Southgate, Halifax
Southgate is one of the major streets in Halifax town centre.
It runs from Corn Market to Ward's End.
It was originally South Field Gate – the road to the
Southfield, the Suffelds-lane.
It became Southgate around 1635.
It was widened between 1880-1910.
In June 1881, newspaper reports told of
Supposed Roman remains at Halifax – the construction of the
New South Street from Old Cock Yard to Ward's End has disclosed what
are believed to be Roman remains, which are held to be strong proof
that Halifax was a Roman station.
The remains consist of a length of earthenware pipe about 4 inch bore
which ran in a line from Well Head to the upper side of the Old Cock
Local antiquaries hold the opinion that they are Roman
On 5th January 1920, ratepayers meeting turned down a proposal for
trams to run on Southgate.
After a trial period starting 19th September 1972, the street was
permanently pedestrianised in March 1973.
It was officially inaugurated in September 1973 by Mayor Raymond
The occupants of the properties here have included
- Unknown Address:
- Corner House, Halifax
- William Finch
- Marks & Spencer
- Palace Chambers, Halifax
- South Place
- Southgate Chambers, Halifax
- Elizabeth Threlkeld
- Ward's End, Halifax
- Westgate, Halifax
- Magson House, Halifax [1609]
- New Market, Halifax [1790]
- William Norris [1809]
- Rose & Crown, Halifax [1809]
- M. Norris [1816]
- Halifax Public Reading Room [1818]
- Sarah Ambler, corn & flour dealer [1822]
- Sarah Armytage, linen draper [1822]
- Sarah Armytage, tea dealer [1822]
- James Bates, cotton & silk dyer [1822]
- Mary Best, milliner & dress maker [1822]
- William Bradley, timber & raff merchant [1822]
- William Brierley, grocer [1822]
- William John Norris & Company, manufacturing chemists [1822]
- Elizabeth Hartley, grocer [1822]
- Hemingway, straw hat manufacturer [1822]
- Kershaw Holroyd [1822]
- John Pearson, furniture broker [1822]
- South Gate House, Halifax [1822]
- John Roe, butter, cheese & bacon factor (Saturday) [1829]
- John Allen, boot & shoe maker [1834]
- William Bradley, timber merchant [1834]
- Hannah & Sons Nicholson, wine & spirit merchants [1834]
- William Rothwell, merchant [1834]
- John Standeven, painter etc [1834]
- Barras Mier [1835]
- William Bradley, timber merchant [1837]
- Joseph Clarkson, mustard manufacturer [1837]
- William Stephenson [1837]
- William Swales, fish & fruit dealer [1837]
- Charles Norris [1844]
- James Pearson Ambler [1850]
- Henry Barker [1858]
- George Earnshaw [1858]
- Halifax Fire Station [1887]
- Southgate Balcony [1896]
- Palace Theatre, Halifax [1903]
- Arcade Royale, Halifax [1912]
- F. W. Woolworth & Company Limited [1936]
- H. W. Shepherd, turf accountant [1936]
- Wilbefort's [1940s]
- Fred Moore Limited [1950s]
- Wilkinson's [2000]
- Number 1:
- W. Swale [1872]
- Edwin Hodgson, butcher [1936]
- Number 2:
- Number 3:
- Number 4:
- Number 5:
- Number 6:
- Number 8:
- Number 9:
- Henry Best, wool comb maker [1822]
- Joseph Clarkson [1837]
- H. Roebuck, house furnisher [1936]
- Number 10:
- Number 11:
- Henry Best, wool comb maker [1834]
- Robert Ingham, tailor [1936]
- Number 12:
- Number 13:
- Hesselden & Binns, children's outfitters [1936]
- Number 14:
- Number 15:
- George R. Pearson, tailor [1936]
- Number 16:
- Number 17:
- James Taylor, painter, etc [1829]
- Maud & Goddard, modistes [1936]
- Number 18:
- Number 19:
- Number 20:
- Number 21:
- Number 22:
- Number 23:
- Benjamin Milnes, agent [1829]
- Mrs Edith A. Shaw, glass & china dealer [1936]
- Number 24:
- Number 25:
- Number 26:
- Elizabeth Hartley, shopkeeper [1829]
- John Tiffany, plumber & glazier [1834]
- John Farrar, hair dresser [1837]
- John Farrar, hat manufacturer [1837]
- Number 27:
- Number 28:
- Number 29:
- Number 30:
- Elizabeth & Mary Hemingway, straw hat maker [1829]
- Number 31:
- Dan Robinson [1829]
- Alfred Hill [1901]
- Maylor's (prop: W. H. & A. Walton), fish & poultry dealers [1936]
- Sea-Land Foods [1960s]
- Merrie England Café [1990s]
- Number 32:
- Number 35:
- Number 36:
- Number 37:
- George H. Walker & Smith, accountants [1936]
- Harry Wiener, tailor [1936]
- Number 39:
- Wainwright, confectioners [1936]
- Number 42:
- Number 44:
- Number 50:
- Number 52:
- Number 54:
- The Morris Wallpaper Company Limited [1936]
- Number 56:
- Number 60:
- Number 66:
- Number 80:
- James Harrison, tobacconist [1936]
- Number 84:
- Thomas Duckney, confectioner [1936]
Beerhouses & Pubs in Southgate, Halifax |
Several beerhouses and public houses have been recorded in and
around Southgate, Halifax, including
Butter Cross /
Chamberlain Precinct /
Magistrates' Office /
Taylor's Yard
This & associated entries use material contributed by John Ogden
Malcolm Bull
Revised 18:16 / 14th March 2025 / 19733
Page Ref: QQ_9910