An Affray at Soyland Mill, Sowerby

In 1658, there was an incident at Soyland Mill, Sowerby when Nathan Hoyle of Lighthazles tried to remove items from the mill.

He was obstructed by Scarborough the miller.

The witnesses were examined by John Hodgson of Coley Hall.

The report, transcribed with the help of Dr Buckley and David Cant, reads

The examination of James Butterworth of Littleborough in the County of Lancaster labourer taken before John Hodgson Esq at Coalley Hall in the West Riding of Yorkshire the 22 December 1658.

Saith that he hath wrought daytall work with William ffoxcroft of Kebroyd gentleman for three weeks and that he was at George Leach's alehouse at Soyland Mill Friday night last about nine o'clock where was drinking George ffoxcroft brother of William ffoxcroft aforesaid and Nathan Hoyle of Light Hasles and Jeremiah Roades and John Deardon of Rushworth with other persons which said persons had been drinking there at this house from two o'clock until nine in the night, and the said examinant coming in unto them the said persons [caused/roused] him to drink five pots of ale.

He saith further that he heard George ffoxcroft say to Nathan Hoyle he would give him half a crown if he would fetch a rope out of the up[pe]r mill which the said Nathan Hoyle said he would do.

He saith he was in the upper mill when the said Nathan Hoyle was in it and when he took the rope and heard Scarbrough the miller say you will not have it sure The said Nathan Hoyle answered that he would have it for it was Squire ffirth's. And further saith that Scarbrough the miller bid him begone out of the mill. He heeds not [such] company and the said examinant saith he was full of drink and pushed the miller [come] out if he durst and further saith nothing


See Old Water Mill, Mill Bank / Severhills Mill, Ripponden / Soyland Mill Bridge

This & associated entries use material contributed by Ian Buckley & David Cant

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 13:31 / 15th March 2025 / 4147

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