James W Drake
James W Drake
has kindly contributed information about a large number of topics including
the Anchor Pit, Brighouse
and has submitted many items from his collection of photographs taken
by Desmond Culpan
James has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:
- The Albert Theatre & Opera House, Brighouse
- The Anchor Inn, Brighouse
- The Black Bull, Brighouse
- The Black Swan, Brighouse
- The Bridge, Brighouse
- Brighouse Bus Station
- Brighouse Civic Hall
- Brighouse District Industrial Society
- Brighouse Post Office
- Brighouse Town Hall
- The Clifton Arms, Brighouse
- The Commercial Inn, Rastrick
- The George, Brighouse
- Lawson Road, Brighouse
- New Road Sunday School, Rastrick
- The New Tavern, Brighouse
- The Prince of Wales Inn, Brighouse
- Rastrick Bridge
- Rastrick Finishing Company
- The Ritz, Brighouse
- The Robin Hood, Brighouse
- Round Hill, Rastrick
- The Round Tavern, Brighouse
- The Rydings, Brighouse
- Salvation Army Citadel, Brighouse
- St Paul's Sunday School, Brighouse
- The Stott's Arms, Brighouse
- Sugden's Mill, Brighouse
- Sunwin House, Brighouse
- The Vine Hotel, Brighouse
- Webster's, Brighouse
- Wellington Arcade, Brighouse
- The White Swan, Brighouse
Malcolm Bull
Revised 17:36 / 22nd December 2023 / 3972
Page Ref: QQ_77