Joseph Wade Whiteley
Some images connected to Joseph Wade Whiteley
- Photo #1:
Joseph Wade Whiteley and one of his grandchildren
- Photo #2:
The home of Joseph Wade Whiteley in Bonaparte, Iowa
- Photo #3:
One of the sons of Joseph Wade Whiteley
Joseph Wade Whiteley and one of his grandchildren
[Taken about 1890]
This image [KKW2.JPG] was kindly submitted by Kathryn K. Wrench
The home of Joseph Wade Whiteley in Bonaparte, Iowa
This image [KKW1.JPG] was kindly submitted by Kathryn K. Wrench
One of the sons of Joseph Wade Whiteley
- possibly George Andrew or Joseph Giles
This image [KKW4.JPG] was kindly submitted by Kathryn K. Wrench
Malcolm Bull
Revised 10:30 / 12th April 2021 / 3840
Page Ref: PH6111