Streets in Calderdale



Daisy Bank, HalifaxRef 19-1945

Daisy Bank, Hebden BridgeRef 19-3012

Daisy Bank, Norwood GreenRef 19-2680

Daisy Bank Street, TodmordenRef 19-1423

Daisy Hill, MixendenRef 19-1027

Daisy Lea, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1396

Daisy Mount, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1422

Daisy Road, RastrickRef 19-2707

Daisy Street, BrighouseRef 19-338
The street – and shop – disappeared under a compulsory purchase order from the Council in the late 1970s

See Croft Street, Brighouse

This & associated entries use material contributed by Steven Dean & Janis King

Daisy Street, HalifaxRef 19-1976

Dale Avenue, TodmordenRef 19-1600

Dale Street, BrighouseRef 19-269
Originally known as Cabbage Street.

It was renamed for Emmanuel Dale around 1894.

The street was lost in the 1970s when the area was redeveloped for the construction of the Lüdenscheid Link.

A trace of the street still remains as the car park between the Salvation Army Citadel and the former Brighouse Co-operative Stores in King Street

Dale Street, ClaremountRef 19-1823
Recorded in 1874

Dale Street, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1450

Dale Street, TodmordenRef 19-310
In the early 19th century, it was called Deal Street.

Dale Street Co-operative Society was here.

See Todmorden Co-operative Society

Dale Terrace, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1473

Dale View, LuddendenfootRef 19-2004

Dale View, MytholmroydRef 19-3038

Daleside, GreetlandRef 19-2034

Daleson Close, NorthowramRef 19-2060

Dalton Street, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1500

Dalton Street, TodmordenRef 19-1642
In 1881, Sarah Ford [1841-1???] was a boarding house keeper at 2 Dalton Street, Stansfield

This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham

Dam Head, NorthowramRef 19-2091

Dam Head Road, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1528

Dam Top, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1554

Damark Street, HalifaxRef 19-2146

Damask Street, HalifaxRef 19-2628
Stannary / Pellon Lane.

Near Carpet Street, Halifax. Recorded in 1905

Dames Avenue, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1139

Dampier Street, TodmordenRef 19-1713

Danebury Road, RastrickRef 19-2735

Danny Lane, LuddendenfootRef 19-2989
The toll bar from Daisy Bank was brought here in 1858

Danum Terrace, NorthowramRef 19-2118

Dapper, WheatleyRef 19-1059

Darcey Hey Lane, Pye NestRef 19-2991
See Edwards-Wainhouse feud

Darcy Hill, HalifaxRef 19-1319
Recorded in 1845 at Skircoat

Dark Lane, BlackshawheadRef 19-2199

See Manor House, Blackshawhead

Dark Lane, MytholmroydRef 19-1229
A sunken path

Dark Lane, ShibdenRef 19-1700
A sunken path, or holloway, which is a continuation of Barrowclough Lane.

The banks are up to 12 ft high in places.

This was a part of the Wakefield Gate route between Hipperholme and Beacon Hill. Since 1986, this has been listed.

At one time, there was a holy well near the path.

See Alta Via

Dark Lane, SouthowramRef 19-3131
Lane which leads from Church Lane – just south of the junction with Chapel Lane – to Cromwellbottom

Dark Lane Methodist Chapel, Southowram was here

Darley Street, HalifaxRef 19-2256
Recorded in 1874 as part of Stannary.

See North Darley Street, Northowram / South Darley Street, Halifax

Darnes Avenue, Pye NestRef 19-2147

Davey Lane, BlackshawheadRef 19-2227

Davies's Court, HalifaxRef 19-6919
Foundry Street.

Recorded in 1890.

See Davy's Yard, Halifax

This & associated entries use material contributed by Ruth Bourne

Davison's Court, HalifaxRef 19-7026
Recorded in 1871, when it was listed at/near Crossley Terrace

Davy Cottages, Hebden BridgeRef 19-3066

Davy's Court, HalifaxRef 19-6926
Recorded in 1910

See Davies's Court, Halifax / Davy's Yard, Halifax

This & associated entries use material contributed by Ruth Bourne

Davy's Yard, HalifaxRef 19-2200
Recorded in 1851 & 1874 off Foundry Street.

See Davy's Court, Halifax

This & associated entries use material contributed by Ruth Bourne

Dawson's Court, HalifaxRef 19-2270
Recorded in 1874 & 1936 Off Crossley Terrace / Hanson Lane

Day Street, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1173

Deal Street, HalifaxRef 19-2993
Run westwards off Church Street.

The 19th century wool warehouses at Numbers 1-5 are listed

Deal Street, TodmordenRef 19-1629
An earlier name for Dale Street, Todmorden

Dean Alley, HalifaxRef 19-7040
Recorded in 1861

Dean's Buildings, HalifaxRef 19-6992

Recorded in 1871, when Henry Dean lived here

Dean Clough, HalifaxRef 19-52
The site of Dean Clough Mills of Crossley's Carpets

See Lee Bank

Dean Court, CopleyRef 19-2228

Dean End, GreetlandRef 19-2253

Dean Farm, SowerbyRef 19-2252

Dean House Lane, LuddendenRef 19-314
Late 18th century / mid 19th century houses – numbers 1, 2 and 3 – here are listed.

See Broadfold House, Luddenden / Dean House Farm, Luddenden / Dean House, Luddenden

Dean House Lane, StainlandRef 19-2286

Dean House Road, StainlandRef 19-1203

Dean Lane, SowerbyRef 19-6047

See Dean Lane Fountain, Sowerby / Dean Lane, Triangle / Field House, Sowerby

This & associated entries use material contributed by Keith Noble

Dean Lane, TriangleRef 19-6546
Runs from Stubbing Lane / Sandy Dyke Lane to Mill Bank Road.

See Dean Lane, Sowerby

This & associated entries use material contributed by Keith Noble

Dean Street, EllandRef 19-755

Dean Street, HalifaxRef 19-3039
Recorded in 1874 off Pellon Lane

Dean Street, West ValeRef 19-2312

Dean Villas, TodmordenRef 19-1913

Dean Wood View, HalifaxRef 19-2341

Deanroyd Road, TodmordenRef 19-2892

Deans Terrace, BoothtownRef 19-2373

Dearden's Square, HalifaxRef 19-2541
Area of Hopwood Lane

Dearden Street, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-2285

Dearnley's Yard, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1933
Hollins Mill Lane

Deep Lane, BrighouseRef 19-2759

Deep Lane, CottonstonesRef 19-2311

Deep Lane, Norton TowerRef 19-2339

Delf Close, ShelfRef 19-2400

Delf Hill, RastrickRef 19-4797
The block of early 19th century houses – numbers 9, 11 and 13 – are listed

Delf Place, RastrickRef 19-2788

Delf Road, RastrickRef 19-1438
The block of late 18th century houses – numbers 9 and 11 – are listed

Delfs Lane, CottonstonesRef 19-2371

Delph Cottages, BarkislandRef 19-2426

See Sam Furness

Delph Hill Castle, SkircoatRef 19-6844
Mid 19th century terrace of houses, off Delph Hill Road.

The houses were demolished in the 1960s, except for Numbers 25, 26 & 27 which are now a single dwelling

This & associated entries use material contributed by Phil Carter

Delph Hill, HalifaxRef 19-2509

Delph Hill Lane, MidgleyRef 19-1439

Early 19th century houses – Numbers 1 & 2 – are listed. They may have been built for the workers at Oats Royd Mill

Delph Hill, RastrickRef 19-330

Delph Hill Road, SkircoatRef 19-2455

See Delph Hill Castle, Skircoat

Delph Hill, SouthowramRef 19-6683
Listed next to the Neptune Inn, Brighouse [1901]

Delph Hill, StainlandRef 19-2543

Delph Hill Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-2480

T' Delph, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-282
Local name for Lower Clifton Street, Sowerby Bridge

Delph Street, HalifaxRef 19-54
Area of King Cross Street

Delph Terrace, BarkislandRef 19-2570

Delvers Square, OvendenRef 19-2655
Recorded in 1841

Denby Place, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1599

Dene Close, EllandRef 19-787

Dene Place, HalifaxRef 19-2597

Dene Royd Close, StainlandRef 19-2629

Dene Royd Court, StainlandRef 19-2656

Dene Royd, StainlandRef 19-2682

Dene View, LuddendenRef 19-2708

Denfield Avenue, OvendenRef 19-2736

Denfield Crescent, OvendenRef 19-2760

Denfield Edge, OvendenRef 19-2789

Denfield Gardens, OvendenRef 19-2816

Denfield Hill, OvendenRef 19-1230

Denfield Lane, OvendenRef 19-2841

Denfield, OvendenRef 19-1109

Denfield Square, OvendenRef 19-2865

Denham Street, BrighouseRef 19-1562
Recorded in 1881 off Church Street.

Named for Albert Marsden Denham.

The street and its houses were lost when the area was redeveloped in the 1970s when the Lüdenscheid Link was constructed

Denham Street, RastrickRef 19-2815

Denholme Gate Road, HipperholmeRef 19-6688
The block of 18th century houses – numbers 1, 2 and 3 – are listed. There is a plaque dated WMS 1771

Denholme Gate Road, NorthowramRef 19-3020

See Brighouse & Denholme Gate Road, Northowram

Denion's Square, HalifaxRef 19-3237
Denton's [??].

Recorded in 1874 off Upper Brunswick Street

Dennis Court, HalifaxRef 19-3151
Recorded in 1874 & 1905 near 82 Green Lane

Dennis Gallery, HalifaxRef 19-1451
Recorded in 1905 near 66 Green Lane.

See Dennis Upper Gallery, Halifax

Dennis Lower Court, HalifaxRef 19-1475

Recorded in 1905. The gazetteer of 1924 described it as being

near 74 Green Lane / Richardson Street

Dennis Upper Gallery, HalifaxRef 19-1529
Recorded in 1905 near 88 Green Lane.

See Dennis Gallery, Halifax

Denton's Buildings, SiddalRef 19-6803
Oxford Lane.

Recorded in 1901

Denton's Court, HalifaxRef 19-1346
Recorded in 1905 near 33 Upper Brunswick Street

Denton's Court, HalifaxRef 19-6575
Recorded in 1874 & 1905 near 44 Great Albion Street

Denton Row, StainlandRef 19-2921

Denton Square, HalifaxRef 19-2569
Area of Upper Brunswick Street

Recorded in 1841

Der Street, TodmordenRef 19-3033
See Derdale Street / Der

Derby Street, BoothtownRef 19-1261
Recorded in 1874. One of a number of streets parallel to Boothtown Road, between Grantham Road and Rawson Street North.

Derby Street, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1641

Derby Street, TodmordenRef 19-3152

Derdale Street, TodmordenRef 19-1807

See Der Street, Todmorden

Derwent Close, Hebden BridgeRef 19-3086

Devon Street, HalifaxRef 19-3022
Recorded in 1901

Devon Way, Bailiff BridgeRef 19-2840

Dewhirst's Buildings, EllandRef 19-1918
Park Road. Recorded in 1905. The houses were built in 1905 for the workers at the nearby Valley Mills of John Dewhirst & Company.

In 1972, poltergeist activity was reported at a house in the block

This & associated entries use material contributed by Kai Roberts

Dewhirst's Buildings, EllandRef 19-7106
Wakefield Road

Dewhirst Road, BrighouseRef 19-1291

Dewhirst Row, OvendenRef 19-7107
Recorded in 1851

Dewhurst Road, BrighouseRef 19-2864

Dewsbury & Elland Turnpike RoadRef 19-2135

See Bradley Bar / Elland & Obelisk Turnpike

Dewsbury Road, EllandRef 19-816

Dewsbury Road, RastrickRef 19-2891

Dial Place, MixendenRef 19-1372

Diamond Street, HalifaxRef 19-3023

Diamond Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-2945

Dib Dike Lane, WaltercloughRef 19-2596

Dick Bank, RastrickRef 19-931

Dickens Street, HalifaxRef 19-2967

Dickin Court, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1706

Dineley Avenue, TodmordenRef 19-1874

Dirk Carr, HalifaxRef 19-3171
House on Old Bradford Road off Range Bank.

Recorded in 1891 & 1905

Discovery Road, HalifaxRef 19-964
An access road for Eureka! The museum for children

Dispensary Walk, HalifaxRef 19-2990

Ditches, TodmordenRef 19-1912

Dixon Close, GreetlandRef 19-3013

Dob Lane, SowerbyRef 19-6051

Some of the mid/late 18th century houses here are listed

See Lower Snape Farm, Sowerby / Stump Cottage, Sowerby Bridge

Dob Royd, StainlandRef 19-5115
Recorded in 1850 as being at the top end of town when James Sugden and his family lived here.

See Ducking Stool, Stainland

This & associated entries use material contributed by Peter Stubbs

Dobby Hall, HalifaxRef 19-6830
Haley Hill.

Recorded in 1841 & 1887

Dobroyd Court, TodmordenRef 19-1944

Dobroyd Road, TodmordenRef 19-1974

See Pex House, Todmorden

Dobson's Yard, EllandRef 19-1443

Doctor Hill, HalifaxRef 19-3028

Doctor Lane, HalifaxRef 19-1719
An earlier name for Fountain Street, Halifax.

Dr John Hodgson Wright had a surgery here [1860s].

Presumably renamed when the Prescott Fountain was erected in 1884

Dodd Naze EstateRef 19-2399
Dodd Naze

Dodge Holme Court, MixendenRef 19-D84
One of 6 blocks of high-rise flats built at Mixenden in 1965: Cragg Court, Mixenden / Hebble Court, Mixenden / Jumples Court, Mixenden / Mixenden Court, Mixenden / Wheatley Court, Mixenden

In the 1980s, it was sold to a private developer.

In 2008, it was declared to be a fire-trap and the occupants were moved out.

See Cragg Court, Mixenden

Dodge Holme Drive, MixendenRef 19-3087

Dodge Holme Gardens, MixendenRef 19-3109

Dodge Holme, MixendenRef 19-1397

Dodge Holme Road, MixendenRef 19-3132

Dodgson Street, EllandRef 19-844

Dog Kennel Lane, SouthowramRef 19-148
Bank Top.

See The Square, Bank Top

Dog Lane, EllandRef 19-1742
Former name of Eastgate

Dog Lane, GreetlandRef 19-997

See Crawstone Hall, Greetland / High Trees Hall, Barkisland

Dog Lane, HeptonstallRef 19-6900

Dog Lane, StainlandRef 19-2090

Doghouse Lane, TodmordenRef 19-3173
Some of the buildings here are listed

Doldram Lane, NorlandRef 19-1437

See Longley Farm, Norland

Doles Lane, CliftonRef 19-2203
Off Highmoor Lane

Dombey Street, HalifaxRef 19-3170

Doncaster Street, HalifaxRef 19-3196

Donkey Hill, HalifaxRef 19-753
The cobbled road links Woodside and Boothtown with Old Lane and the mills at Dean Clough

Dorchester Drive, HalifaxRef 19-3218

Douglas Street, Akroydon, HalifaxRef 19-3258

Dovedale Close, ShelfRef 19-3279

Dover Street, ClaremountRef 19-2988
Recorded in 1874 & 1936.

Ran north-east between St Thomas Street, Claremount and Parsonage Street, Claremount. The street and its houses were lost when Claremount Road and New Bank were redeveloped in the 1960s

Dover Street, TodmordenRef 19-2003

Dowker Street, HalifaxRef 19-3299

Drake Street, BoothtownRef 19-1320
One of a number of streets parallel to Boothtown Road, between Grantham Road and Rawson Street North.

Draper Corner, Hebden BridgeRef 19-5612
Area of Slack, Heptonstall

Draper Lane, SlackRef 19-2424

The Drive, HipperholmeRef 19-4291
One of 3 laconically-named roads off Leeds Road, Hipperholme: The Avenue, The Crescent and The Drive

The Drive, MytholmroydRef 19-2076

Drury Lane, StainlandRef 19-3318

Dry Carr Lane, MidgleyRef 19-2454

See Dry Carr Farm, Midgley

Dry Soil, Hebden BridgeRef 19-3108

Dryclough Close, HalifaxRef 19-3339

Dryclough Lane, HalifaxRef 19-3043
Aka Dry Clough Lane

See Rhodesia Avenue, Halifax / Stafford Parade, Halifax

Duck Hill, Hebden BridgeRef 19-5614

Dudley Avenue, IllingworthRef 19-1501

Dudley Crescent, IllingworthRef 19-3385

Dudley Drive, IllingworthRef 19-1557

Dudwell Avenue, Skircoat GreenRef 19-963

Dudwell Drive, Skircoat GreenRef 19-1371

Dudwell Grove, Skircoat GreenRef 19-995

Dudwell Lane, Skircoat GreenRef 19-3047

Duke Street, EllandRef 19-876

Duke Street, HalifaxRef 19-383
Ran between Lister Lane and Gibbet Street, just below Stead Street and above Cow Green

Duke Street, LuddendenfootRef 19-3048

Many late 18th century / 19th century houses here are listed

  • Numbers 1, 2, 3
  • Numbers 4-8

Duke Street North, HalifaxRef 19-1878
Recorded in 1874, 1905 & 1936 off Charlestown Road

Duke Street, TodmordenRef 19-2033

Duke William Yard, HalifaxRef 19-6980
Bridge Street â€.

Recorded in 1891

Duke Yard, HalifaxRef 19-6909
Stood near the Duke William pub and was reached by a road from Lower Kirkgate which ran beneath the Charlestown Viaduct

Dule Hole Bank, RishworthRef 19-795
The name may use the element tuel, meaning Devil's Hole

Dunce Park Close, EllandRef 19-901

Dundas Street, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1347

Dundee Road, TodmordenRef 19-2059

Dungeon Street, HalifaxRef 19-1724
Lane running off Swine Market between the bottom of Gibbet Street and Pellon Lane

The Chapeltown Dungeon stood here.

The street disappeared in the 1960s and Lister Court flats now stand on the site

Dunkirk Crescent, HalifaxRef 19-3049

Dunkirk Gardens, HalifaxRef 19-1058

Dunkirk, HalifaxRef 19-57
Area of Parkinson Lane

Dunkirk Lane, HalifaxRef 19-3051

Dunkirk Street, HalifaxRef 19-1108

Dunkirk Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-1137

Durham Street, HalifaxRef 19-1172

Durham's Yard, BrighouseRef 19-6747
Off Commercial Street. Recorded in 1873

Durn Street, TodmordenRef 19-2117

Dutchman Lane, BoothtownRef 19-6740
An early name for Woodlands Road, Claremount.

See Flying Dutchman, Boothtown / George Wood

Dye House Lane, BrighouseRef 19-2478

Dye House Lane, NorlandRef 19-2508

Dye House Yard, HalifaxRef 19-7042
Bailey Hall Bank.

Recorded in 1851

Dyer's Fold, HalifaxRef 19-3362
Recorded in 1874 off Bank Bottom

Dyer Lane, WheatleyRef 19-1202

Dyke Lane, EastwoodRef 19-3240
Some of the buildings here are listed

Dyson Lane, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-6052

Dyson Place, SiddalRef 19-1260

Dyson Road, HalifaxRef 19-1290

Dyson Road, PellonRef 19-5161
Pellon Station was here

Dyson Square, BrighouseRef 19-9
Bonegate Road.

Recorded in 1914

Dyson Street, BrighouseRef 19-2920

Dyson Street, HalifaxRef 19-1026
Recorded in 1874 off Haugh Shaw Road

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