Broad Street, Halifax


General Points

Broad Street, Halifax was constructed in the 1820s as an elegant boulevard.

Until the 1930s, it ran from Northgate to Waterhouse Street. There was no way through for Broad Street to Pellon Lane and Cow Green.

A new road was created between 1935 and 1937, and Broad Street then ran through to St James' RoadThe City and Cross Fields had been cleared in 1926.

In 1950, property opposite the Town Hall was demolished to widen Broad Street and Northgate.

Since the area was cleared in 1950, it has been the site for a Bowling Alley and a car park. There has been continual discussion about redeveloping the site, and a multi-screen cinema has been on and off for years.

In Autumn 2003, there comes yet another proposal for a cinema, shops, a hotel, restaurants, apartments and bars. In a town which has more pubs and bars per capita than any other town in the country, and which has growing problems of drunkenness, rowdyism and violence, we really need more bars. In the local paper, we see pictures of smug councillors hovering over power-blue models of what the place is to look like ... for a week or two.

In 2009, work began on the site.

Property in Broad Street

The occupants of the properties here have included

Beerhouses & Pubs in Broad Street, Halifax

Several beerhouses and public houses have been recorded in and around Broad Street, Halifax, including

See Northgate House, Halifax / Portland Street, Halifax

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 15:44 / 14th March 2025 / 12679

Page Ref: QQ_9914

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