifax
- Photo #5:
A plaster relief depicting Mrs Mary Royds as Britannia in the salon at Royds' House, Halifax
- Photo #6:
A plaster relief in the salon at Royds' House, Halifax
- Photo #7:
A plaster relief in the salon at Royds' House, Halifax
- Photo #8:
A plaster relief in the salon at Royds' House, Halifax
- Photo #9:
The mirrors on the south wall in the salon at Royds' House, Halifax . These were said to be the largest pieces of glass which were available at the time
- Photo #10:
The fireplace on the ground floor at Royds' House, Halifax
- Photo #11:
The relief over the fireplace at Royds' House, Halifax depicting a bear getting the honey but being stung by the bees, an epigram for banking
The salon at Royds' House, Halifax
This image [DW65.JPG] was kindly submitted by Darren Webley
The salon when it was used as a banking hall
This image [BR67.JPG] is taken from An illustrated account of Halifax, Brighouse & District [1895]
The salon when it was used as a banking hall
This image [BR389.JPG] is taken from An illustrated account of Halifax, Brighouse & District [1895]
A plaster relief depicting John Royds as Neptune in
the salon at Royds' House, Halifax
[Taken in September 2005]
A plaster relief depicting Mrs Mary Royds as Britannia in
the salon at Royds' House, Halifax
[Taken in September 2005]
A plaster relief in the salon at Royds' House, Halifax
[Taken in September 2005]
A plaster relief in the salon at Royds' House, Halifax
[Taken in September 2005]
A plaster relief in the salon at Royds' House, Halifax
[Taken in September 2005]
The mirrors on the south wall in the salon at Royds' House, Halifax.
These were said to be the largest pieces of glass which were
available at the time
[Taken in September 2005]
The fireplace on the ground floor at Royds' House, Halifax
[Taken in September 2005]
The relief over the fireplace at Royds' House, Halifax depicting a
bear getting the honey but being stung by the bees, an epigram for
[Taken in September 2005]
Malcolm Bull
Revised 10:25 / 8th October 2024 / 8586
Page Ref: PH551