Roger Beasley

Roger Beasley has contributed

and he has also submitted information which has been used in the entries shown below



10 entries on the Aaron surname SideTrack
Arthur Abbott
Edgar Abbott
George Abbott
James Abbott
James Edward Abbott
Alfred George Abrams
38 entries on the Ackroyd surname SideTrack
Henry Ackroyde
Thomas Henry Relf Acland
Edwin Acrid
James Acrid
Matthew Acrid
Charles Kitson Adams
David Adams
Dr John Andrew Adams
Irving Adams
Rev William Adams
Basil William Addison
George Thomas Addison
Reginald France Addison
13 entries on the Ainley surname SideTrack
Albert Ainsworth
Thomas Ainsworth
Benjamin Lambert Aird
Janet Fanny Aird
E., G. & B. A. Airey
Bartholomew Arkwright Airey
Edmund Airey
George Airey
6 entries on the Aked surname SideTrack
19 entries on the Akroyd surname SideTrack
Albion, Brighouse
Albion Hotel, Claremount
Albion, Norland
George Aldam
Herbert Aldam
John William Aldam
Dr George Walkley Alderman
Dr Henry Cole Alderman
George Cole Alderman
15 entries on the Alderson surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Alexander surname SideTrack
Edward Alford
Peter Allatt
17 entries on the Allen surname SideTrack
Allerton Wire Works,Halifax
Rennie Allinson
Tom Allinson
David Allison
George Allison
Joe Allison
John Dyson Allison
Joseph Allison
Thomas Allison
Bradshaw Allister
Bradshaw Allister
Jane Allister
William Clifford Allister
Allott Brothers
George Allott
Jonathan Allott
Joseph Allott
Thomas Allott
Alma, Cottonstones
24 entries on the Ambler surname SideTrack
Anchor, Brighouse

Anchor, Mill Bank
Anchor Pit, Rastrick
Anchor, Todmorden
John Anderton
Samuel Anderton
Thomas Anderton
William H. Anderton
Captain Maynard Percy Andrews
Angel, Halifax
Henry Anker
Percy Ansdell
Henry Ansell
J. & A. E. Anthony
Albert Edward Anthony
Harold Anthony
John William Appleby
23 entries on the Appleyard surname SideTrack
Clifford Archer
Rev John Kendrick Archer
Thomas Archer
Thomas Archer
Thomas Archer
William Archer
9 entries on the Armitage surname SideTrack
Thomas Armitstead
William Edward Armitstead
James Armstrong
Louis Armstrong
Robert Armstrong
Robert Armstrong
Thomas Armstrong
5 entries on the Armytage surname SideTrack
Abraham Arnold
Edgar Arrandale
James Arrandale
John Arthur
Ashley House, Hebden Bridge
Harry Ashton
Thomas Ashton
39 entries on the Ashworth surname SideTrack
R. H. Ashworth & Company Limited
Samuel George Askew
Joseph Whiteley Aspin
36 entries on the Aspinall surname SideTrack
8 entries on the Asquith surname SideTrack
16 entries on the Astin surname SideTrack
John Astin & Sons
Charles James D. Astley
Rev Oswald Fielding Aston
William Aston
Eric Atack
George Atack
Arnold Atkin
John Harrison Atkin
33 entries on the Atkinson surname SideTrack
Fred Austin
Henry Austin
James Auty
Jonathan Auty
Joshua Auty
Arthur James Averiss
Charles Thomas Aves
James Joseph Aves
Harold Hammond Aykroyd
Sir William Henry Aykroyd
Daniel Ayrton
Matthew Ayrton
Thomas Francis Ayrton


Bacchus Tavern, Halifax
George Hughes Backhouse
Henry John Backhouse
Edward Lawrence Baddeley
William Bratton Baddeley
Rev George Bagot
Rev Elijah Bagott
George Baildon
George Baildon
John Baildon
17 entries on the Bailey surname SideTrack
6 entries on the Baines surname SideTrack
16 entries on the Bairstow surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Baker surname SideTrack
William Baker & Son
Robert Glenton Baldrey
Baldwin & Walker Limited
22 entries on the Baldwin surname SideTrack
Baldwin, Armitage & Company
Luigi Balerna
Percy Fielding Ball
Arthur. Balls
Jonas Priestley Balm
Samuel Balm
Balme & Pritchard Limited
9 entries on the Balme surname SideTrack
11 entries on the Balmforth surname SideTrack
James Bamforth
Milton Bamforth
Nathaniel Banbury
13 entries on the Bancroft surname SideTrack
Henry W. Banham
Bank Top, Lee Mount
Edward Pye Banks
Robert Banks
Roland Banks
Albert Henry Walton Banning
William Mullineux Banning
Arthur William Bannister
John Bannister
25 entries on the Barber surname SideTrack
John Morton Barbour
77 entries on the Barker surname SideTrack
Thomas Barker & Sons
Barkers & Butterworth
Barley Mow, Elland
Rev John Barling
3 entries on the Barnes surname SideTrack
James Riley Barnfield
Edmund Baron
Harry Baron
James Baron
John Baron
William Baron
Fulton Cunningham Barr
Matthew Barr
William Barr
17 entries on the Barraclough surname SideTrack
Henry Barrass
26 entries on the Barrett surname SideTrack
8 entries on the Barron surname SideTrack
Rev Arthur Edmund John Burton Barrow
James Barry
John Shafte Barry
Thomas Barry
Frances Eliza Barsby
Priscilla Barsby
Thomas Barsby
Solomon Barsdorf
4 entries on the Barstow surname SideTrack
Rev John Bartlett
J. & J. Barton
James Barton
John Barton
John Barton
Rev Charles Hairby Barton
William Edward Barton
David Bastide
David Bastide
Harry Bastide
Lewis Bastide
William Lewis Bastide
Albert Bate
David Bate
Harry Bate
John Bate
Thomas Bate
2 entries on the Bateman surname SideTrack
17 entries on the Bates surname SideTrack
Bates's School, Halifax
4 entries on the Bates surname SideTrack
Bath, Elland
Bath Street Tavern, Halifax
Joseph Batie
Charles Edward Batterton
Robert Edward Batterton
Adam Battinson
Adam Battinson
Adam Battinson
Isaac Williamson Battinson
William Batty
William Henry Baume
4 entries on the Baxendale surname SideTrack
13 entries on the Baxter surname SideTrack
Bay Horse, Cross Stone
Bay Horse, Halifax
Bay Horse, Halifax
Bay Horse, Todmorden
Albert Benjamin Bayes
Alfred Walter Bayes
Gilbert William Bayes
James Austin Bayes
Walter Robert Bayes
Frank Baylis
John Baylis
John Baylis
John Baylis
Beacon Tavern, Claremount
Rev Alexander Louis Wellington Bean
William Bean
Benjamin Beard
Alfred Beauchamp
9 entries on the Beaumont surname SideTrack
Clement Bedford
Lawrence Bedworth
Thomas Henry Bedworth
Bee-hive, Halifax
Edmund Buckley Beech
Edward Beech
George Beever
Jim Beever
John Haigh Beever
Jonathan Beever
Jonathan Beever
Joshua Beever
Bernard Behan
John Behan
9 entries on the Bell surname SideTrack
John Edward Benbow
Cookson Bent
Thomas Cookson Bent
18 entries on the Bentley surname SideTrack
24 entries on the Berry surname SideTrack
4 entries on the Best surname SideTrack
Bethel Baptist Chapel, Norland
4 entries on the Beverley surname SideTrack
Dan Bickerdyke
Charles Billington
Frank Billington
Fred Billington
George Billington
Dr Cecil Alexander Bindley
Godfrey Bingley
John Bingley
9 entries on the Binns surname SideTrack
Reuben Bintcliffe
Job Bintley
James Birchenough
Joe Birchenough
Bird-i-th-Hand, Calf Holes
Bird-i-th-Hand, Warland
Bird In Hand, Elland
Bird in the Hand, Halifax
Albert Thomas Bird
Henry Birkbeck

4 entries on the Birtwhistle surname SideTrack
Black Bull, Clifton
Black Bull, Elland
Black Bull, Gauxholme
Black Dog, Halifax
Black Horse, Clifton
Black Horse, Ripponden
Black Horse, Stainland
Black Lion, Halifax
Black Lion, Luddendenfoot
Black Swan, Halifax
Black Swan, Todmorden
Jeremiah Black
Lauchlan Love Black
Stuart Black
John Richard Blacka
15 entries on the Blackburn surname SideTrack
Thomas Blackburn & Sons
John Joseph Hannon Blackwell
John Blackwell
Blackwood Hall, Luddendenfoot
2 entries on the Blagbrough surname SideTrack
Edward Vernon Blakey
Frank Blakey
Henry Chapman Blakey
Thomas Blakey
George Henry Blamires
James William Blamires
James Edward Blezzard
Ernest Blight
James Blight
Abraham Bloomer
Albert Bloomer
Charles Bloomer
George Bloomer
Blue Ball, Halifax
Blue Ball, Norland
Blue Bell, Southowram
Arthur Blunt
Clara Blunt
Ellen Blunt
Boar's Head, Stansfield
Edgar Athelstan Boardall
Fred Boardall
Albert Crossley Bolton
Bolton Brow Working Men's Club & Institute
8 entries on the Bolton surname SideTrack
Richard Bond
Will Bond
7 entries on the Boocock surname SideTrack
Rev William Booker
27 entries on the Booth surname SideTrack
Booth Wood Wesleyan Methodist Chapel
5 entries on the Boothman surname SideTrack
Samuel Boreham
Borough Engineer House, Halifax
Boston Hill, Hebden Bridge
Bottomley's Arms, Shelf
38 entries on the Bottomley surname SideTrack
William Bottomley & Sons
Bottoms Farm, Walsden
Boulderclough United Methodist Chapel
John Bower
Albert Bowes
John Bowker
Joseph Bowker
Joseph Bowker
David Bowles
Joseph Bowles
Frederick Boyd
George Boyd
George Boyd
George Fergus Boyd
Henry Boyd
Jesse Boyd
John Boyd
Thomas Boyd
PC Bracewell
Elizabeth Bracken
Jonathan Bracken
Mary Bracken
Richard Bracken
Bradford Hotel, Halifax
8 entries on the Bradley surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Braithwaite surname SideTrack
Mellor Bramley
Branch Road Inn, Greetland
Harry Brandwood
Isaiah Brandwood
James Brandwood
5 entries on the Bray surname SideTrack
15 entries on the Brearley surname SideTrack
James Brennan
James Brennan
John Harold Brennand
Robert Brennand
Vincent Brennand
Brewers' Arms, Halifax
Brewers' Arms, Halifax
Brewers' Arms, Mount Tabor
Brewers' Cellar, Halifax
Brickmakers' Arms, Halifax
Bridge Hotel, Greetland
Bridge, Luddenden
Bridge Tavern, Halifax
3 entries on the Brier surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Brierley surname SideTrack
14 entries on the Briggs surname SideTrack
Brighton Hotel, Halifax
Britannia Inn, Halifax
British Workman Exhibition
20 entries on the Broadbent surname SideTrack
Brook & Booth
17 entries on the Brook surname SideTrack
Brook, Clough & Company
C. B. Brook & Company
7 entries on the Brooke surname SideTrack
William Brookes
Ernest Brooks
Ezra Brooks
4 entries on the Broomhead surname SideTrack
Richard Brotherton
20 entries on the Brown surname SideTrack
Arthur Brumby
Stephen Brumby
Mr Bryan
Alfred Buckle
Alfred George Buckle
Ernest George Buckle
Francis Buckle
23 entries on the Buckley surname SideTrack
Buckley Wood
George Buckley & Son
Buckton & Brown
Thomas Potter Buckton
Harold Smith Buffett
William Smith Buffett
Horace Bulcock
John Bulcock
John Bulcock
Robert Bulcock
Francis Wilfred Bull
William Bumstead
Abraham Bunney
William Bunniss
William Henry Bunniss
Malcolm Joseph Burke
Patrick Leonard Burke
Charles Richard Burnham
John Burnham
John Burns
Robert Burns
William Wallis Burrell
Joseph Frederick Burrows
George William Burton
John Benjamin Burton
Albert Bushell
Thomas George Bushell
2 entries on the Butler surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Butterfield surname SideTrack
George Henry Butters
Herbert Cyril Butters
20 entries on the Butterworth surname SideTrack
Samuel Henry Byrne


Patrick Caden
Robert Caden
John Heaton Cadman
Thomas Cain
Michael Caine
George Callaghan
Mr Callaghan
William George Callaghan
John Callon
John William Callon
12 entries on the Calvert surname SideTrack
William Camm
Walter Campbell
Willie Campbell
Charles Canning
Walter Canning
John Capener
William Henry Capener
Ernest Cardwell
John Cardwell
Arthur Carling
Walter Sefton Carlton
Albert Richard Carnelley
Joseph Arthur Carnelley
Harry Carpenter
William Henry Carpenter
William Henry Carpenter
Fanny Carr
James Carroll
James Carroll
John Carroll
Michael Carroll
Michael Carroll
Robert Carroll
Robert Henry Carroll
27 entries on the Carter surname SideTrack
James Alfred Cartlidge
Thomas Cartlidge
David Cartman
Henry Cartman
William Carver
Stephen Joseph Casey
Thomas Casey
William Casey
2 entries on the Casson surname SideTrack
Henry Cates
Joseph Cawood
Jonathan Cawthera
Harold Cawthorn
Sam Kay Cawthorn
James Cawthra
James Edward Cawthra
John Cawthra
John Henry Cawthra
Central Clothing Factory, Sowerby Bridge
8 entries on the Chadwick surname SideTrack
Chaffer Brothers
John Chaffer
Young Chaffer
7 entries on the Chambers surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Chapman surname SideTrack
Frank Chappell
Herbert Chappell
John Chappell
John Chappell
Samuel Chappell
5 entries on the Charnock surname SideTrack
Jonas Chatburn
Joshua Chatburn
Peter Cheadle
5 entries on the Cheetham surname SideTrack
John Chilcott
William Chilcott
John Thomas Chilton
Tom Chilton
John Reginald Halliday Christie
Church Tavern, Sowerby Bridge
11 entries on the Clark surname SideTrack
12 entries on the Clarke surname SideTrack
Albert Clarkson
Charles Clarkson
James Clarkson
Samuel Clarkson
John Claxton
William Claxton
15 entries on the Clay surname SideTrack
13 entries on the Clayton surname SideTrack
John Cleary
14 entries on the Clegg surname SideTrack
Mr Cliffe
Percy Clifford
William Clifford
Clifton Post Office
Charles Clifton
James Clifton
James Clough

13 entries on the Cockcroft surname SideTrack
Newsam Cockerill
Abel Cockhill
Herbert Cockhill
16 entries on the Cockroft surname SideTrack
George Coldwell
Herbert Coldwell
John Joseph Coleby
5 entries on the Collinge surname SideTrack
Charles Collingwood
14 entries on the Collins surname SideTrack
John Comley
Commercial Mills, Ripponden
Arthur Welsh Common
Walter Common
Charles Edward Cone
Clement Cone
James Edward Connell
Patrick Connell
Patrick Joseph Connell
James Connolly
Nicholas Connolly
Patrick Connolly
John Patrick Conroy
Patrick Conroy
5 entries on the Cook surname SideTrack
4 entries on the Cooke surname SideTrack
James Palin Coop
8 entries on the Cooper surname SideTrack
7 entries on the Copley surname SideTrack
Robert Copping
Charles Edward Corby
John Corcoran
Michael Corcoran
Patrick Corcoran
Thomas Corcoran
4 entries on the Cordingley surname SideTrack
Jonathan Coulston
William Coup
Herbert Coupe
Willie Coupe
John Cousin
Mary Elizabeth Cousin
Sarah Ann Cousin
William Cousin
Edward Cowie
William Cowie
Arthur Cox
Norman Cox
Patrick Cox
Thomas Cox
Thomas Cox
46 entries on the Crabtree surname SideTrack
Charles Crabtree Limited
Benjamin Cragg
Thomas Cragg
Thomas Henry Cragg
Alexander Daniel Craswell
7 entries on the Craven surname SideTrack
Christopher Crevey
Mr Crevey
Crispin, Halifax
Benjamin Cromack
Thomas Cromack
Ezra Crooks
Robert Crooks
Peter Cropper
Rev James Louis Crosland
Cross Keys, Halifax
Cross Lanes Day School, Hebden Bridge
4 entries on the Crossland surname SideTrack
43 entries on the Crossley surname SideTrack
Lewis Oliver Crothers
William Crothers
Herbert Crowson
John Henry Crowson
41 entries on the Crowther surname SideTrack
Frank Cryer
Jonathan Cryer
William Edward Cryer
William Marshall Cryer
Abraham Cudworth
Ambrose Cudworth
John Cudworth
Arnold Cully
Edward Cully
12 entries on the Culpan surname SideTrack
6 entries on the Cunliffe surname SideTrack
Frederick Arthur Cunningham
James Christopher Cunningham
Peter Cunningham
Thomas Edward Cunningham
Harry Cunnington
William Cunnington
Alfred Curtis
Frederick Charles Curtis


Emmanuel Dale
Alfred Ernest Dalzell
Thomas Frost Dalzell
Charles Danetry
Henry James Danetry
John Daniels
Percy Daniels
George Danson
James Danson
Lawrence Darcey
Lawrence Darcey
Michael Darcey
Frederick Lewin Dargue
Walter Dargue
John Darrell
Robert Henry Darrell
Wilfred Daveney
George Arthur Davey
William Davey
Benjamin Davidson
Harry Whiteley Davidson
6 entries on the Davies surname SideTrack
James Davis & Sons Limited
James William Davis
William Frederick Wilkinson Davis
21 entries on the Dawson surname SideTrack
Robert Dawtrey
Arthur Day
Sally Day
Tom Elliott Day
9 entries on the Dean surname SideTrack
11 entries on the Dearden surname SideTrack
Rev John Haggis Deex
George James Dell
Robert Dempster
Robert Dempster
John Denham
Frederick Henry Denley
William David Denley
James Edward Dennett
William Stewart Dennett
Harry Dennis
Leonard Dennis
Norman Dennis
Samuel Dennis
William Dennison
James Dent
John Dent
Joseph Dent
7 entries on the Denton surname SideTrack
11 entries on the Dewhirst surname SideTrack
Dearnley Dews

Francis Dews
Lewis Irving Dey
Rev E. E. Diggle
James Dignan
James Webster Dilley
John Dilley
Charles Dilworth
Henry Dilworth
Astin Dinsdale
James Willie Dinsdale
William Henry Dinsdale
William Henry Dinsdale
13 entries on the Dixon surname SideTrack
Joseph Dobson
Francis Dockerty
Allan Dodds
Jonathan Allison Dodds
Patrick Doherty
Dennis Dolan
James Dolan
Patrick Dorsey
Patrick Dorsey
Thomas Dorsey
John Douglas
Miss Elizabeth Douglas
Edward Downes
Tom Harry Downes
John Downs
James Doyle
Michael Doyle
Harry Sowden Dracup
Willie Dracup
9 entries on the Drake surname SideTrack
John Drury
John Drury
6 entries on the Duckworth surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Dugdale surname SideTrack
John Duggan
Martin Duggan
Dr John Dunn
James Durkin
Patrick Durkin
Dusty Miller, Walsden
Charles William Dutson
James Dutson
Edward Dwyer
James Dwyer
John Dyche
William Dyche
Allen Leonard Dyer
William Dyer
William Frederick Dyer


Harry Ealham
James Ealham
John Robert Ealham
Bolton Earle
Norman Earle
Robert Earle
Robert Allen Earle
Wilfred Earle
James Earley
Willie Earley
9 entries on the Earnshaw surname SideTrack
Isaac Easterby
19 entries on the Eastwood surname SideTrack
Edward Eaton
Frederick Eaton
Henry Eaton
Lawrence Eaton
Ralph Eaton
Sidney Eaton
George Herbert Edgerton
Harry Edgerton
Horace Edgerton
4 entries on the Edmondson surname SideTrack
10 entries on the Edwards surname SideTrack
John Eggleston
Joseph Elliot
Richard Henry Elliot
Geoffrey Edmund Elliott
Harry Vincent Elliott

John Elliott
12 entries on the Ellis surname SideTrack
Alonzo Ellison
Arthur Ellison
Harold Ellison
Harry Ellison
Herbert Asquith Ellison
John Willie Ellison
Harry Ellwood
Sam Ellwood
Willie Ellwood
George Edward Emmet
John Emmet
6 entries on the Emmett surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Empsall surname SideTrack
Arnold Emsley
Thomas Greenwood Emsley
Edwin English
William Escritt
William Etherington
Charles Evans
Francis Vaughan Evans
Percy Lewis Evans
Rev William Cunnor Evans
Lewis Everett
Jabez Evers
William Lee Evers
Ewood Hall Ladies' School, Luddenden
Exley Lea, Exley


Fred Fairbank
Fred Fairbank
George Fairbank
Sam Fairbank
John Armstrong Fairbridge
John Bertram Fairbridge
George Fairburn
Joseph Fairburn
Albert Farmery
Henry Farmery
John William Farmery
5 entries on the Farnell surname SideTrack
47 entries on the Farrar surname SideTrack
Farrars: S. & A. Farrar
Arthur Farrer
9 entries on the Fawcett surname SideTrack
Edwin Fawley
Newman Fawley
3 entries on the Fawthrop surname SideTrack
7 entries on the Fearnley surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Feather surname SideTrack
John Feber
Robert Henry Feber
Michael Fee
William Fee
George Fernyhough
14 entries on the Field surname SideTrack
33 entries on the Fielden surname SideTrack
Fred Fielder
Henry Fielder
John Fielder
5 entries on the Fielding surname SideTrack
Joseph Henry Scott Finlinson
32 entries on the Firth surname SideTrack
7 entries on the Fisher surname SideTrack
Robert Fitton
Tom Harry Fitton
John Flaherty
John Flaherty
2 entries on the Flather surname SideTrack
6 entries on the Fleming surname SideTrack
F. G. Fleming & Sons
9 entries on the Fletcher surname SideTrack
Albert Flitcroft
Samuel Flitcroft
James Flood
Sam Flood

Thomas James Flood
Horace Fogg
Albert Cracroft Fookes
Dr Ernest Faber Fookes
Thomas Albert Forbes
William Forbes
Michael Ford
William Ford
Charles William Fordham
Harold Fordham
Henry Forrest
John Edward Deet Forrest
John Fort
Joseph William Fort
Fortune & Rushworth
George Fossey
14 entries on the Foster surname SideTrack
John Fothergill
John William Fothergill
Albert Morrison Fowler
John Albert Akroyd Fowler
11 entries on the Fox surname SideTrack
W. Fox & Sons
Richard Foxton
George Arthur France
John William France
Leonard France
Willie France
Alonzo Frankland
John Frankland
Edward French
John French
John Fretwell
Friendly Band
L. Frith & Son
Amos Frobisher
Charles Amos Frobisher
Frederick Frost
Frederick W. Frost
Jonathan Frost
Harold Fry
Harry Fry
Robert Fry
Robert Fry
2 entries on the Fryer surname SideTrack
Fryer's School, Brighouse
3 entries on the Fryer surname SideTrack


Alfred Matthew Gaines
Matthew Gaines
John Gallagher
John Joseph Gallagher
John Gardner
William Gardner
3 entries on the Garforth surname SideTrack
Garlick's School, Halifax
Michael Garlick
Misses Garlick
5 entries on the Garnett surname SideTrack
6 entries on the Garside surname SideTrack
Clarence Gartside
James Gartside
James Gaskell
Gaukroger & Fleming
15 entries on the Gaukroger surname SideTrack
Benjamin Gee
Edward Gee
Edward Gelder
Edwin Gelder
Ernest William Gelder
Frederick Arnold Gelder
Frederick William Gelder
George Douglas Gelder
John Gelder
John Gelder
John Gelder
Sutcliffe Gelder
General Rawdon, Luddendenfoot
Edward George
John George
17 entries on the Gibson surname SideTrack
Harold Gidley
Herbert Gidley
William Gidley
15 entries on the Gill surname SideTrack
Henry Gladwin
James William Gladwin
Harold Glassbrook
William Charles Glassbrook
Alfred Glasse
Charles Glasse
Hugh Augustus Walter Glasse
62 entries on the Gledhill surname SideTrack
David Glendenning
Sam Glendenning
Glenholme, Greetland
Frank Glover
Henry Glover
Jack Sutcliffe Glover
Henry James Goddard
Sidney Goddard
George Godfrey
William Godfrey
Fred Goldthorpe
Frederick Goldthorpe
Albert Edward Gomersall
John William Gomersall
Gooch's School, Halifax
Alfred Gooch
James Henry Gooch
Mrs Anne Gooch
Rev John Gooch
Rev John Henry Gooch
Benjamin Goodaire
Joe Goodaire

Joseph Goodaire
Herbert Goodall
Samuel Goodare
Thomas Edwin Gooder
William Gooder
William Hall Gooder
Charles Goodwin
Frederick Walter William Goodwin
Thomas Goodwin
Thomas Frisby Goodwin
Tom Frisby Goodwin
William Goodwin
Elias Gore
John Gore
Robert William Coker Goshawk
John Gott
Norman Gott
Thomas Davis Gott
Charles Goucke
Charles Edward Broadbent Goucke
Arthur Graham
Harry Graham
Harry Graham
Granby Hotel, Halifax
Peter Metcalfe Granger
Michael Grannan
Samuel Grannan
Thomas Grannan
Thomas Grannan
John Graves
4 entries on the Gray surname SideTrack
Fred Graydon
W. H. Graydon & Sons
2 entries on the Greaves surname SideTrack
17 entries on the Green surname SideTrack
James William Eastham Greenhalgh
Joseph Greenhalgh
Nathan Greenhalgh
Walter Greenhalgh
166 entries on the Greenwood surname SideTrack
Harry Greenwood & Sons
Patrick Gregan
Patrick Joseph Gregan
Richard Gregory
3 entries on the Gregson surname SideTrack
Thomas Griffin
Harry Grindrod
John Grindrod
Gronny Bonk, Todmorden
Benjamin Grummett
James Grummett
Lewis Grummett
George Henry Gudgeon
John William Gudgeon
Joseph Walter Gudgeon
Joseph Walter Gudgeon
Matthew Robert Gudgeon
Alfred Edmund Guest
Henry Guest
Herbert Guest
Percy Guest
Thomas Guest
Arthur Gumby
Leonard Gumby
Henry Hoskins Guppy
Henry Hoskins Guppy
William Henry Guppy


5 entries on the Habergham surname SideTrack
6 entries on the Hadwen surname SideTrack
Michael Hagerty
James Haggas
Thomas Haggas
John Haggis
32 entries on the Haigh surname SideTrack
4 entries on the Hainsworth surname SideTrack
11 entries on the Haley surname SideTrack
Halifax Church Lads' Brigade
3 entries on the Halifax surname SideTrack
10 entries on the Hall surname SideTrack
John Hallam
Charles Hallas
David Hallas
David Hallas
Gledhill Hallas
Henry Hallas
Martin Hallas
Richard Henry Hallas
Sidney Hallas
Sidney Hallas
James William Hallawell
Arthur Gordon Hallewell
Benjamin Hallewell
23 entries on the Halliday surname SideTrack
George & William Halliday Limited
Alexander Bold Halliwell
Frederick Henry Halliwell
Robert Halliwell
Thomas Halliwell
William Halliwell
Alma Jane Hallowell
Edmund Hallowell
Joseph Hallowell
Norris Lambert Hallowell
William Halmshaw
32 entries on the Halstead surname SideTrack
Handel Halstead & Sons
Charles Halsworth
John Halsworth
Robert Hambling
17 entries on the Hamer surname SideTrack
John Henry Hamm
George Hammond
George Hammond
Arthur Hamnett
Samuel Hamnett
Joseph Samuel Hampson
Wilfred Hampson
Thomas Alfred Hand
John William Handy
Robert Handy
James Hanley
Joseph Hanley
Benjamin Hanner
Charles Hanner
20 entries on the Hanson surname SideTrack
Albert Hardacre
Ernest Hardacre
Ewart Hardacre
George Hardacre
Harry Hardacre
Irvine Hardacre
John Hardacre
Leonard Hardacre
Henry Hardaker
John Arthur Hardaker
William Hardaker
Harry George Harding
Rev Arthur James Harding
9 entries on the Hardy surname SideTrack
10 entries on the Hargreaves surname SideTrack
John Harkness
Lewis Dixon Harkness
James Harold
Thomas Francis Harold
Ada Harper
Reynold Harper
Ely Harpin
Albert Harrington
Daniel Harrington
Daniel Harrington
John Harrington
3 entries on the Harris surname SideTrack
16 entries on the Harrison surname SideTrack
Edward Benjamin Hartland
Ernest Edward Hartland
34 entries on the Hartley surname SideTrack
John Thomas Hartney
7 entries on the Harwood surname SideTrack
William Harwood & Sons
Joseph Haslem
Joseph Haslem
Robert Haslem
George Henry Hawkes
Henry Hawkes
William Hawkes
Lawson Hawkridge
Ephraim Hays
Fred Hays
Herbert Hazeltine
James William Hazeltine
Robert Hazle
William Allen Hazle
12 entries on the Heap surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Heaton surname SideTrack
4 entries on the Hebblethwaite surname SideTrack
James Hegarty
Owen Hegarty
James Henry Heggarty
Jonathan Helewell
John William Hellawell
Samuel Smith Hellewell
46 entries on the Helliwell surname SideTrack
6 entries on the Hellowell surname SideTrack
Herbert Helm
John William Helm
4 entries on the Hemingway surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Henderson surname SideTrack
George Edward Henfrey

Harold Henfrey
Tom Harry Henley
Fr Austin P. Henry
Albert Hensby
Edward George Hensby
Frank Hensby
George Henry Hensby
5 entries on the Hepworth surname SideTrack
Charles Heron
Charles Heron
William Henry Heron
Francis Heseltine
Thomas Heseltine
Hilton Heslop
John George Heslop
5 entries on the Hesselden surname SideTrack
15 entries on the Hey surname SideTrack
John Henry Heys
5 entries on the Heyworth surname SideTrack
William Hibbert
Fred Higgins
Thomas Higgins
James Higham
17 entries on the Highley surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Hiley surname SideTrack
12 entries on the Hill surname SideTrack
Hamer Hilton
Priestley Napier Hinchcliffe
5 entries on the Hinchliffe surname SideTrack
Alexander Hincklieff
Allan Hincklieff
Allan Hincklieff
Russell Hincklieff
William Henry Hincksman
Ernest Hines
5 entries on the Hirst surname SideTrack
Hirst Brothers & Son Limited
30 entries on the Hirst surname SideTrack
Harold Hiscoe
Levi Hiscoe
James Hitchcock
20 entries on the Hitchen surname SideTrack
Leonard Trelawney Hobhouse
Harold Hocking
John Hocking
Frederick George Hodges
23 entries on the Hodgson surname SideTrack
Richard Hoey
Thomas Hoey
11 entries on the Holden surname SideTrack
10 entries on the Holdsworth surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Holgate surname SideTrack
Hollas Brothers
12 entries on the Hollas surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Hollinrake surname SideTrack
Hollins Royd, Sowerby Bridge
Edmund Baker Hollis
John Percival Hewett Hollis
John Thomas Hollis
Hollow's Dining Room, Sowerby Bridge
James Arthur Holloway
13 entries on the Holmes surname SideTrack
32 entries on the Holroyd surname SideTrack
15 entries on the Holt surname SideTrack
Herbert Hooson
James Hooson
James Hooson
James Irving Hooson
Mr Hope
6 entries on the Hopkinson surname SideTrack
George Horn
George Levi Horn
John Horn
Rev George Stephenson Hornby
7 entries on the Horner surname SideTrack
George Robert Hornsby
Ralph Hornsby
Ralph Blair Hornsby
William Hornsby
Norman Hornsey
William Hornsey
Horse & Trumpet, Halifax
35 entries on the Horsfall surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Horsfield surname SideTrack
Rev James Hortage
Joshua Thomas Horton
Charlie Hough
John Hough
Hove Edge Quarry
Ernest Baldwin Hovey
George Henry Hovey
Dr Robert Howard
24 entries on the Howarth surname SideTrack
Howcans Pottery, Ovenden
3 entries on the Howe surname SideTrack
Harry Howell
William Howell
4 entries on the Howorth surname SideTrack
25 entries on the Hoyle surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Hudson surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Hughes surname SideTrack
Francis Huish
William G. Hulme
Charles Edward Hulyer
Edward Hulyer
James Hume
Walter Humphrey
William Humphrey
William Humphrey
Albert Hunt
Martin Hunt
William Hunt
William Huntriss
Samuel Markilley Huson
Edward Hussey
James Morton Hussey
10 entries on the Hutchinson surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Hutton surname SideTrack
Andrew Hyslop
Norman Hyslop
Thomas Hyslop


George Dyson Ibberson
George Ibbetson
4 entries on the Illingworth surname SideTrack
Independent Labour Party
33 entries on the Ingham surname SideTrack
Ingwood, Greetland

8 entries on the Iredale surname SideTrack
Charles Isles
John Isles
Rev Canon Charles Llewelyn Ivens
John Iveson
William Ivin


John Ashworth Jackman
Robert Jackman
45 entries on the Jackson surname SideTrack
16 entries on the Jagger surname SideTrack
Eugene Jambu
Astin Jarvis
Robert Oakley Jarvis
Stephen Louis de Jastrzębski
Edwin Jebson
Frederick Jebson
6 entries on the Jenkinson surname SideTrack
6 entries on the Jennings surname SideTrack
Arthur Jevons
James Jevons

John Jevons
Jewson's gunsmiths
Alfred James Jewson
William Jewson
Francis Job
William Francis Job
10 entries on the Johnson surname SideTrack
George Frederick Johnston
Richard Johnston
12 entries on the Jones surname SideTrack
10 entries on the Jowett surname SideTrack
Herbert Joynes
Judd's bequest


John Kay
5 entries on the Kaye surname SideTrack
Joshua Keighley
9 entries on the Kelly surname SideTrack
John Kelsey
Joseph Kelsey
2 entries on the Kendall surname SideTrack
David Kennedy
Isaac Kennedy
James Kennedy
Martin Kennedy
Dr Mason Stanhope Kenny
William Fenton Kenny
Joshua Kenworthy
Horace Kenyon
John Kenyon
Kershaw & Ashworth
13 entries on the Kershaw surname SideTrack
Kershaw House, Luddendenfoot
14 entries on the Kershaw surname SideTrack
Harold Kettley
Frederick Charles Kiddle
John William Kiddle

William Kilburn
Ernest Kinder
4 entries on the King surname SideTrack
King's Head, Sowerby
5 entries on the King surname SideTrack
Sydney Kingham
Walter Stenhouse Kingsbury
Wilfred Kingsbury
Arthur Haddon Kippax
John William Kippax
Smith Kippax
Arthur Kirkbright
James William Kirkbright
Ned Kirkbright
Walter Kirkbright
Rev T. H. Kirkness
3 entries on the Kitchen surname SideTrack
Herbert Kitley
John Kitley
2 entries on the Kitson surname SideTrack
Philip Knight
Richard Hustler Knott


Ernest Lakey
Robert Lakey
Ambrose Lambert
John Lambert
William Henry Lambert
Paul Lancaster
John Landale
Thomas Landale
Strickson Landin
Lane Ends, Norwood Green
Frank Langford
Thomas Langford
Ernest Shillitoe Latchmore
Joseph Latchmore
John Latham
Richard James Scott Latham
Robert Hugh Latham
Law & Crossley Limited
4 entries on the Law surname SideTrack
Law's Endowed School, Rastrick
16 entries on the Law surname SideTrack
Harry Lawer
John Lawer
James Lawlor
Patrick Lawlor
James Lawrence
Samuel Lawrence
Wilberforce Lawrence
John Lawson
Edward Lawton
Ernest Lawton
Joseph Lawton
Joseph Lawton
7 entries on the Laycock surname SideTrack
Fred Layfield
Joseph Layfield
Joseph Layfield
Richard Layfield
6 entries on the Leach surname SideTrack
Arnold Leah
Joseph Leah
Thomas Edwin Leah
William Leah
Eric Leary
John Leary
Andrew Leather
Ernest Leather
James Leaver
William Leaver
James Ledgard
John William Ledgard
Walter Ledgard
14 entries on the Lee surname SideTrack
John William Leek
Wilfred Bentley Leek
John Leeming

John Lees
George Leese
William Henry Leggett
Septimus Lewin
Ernest Lewis
Francis Alexander Leyland
3 entries on the Lightowler surname SideTrack
Albert Limb
Allan Limb
Frederick Limb
John Thomas Limb
Jubal Limb
Jubal Limb
John Albert Limbert
Thomas Limbert
Ellis Lingard
Percy Lingard
Thomas Lingard
Walter Lingard
21 entries on the Lister surname SideTrack
Little Scottie
John David Littlefield
Arthur Littlewood
John Thomas Livesey
Richard Livesey
Thurston Livesey
William Alexander Charles Lloyd
William Murray Lochhead
John Lock
2 entries on the Lockwood surname SideTrack
John James Lofthouse
Ralph Lofthouse
London Territorials
Barnabas Long
Frank Long
William Long
20 entries on the Longbottom surname SideTrack
Longfield Academy, Halifax
24 entries on the Lord surname SideTrack
Lord  Nelson, Halifax
6 entries on the Lord surname SideTrack
Joseph Lovelace
John Loveless
Elias Bennett Lowe
George Ernest Lowe
Tom Lowe
Lower Norcliffe, Southowram
40 entries on the Lumb surname SideTrack
Lupus Vulgaris
Alfred Schofield Luty
Arnold Mayhew Luty
Daniel Luty
Elijah Luty
John Luty
Fred Luxford
George Henry Luxford


Dr Francis Edwin Macaulay
Francis Edwin Macaulay
Robert Machin
Thomas Machin
James MacIntyre
Henry Mackie
Leonard Mackie
Clifford Mackrell
Eli Mackrell
Samuel Mackrell
Shaw Mackrell
John Mackriel
Sam Mackriel
Lewis Mackrill
Dominick Madden
Dominick Madden
George William Mager
Robert Mager
Michael Maguire
Maiden name
Thomas Malkin
Charles James Malley-Martin
James Malley-Martin
7 entries on the Mallinson surname SideTrack
Gilbert Mallison
Harold Edgar Mallison
Matthew Mallison
John Edwin Mamwell
William Henry Mamwell
Alfred Ernest Mander
Charles Manger
Charles Manger
George Manger
3 entries on the Mann surname SideTrack
Dr Alfred Mantle
Rev William March
Robert Marchant
Patrick Marion
John Marron
11 entries on the Marsden surname SideTrack
George Swindon Marsh
John Marsh & Company
48 entries on the Marshall surname SideTrack
7 entries on the Martin surname SideTrack
Mason & Howorth
2 entries on the Mason surname SideTrack
Thomas Masser
George Masters
Henry Matthew
Charles Matthews
C. W. Mattock Limited
Charles Edgar Mattock
Charles Whiteley Mattock
George William Mattock
Samuel Mattock
5 entries on the Maude surname SideTrack
Richard Maxfield
Tom May
Albert Maynard
William Henry Maynard
Fred Mayor
John Mayor
James McAndrew
James McAndrew
John McAndrew
Michael McAndrew
Patrick McAndrew
Charles McCusker
John McHugh
Peter McHugh
Alexander McKay
John L. McKay
Thomas Henry McKay
Walter McKay
Wilfred McKay
Harry Exley McKelvin
John Exley McKelvin
Fr Henry McKenna
Peter McKenna
James McKniff
John McLintock
John Whitworth McLintock
William McManus
Thomas McNaught
Bernard McNea

Mr McNea
Patrick McShee
William Archibald McShee
Harry Mear
Tom Mear
Edward Meek
James William Mellin
John Edward Melling
John Thomas Melling
William Melling
8 entries on the Mellor surname SideTrack
George Merrett
George Henry Merrett
John Willie Merrick
William Welburn Metcalf
Willie Welburn Metcalf
13 entries on the Metcalfe surname SideTrack
James Daniel Micklethwaite
22 entries on the Midgley surname SideTrack
Ernest Miles
5 entries on the Miller surname SideTrack
Herbert Millett
Joseph Millett
George Milligan
William Milligan
2 entries on the Mills surname SideTrack
Rev Francis England Millson
Albert Millthorpe
Joseph Millward
7 entries on the Milner surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Milnes surname SideTrack
James Fred Milthorpe
Frederick Milton
George Milton
Henry Milton
Fred Minett
Henry Elsworth Minett
Rev James Minion
Fred Minnett
George Minnett
79 entries on the Mitchell surname SideTrack
Charles George Conradi Moncrieff
Rev James Cramb Moncrieff
Hubert Moodycliffe
Joe Willie Moodycliffe
John Mooney
John Mooney
Moor Cock, Ovenden
8 entries on the Moore surname SideTrack
George Henry Moroney
Thomas Moroney
Thomas Moroney
3 entries on the Morris surname SideTrack
Archey Edward Morrison
John Thomas Morrison
2 entries on the Mortimer surname SideTrack
11 entries on the Morton surname SideTrack
Leonard Moses
4 entries on the Moss surname SideTrack
Stanley Mottram
Walter Mottram
George Mounsey
William Johnston Mounsey
Mount Skip, Wadsworth
Mount Zion Primitive Methodist Band of Hope, Norland
MPs for Halifax
Mr Mullen
James Mulroy
John Mulroy
John Joseph Mulroy
Thomas Bernard Mulroy
Herbert Reginald Mundy
William Mundy
9 entries on the Murgatroyd surname SideTrack
James Murphy
John Murphy
Nicholas Murphy
Nicholas Michael Murphy
Thomas Murphy
Thomas Murtagh
Thomas Murtagh
Musical Arms, Sowerby Bridge
Calvert Thackray Myers
Fred Thackray Myers


Samuel Nadin
Alfred Nash
William Nash
29 entries on the Naylor surname SideTrack
Ernest Neatby
Fred Neatby
Fred Neatby
Crabtree Needham
John Needham
John Needham
Herbert Neil
James Neil
2 entries on the Nelson surname SideTrack
John William Netherwood
Joseph Netherwood
New Inn, Todmorden
New Road Tavern, Halifax
Thomas Newbold
Walter Thomas Newcombe
2 entries on the Newell surname SideTrack
Charles Newman
George Bernard Newport
6 entries on the Newsome surname SideTrack
Harry Newton
John Newton
Joseph Newton
John Nichol
Percy Ramsden Nichol
Thomas Henry Nichol
William Edwin Nichol
24 entries on the Nicholl surname SideTrack
8 entries on the Nicholson surname SideTrack

John Nightingale
John Nightingale
John Nixon
6 entries on the Noble surname SideTrack
James Joseph Noone
John Norfolk
Wright Norfolk
Norland Brass Band
2 entries on the Normanton surname SideTrack
Normanton's Buildings, Soyland
12 entries on the Normanton surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Normington surname SideTrack
Mark Norminton
Norris & Foster
Norris, Foster & England
George Norrish
Herbert Norrish
George Edward North
Herbert North
Joe North
Mr North
Northfield, Barkisland
Albert James Norton
Nowell Memorial
Halstead Nunn
William Nunn
Arthur Nussey
Jim Nussey
8 entries on the Nuttall surname SideTrack
William Nutter
James Harry Nutting


John William O'Brien
Michael O'Brien
Mr O'Connor
Vincent O'Connor
William O'Connor
John William Oakes
Selwyn Oakes
Dr John Oakley
10 entries on the Oates surname SideTrack
Oddfellows Arms, Brighouse
3 entries on the Oddy surname SideTrack
21 entries on the Ogden surname SideTrack
9 entries on the Oldfield surname SideTrack
Herbert Oldroyd
William Oldroyd

Joseph Oliver
Fred Orme
8 entries on the Ormerod surname SideTrack
John Orr
Jesse Osborne
Jesse Wilfred Osborne
Alan Ostler
Thomas Ostler
William Henry Ostler
Edmund Outram
Edward Owens
James Henry Oxbury
Harry Stanley Peter Oxley
Mr Oxley
Walter Samuel Oxley


Alfred Packwood
Alfred Packwood
Anthony Padden
Thomas Padden
Thomas William Paddison
Arthur Elvis Painter
Thomas Bailey Painter
Charles Palfreeman
Wilfred Palfreeman
George Palfreyman
Hubert Palfreyman
Hedley Palmer
Thomas Palmer
Park Road, Halifax
14 entries on the Parker surname SideTrack
9 entries on the Parkinson surname SideTrack
Albert Parr
Annie Parr
Irvine Parr
John Parr
Samuel Parr
Thomas Parr
Ernest Milton Parrington
Thomas Parrott
William John Parrott
George Patchett
Charles Patrick
Tom Patrick
George Patterson
Arthur Payne
Ernest Payne
John William Payne
John Boyes Peacock
James William Peake
Herbert John Pearce
James Pearce
James Pearsall
James Pearsall
15 entries on the Pearson surname SideTrack
Benjamin Peckett
Charles Peckett
7 entries on the Peel surname SideTrack
Albert Penney
Alfred Penney
Daniel Perry
Hudson Perry
William Steele Perry
Albert Petch
Joseph Petch
William Henry Petrie
Francis Frank Pettitt
John Phillips
Clifford Pickard
Frederick Pickard
James Pickard
Robert Pickard
Charles Edward Pickering
Fred Pickering

2 entries on the Pickersgill surname SideTrack
34 entries on the Pickles surname SideTrack
James Pickup
Joe Pickup
Alfred Pigg
3 entries on the Pilling surname SideTrack
4 entries on the Pinder surname SideTrack
Henry Pitcher
Robert Pitcher
James Pitchforth
Andrew Platt
Ely Platts
James Platts
John Platts
Thomas Platts
Bernard Riley Plews
David Plews
David Reginald Plews
George Plews
Harold Turner Plews
Plummet Line, Halifax
Emmanuel Pogson
William Pollitt
George Harry Poole
William Poole
Albert Porteus
James Porteus
William Porteus
George Edward Potter
Jonathan Potterton
Simeon Poulter
Joseph Powell
Ann Power
Ellen Pratt
George Pratt
William Armitage Pratt
John Presswood
John Presswood
24 entries on the Priestley surname SideTrack
Prince of Wales, Brighouse
Dr Henry Pritchett
James Procter
Richard Halliwell Procter
William Procter
Prospect Place School, Brighouse
Prospect, Sowerby Bridge
William Prout
Providence Primitive Methodist Chapel, Sowerby
Providence Sick & Funeral Society, Sowerby
Public Library & Technical Institute, Sowerby Bridge
Arthur Pullan
Fred Hartley Pullan
James Pullan
Joseph Pullan
Frederick Wilborough Pulman
Joseph Pulman
Lewis Pulman


Rev Cecil Samuel Quainton
John  Quinn

Thomas  Quinn


Thomas Edward Raby
William Raby
3 entries on the Radcliffe surname SideTrack
Thomas Raisbeck
Thomas William Hitching Raisbeck
John Rhodes Ralph
Ram's Head, Sowerby Bridge
Robert Ramsbottom
20 entries on the Ramsden surname SideTrack
William Randolph
11 entries on the Ratcliffe surname SideTrack
Charlie Raven
George Frederick Raven
John William Raven
Thomas Raw
20 entries on the Rawnsley surname SideTrack
12 entries on the Rawson surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Rayner surname SideTrack
Charles William Raynor
Joe Raynor
Charles Reading
Charles Reading
James Readyhough
Thomas Readyhough
Tom Readyhough
John Alfred Redick
8 entries on the Redman surname SideTrack
Reed, Sowerby Bridge
Duke  Lionel Reed
Thomas Reed
Frederick Reeves
Tom Reeves
Joshua Reid
Reindeer Hotel, Halifax
Henry Reynolds
Walter Reynolds
6 entries on the Rhodes surname SideTrack
6 entries on the Richardson surname SideTrack
Demetrius Richmond
John Richmond
William Guy Rickard
William Wilson Rickard
Bentley Riddlesden
Arthur Ridehalgh
Frederick Ridehalgh
Richard Ridehalgh
Thomas Arthur Ridehalgh
Alfred Normington Ridge
John Ridge
22 entries on the Riley surname SideTrack

Matthew Riley & Company
Ripponden Commercial Company Limited
Ripponden Conservative Club
12 entries on the Roberts surname SideTrack
16 entries on the Robertshaw surname SideTrack
Charlie Robertson
William Robertson
Joseph Robey
16 entries on the Robinson surname SideTrack
Robson & Suter
John Robson
Lawrence Robson
Thomas Rochford
Miss Mary E. Roebuck
Frances Rogers
Frances Rogers
Mr Rogerson
Fred Rook
Frederick Rook
Richard Rookes
James Rooks
John Richard Rooks
4 entries on the Roper surname SideTrack
Rose & Crown, Siddal
James Rostron
Thomas Rothera
3 entries on the Rothery surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Rothwell surname SideTrack
Royal Hotel, Sowerby Bridge
Royal Oak, Sowerby Bridge
Michael Royals
Sam Royals
Charles Royds
James Royston, Son & Company
Aquilla Edward Royston
James Royston
George Rudman
William Timothy Rudman
Benjamin Rushforth
John William Rushforth
Mr Rushforth
7 entries on the Rushton surname SideTrack
17 entries on the Rushworth surname SideTrack
Arthur Russell
George Rutherford
Thomas Rutherford
Ambrose Ryan
George John Ryan
Thomas Ryan


Harry Sagar
James Sagar
Saint Paul's, King Cross: Graveyard
Saint Peter's Church, Sowerby
Fred Salmons
Harry Salmons
John Saltonstall
Bryan Samples
George Samples
John Samples
Sam Sandiford
Sydney Sandiford
John Bell Sandwell
James Satchwell
John Whitehead Saunderson
James Savage
William Savage
Mr Savile
Savile College, Halifax
Savile Place, Halifax
Savile Road, Halifax
Berriman Sawdon
James William Scarff
Joshua Scarff
Thomas Scarff
Ernest Scargill
John Edward Scargill
16 entries on the Schofield surname SideTrack
William Schofield & Son
4 entries on the Scholefield surname SideTrack
Frederick Scholes
James Scholes
Charles Henry Scholey
Edwin Scholey
Thomas Scholey
Thomas Scholey
3 entries on the Scholfield surname SideTrack
Ernest August Schumann
Albert Edward Scotford
Charles Moses W. Scotford
George Henry Scotford
14 entries on the Scott surname SideTrack
William Scowby
Edgar Scratcherd
John Scratcherd
Thomas Scratcherd
Thomas Henry Croisdale Scratcherd
Robert Searby
Robert William Searby
Alexander Adam Seaton
Hugh John Armand Seaton
Rev John Abdiel Seaton
Clifford Seddon
John Robert Seddon
7 entries on the Seed surname SideTrack
6 entries on the Senior surname SideTrack
James William Seymour
19 entries on the Shackleton surname SideTrack
F. & J. Shackleton
James Shackleton & Sons
Alfred Sharman
William Sharman
8 entries on the Sharp surname SideTrack
Percy William Sharratt
42 entries on the Shaw surname SideTrack
9 entries on the Sheard surname SideTrack
Charles Henry Lee Sheehan
William Henry Sheehan
John Shelley
W. J. Shepheard & Company
4 entries on the Shepherd surname SideTrack
George Shepley
George Wilfred Shepley
James Shepley
James Shepley
James Shepley
James Shepley
William Shepley
William Shepley
Walter Shield
Edward John Shindler
4 entries on the Shoesmith surname SideTrack
Alfred Shooter
Fred Shooter
James Robert Shooter
Joseph Albert Shooter
Samuel Shooter
Thomas Short
John Shotliff
Shoulder of Mutton, Blackshawhead
Shoulder of Mutton, Southowram
5 entries on the Siddall surname SideTrack
Samuel Silkstone
Tom Burwell Silkstone
Silver War Badge
Thomas Simkin
William Henry Simkin
Albert Edward Simms
Fred Simms
6 entries on the Simpson surname SideTrack
John Goodwin Singlehurst
John Henry Singlehurst
Thomas Sirett
5 entries on the Skelton surname SideTrack
9 entries on the Sladdin surname SideTrack
Fred Sladen
Joseph Sladen

Thomas Sladen
Thomas Sutcliffe Sladen
8 entries on the Slater surname SideTrack
Albert Slinger
Ernest Slinger
James Smallwood
Jonathan Smallwood
107 entries on the Smith surname SideTrack
B. G. Smith & Sons
2 entries on the Smithies surname SideTrack
Rev Edward Snepp
Corronetta Snowden
4 entries on the Southwell surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Sowerby surname SideTrack
Sowerby constables
Francis Robert Sowerby
John Edwin Sowerby
Soyland Town United Methodist Church
James Thomas Sparks
Thomas Richards Sparks
13 entries on the Speak surname SideTrack
Paul Speak & Sons
Thomas Speight
Walter Spence
Willie Spence
12 entries on the Spencer surname SideTrack
Norcliffe Blakey Spenser
John Robert Spetch
Thomas Spetch
Farrar Spink
Frank Spink
Spiritualist Progressive Lyceum, Sowerby Bridge
Square Road Mill, Halifax
David Squire
Harry Squire
Thomas Henry Squire
Henry Squires
Joseph William Squires
Stafford Arms, Halifax
Richard Stafford
Richard Parker Stafford
Robert Parker Stafford
William Stafford
4 entries on the Stancliffe surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Standeven surname SideTrack
John Thomas Stanger
Robert Henry Stanger
Rebecca Hannah Stanley
Robert Stannard
6 entries on the Stansfeld surname SideTrack
15 entries on the Stansfield surname SideTrack
Star Hotel, Halifax
Samuel Starkie
4 entries on the Stead surname SideTrack
Benjamin Steele
Leonard Steele
Thomas Steele
John Frederick Steinmetz
George Stell
John William Stell
William Stell
William Stell
William Stell
12 entries on the Stephenson surname SideTrack
Steps Tavern, Sowerby Bridge
Clifford Stevens
John Henry Stevens
Milton Stevens
Alfred Stevenson
William Hosking Stevenson
4 entries on the Stocks surname SideTrack
Benjamin Walter Stockton
Stoney Springs Mills, Midgley
William Jessop Storer
Allan Stork
Allan Stork
John Stork
Joseph Stork
21 entries on the Stott surname SideTrack
Arthur Stubbs
Walter Cecil Ewart Stubbs
Joseph Suddick
Tom Suddick
6 entries on the Sugden surname SideTrack
Jeremiah Sullivan
Jeremiah Sullivan
William Sullivan
Charles Summerscales
John Summerscales
Joseph Summerscales
Lloyd Dewhirst Summerscales
Tom Summerscales
John Summerskill
Pliny Summerskill
19 entries on the Sunderland surname SideTrack
Annie Wood Sussman
98 entries on the Sutcliffe surname SideTrack
4 entries on the Suthers surname SideTrack
7 entries on the Swallow surname SideTrack
Alfred Swan
Robert Swan
Robert Swan
14 entries on the Swift surname SideTrack
George Swindells
Charles Henry Swire
Frank Harland Swire
Jabez Swire


The Halliday family
The Greeasy Chin Club
The Sowerby Bridge Chronicle
Thomas Tabiner
Bernard John Talbot
Harry John Edgar Talbot
Harry Robert Talbot
John Talbot
George Thomas Tallis
John George Tamblin
Percy Edmund Tamblin
James Tansey
Oliver Tansey
William Thomas Tansey
9 entries on the Tasker surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Tate surname SideTrack
James Tatham
5 entries on the Tattersall surname SideTrack
44 entries on the Taylor surname SideTrack
John William Teal
Lewis Fred Teal
Thomas Gilbert Teasdale
Armitage Tempest
Barzillai Tempest
Temple maker
Alfred Tetley
Harold Arthur Tetley
25 entries on the Thomas surname SideTrack
28 entries on the Thompson surname SideTrack
George Thomson
John James Thomson
Thorn Tree, Halifax
9 entries on the Thornton surname SideTrack
6 entries on the Thorp surname SideTrack
7 entries on the Thorpe surname SideTrack
Arthur Thoseby
James Henry Thoseby
John Thoseby
John Thomas Thoseby
Martin Thoseby
Three Horseshoes, Mixenden
Owen Thristan
Owen Thristan
Archie Throp
Benjamin Throp
Edmund Throp
William Throp
William Francis Throp

7 entries on the Tidswell surname SideTrack
Anthony Tiffany
George Tiffany
3 entries on the Tillotson surname SideTrack
William Tipling
2 entries on the Titterington surname SideTrack
James William Todd
Percy Todd
Todmorden & the Great War
Todmorden Volunteers
James Todd Tolleth
Robert Baird Tolleth
George Tolley
Percy John Tolley
Vernon Stanley Tolley
William Tolley
Patrick Toole
Ernest Toothill
William Edward Toothill
Top o' th' Hill Farm, Walsden
John Tordoff
Joseph Town
West Town
William Town
Joseph Marshall Townend
4 entries on the Townsend surname SideTrack
Travellers' Rest, Halifax
Michael Traynor
Patrick Traynor
William Henry Tregonning
Ernest Trewartha
John Trewartha
John Andrew Trewartha
William Henry Carbis Trewartha
Frank Lloyd Trickett
James Trickett
Ebenezer Robert Tripp
John Trotter
John William Tuckett
Thomas Tuley
William Tuley
29 entries on the Turner surname SideTrack
John Robert Turton
Albert Tweed
Samson Tweed
Samuel Tweed


Robert Ulph
George Henry Ulrich
Robert Ulrich
Undercliffe, Southowram
Union Clothing Company, Todmorden
Unitarian Chapel Graveyard, Todmorden
Unitarian Church Graveyard, Todmorden
Upper Norland Hall

Utley's School, Sowerby Bridge
Jonathan Utley
Michael Utley
Samuel Utley
William Henry Utley
Abraham Uttley
Uttley Brothers


Vale House, Norland
Pieter Van Gelder
5 entries on the Varley surname SideTrack
John William Varnham
Joseph Varnham
William Henry Varnham
Albert Veal
Albert Annett Veal
Herbert Veal
Sarah Jane Veal
John Veevers
Thomas Veevers
William Veevers
John Venables
John Venables
John Thomas Verity
Thomas Verity
Thomas Verity

William Burt Verity
William Henry Verity
William Rothwell Verity
Charles Vickerman
Jonathan Vickerman
Joseph Vickerman
William Vickerman
Vine Hotel, Brighouse
Arthur Viney
George Viney
Vista Bellisimo
George Vollands
Edward Vowles
James Henry Vowles
Mrs Mary Ann Vowles
William Vowles


7 entries on the Waddington surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Wade surname SideTrack
39 entries on the Wadsworth surname SideTrack
Jeremiah Wadsworth & Sons Limited
4 entries on the Wainhouse surname SideTrack
William Arthur Wainwright
Dr William Waite
John William Waite
William Herbert Waite
Joseph Waites
Thomas Waldron
Thomas Waldron
29 entries on the Walker surname SideTrack
Walter Wallbank
Abraham Waller
Daniel Waller
Henry Hirst Waller
Henry Norman Waller
Michael Waller
William Waller
Thomas Walmsley
Thomas Herbert Walmsley
Thomas Richardson Walmsley
William Walmsley
13 entries on the Walsh surname SideTrack
Tom Walshaw
Walshaw vs Walshaw
6 entries on the Walton surname SideTrack
Walton's School, Hipperholme
Walter Walton
Wapping Spring Brewery, Outlane
6 entries on the Ward surname SideTrack
David Wardle
Harry Wallace Wardle
Joseph Wardle
Albert Spray Wardley
George Wardley
Joseph Waring
Warley Congregational Church
Charles William Washington
Frederick George Washington
General  George Washington
Harry Washington
Henry Washington
George Wass
John Waterfall
Cyril Lyon Waterfield
George Valentine Waterfield
Charles Edward Waterman
John Waterman
Harry Watkin
William Watkin
6 entries on the Watkinson surname SideTrack
15 entries on the Watson surname SideTrack
Henry Watterson
John Watterson
Anna Mary Waugh
Edmund Minson Wavell
Edmund Minson Wavell
Zacharias Brierley Webb
11 entries on the Webster surname SideTrack
Thomas Weedon
Samuel Weightman
John Wells
2 entries on the West surname SideTrack
West End Congregational Sunday School, Sowerby Bridge
Henry West
West Ward Iron Works, Halifax
William West
Edwin Weston
George Westwood
James Whatmough
Willie Whatmough
Wheat Sheaf, Ovenden
John Wilkinson Hoyle Wheelwright
J. W. Wheelwright & Sons
Walker Whipp
22 entries on the Whitaker surname SideTrack
Frank Whitbread
Frank Whitbread
3 entries on the White surname SideTrack
White Horse, Luddendenfoot

4 entries on the White surname SideTrack
11 entries on the Whitehead surname SideTrack
Whiteley & Son
65 entries on the Whiteley surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Whitham surname SideTrack
7 entries on the Whitley surname SideTrack
Joseph Whitmore
George Whittemore
Joseph Whitwam
13 entries on the Whitworth surname SideTrack
Who could a' thowt it, Southowram
Joseph Widdop
Walter Widdowson
Joseph Samuel Widdup
Whiteley Widdup
Wilfred Widdup
Peter Hargreaves Wigglesworth
Thomas Hargreaves Wigglesworth
10 entries on the Wilcock surname SideTrack
John Henry Wilcox
Joseph Wilcox
5 entries on the Wild surname SideTrack
7 entries on the Wilde surname SideTrack
28 entries on the Wilkinson surname SideTrack
Clement Willans
Isaac Willans
4 entries on the Williams surname SideTrack
Willow Hall Boarding School, Halifax
Edwin Wills
32 entries on the Wilson surname SideTrack
James Winard
John William Winard
Oswald Winard
Dr John Thomas Windle
John Windross
William Windross
Edward Winn
Richard Winn
Mr Winsland
Harold Douglas Winter
Louis Winter
Annie Winterbottom
Herbert Winterbottom
Lewis Winterbottom
Robert John Winterbottom
John Henry Wogan
Peter Wogan
5 entries on the Wolfenden surname SideTrack
Alfred Wolsey
George Wolsey
Ann Wolstenholme
Francis Wolstenholme
James Wolstenholme
William Wolstenholme
8 entries on the Womersley surname SideTrack
41 entries on the Wood surname SideTrack
Wood's Mill, Hipperholme
28 entries on the Wood surname SideTrack
Joseph Wood & Sons Limited
 Joseph Wood
14 entries on the Woodhead surname SideTrack
Arthur Woods
Frederick Workman
George Workman
James Workman
William Workman
8 entries on the Wormald surname SideTrack
Charles Wray
Charles Labourn Wray
George Wray
Harry Wray
Herbert Wray
Arthur Lewis Wressell
Mary Jane Wressell
Percy Wressell
7 entries on the Wright surname SideTrack
4 entries on the Wrigley surname SideTrack
Lewis Wroot
Herbert Wyld
Walter Wyld
John Wylde
Mary Alice Wylde


Jonas Yates
Tom Yeadon
Frank Yelland
Tom Yellow
William Yellow
Thomas Youd

Robert Youd
Thomas Youd
Thomas Watkin Youd
Young & Burrell
Isaac Young


© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 18:44 / 8th March 2025 / 217526

Page Ref: QQ_72

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