Streets in Calderdale



Gainest, Pye NestRef 19-4508

Gall Lane, CornholmeRef 19-1400

Gallery, SalterhebbleRef 19-2793
Recorded in the 1851 census

See Back Gallery, Salterhebble / Under Gallery, Salterhebble

Gamaliel Lane, HeptonstallRef 19-1958
Built in 1802 by Gamaliel Sutcliffe to link Mytholm and his mills at Lumb Mills, Heptonstall

Gannex Park, EllandRef 19-6273
Development on the site of the former Broad Lea Mill

Ganny Court, BrighouseRef 19-2545

The street and its houses were lost when the area was redeveloped in the 1970s when the Lüdenscheid Link was constructed

Ganny Road, BrighouseRef 19-393
There was a police station here before that in Police Street opened.

See Brighouse Bus Station / Ganny

Gaol Lane, HalifaxRef 19-1838
Aka Jail Lane.

Lane just north of, and parallel to, Woolshops, running from Northgate to Winding Road.

Property here included

The buildings in the area were demolished in the 1970s.

Mesolithic tools were found when a 13th century house was demolished here.

The vestiges of the lane can be found down the southern side of the former Central Library on Northgate.

Beerhouses & Pubs in Gaol Lane, Halifax

See Atkinson's Yard, Halifax / Back Lane / Braithwaite's Court, Halifax / Emmet's Lower Court, Halifax

Gaol Street, ClaremountRef 19-4357
Recorded in 1874 off Horley Green Road

Garden Fold, HipperholmeRef 19-4527

Garden Lane, GreetlandRef 19-3467
There was a monitoring station for the Royal Observer Corps here. This was set up in 1962 to monitor nuclear activity during the Cold War. It was decommissioned in 1991

Garden Road, BrighouseRef 19-247

See Waterloo Road, Brighouse

Garden Square, Hebden BridgeRef 19-2009
Popularly known as Birkenhead in the 19th century

Garden Street, HalifaxRef 19-4153
Recorded in 1864 & 1874 off Haley Hill

This & associated entries use material contributed by Glynn Helliwell

Garden Street, HalifaxRef 19-4177
Recorded in 1874 off Swan Bank

Garden Street, HalifaxRef 19-4204
Recorded in 1874 off West Parade

Garden Street, HalifaxRef 19-6638
Recorded in 1874 off New Bank

See Bethel Court, Halifax

Garden Street, Hebden BridgeRef 19-1841
Built by William Patchett in the garden of his White Horse Inn to link Commercial Street and Bridge Gate and bypass the White Lion which was owned by his brother, Richard.

There is a stone trough at the end of the car park here

Garden Street, Lee MountRef 19-4401

Garden Street North, HalifaxRef 19-1836
Street north of Charlestown. The name comes from the gardens which once were at Charlestown.

Recorded in 1885 & 1887

See Brearley's Yard, Halifax / Garden Street Mill

This & associated entries use material contributed by Glynn Helliwell

Garden Street, TodmordenRef 19-3811

Garden Terrace, Hebden BridgeRef 19-2894
Originally called Industrial Street

Garden Villas, Hebden BridgeRef 19-2923

Gardener's Square, HalifaxRef 19-68
Recorded in 1874 off Well Lane. The area was cleared in 1935

Gardener's Street, HalifaxRef 19-5554
Recorded in 1874 off Haley Hill

Gardeners Square, HipperholmeRef 19-3485
Aka Gardner Square. Area opposite Hipperholme Grammar School

The Gardens, HalifaxRef 19-69

Garfield Street, Lee MountRef 19-4552

Garfield Street, TodmordenRef 19-5144

Gargrave Close, RastrickRef 19-4828
In October 2006, the Brighouse Echo carried a story of a hooded figure which had been seen by residents in the close, and of paranormal events witnessed by the occupants of a house there

This & associated entries use material contributed by Kai Roberts

Garibaldi Street, TodmordenRef 19-1503

Garlick Street, RastrickRef 19-2599

Garner's CourtRef 19-636

Garnett Street, Hebden BridgeRef 19-5648
A house here is listed

Garnett's Yard, HalifaxRef 19-6843
St James's Road.

Recorded in 1851

Garside Drive, WheatleyRef 19-6316
Built in 2011. Named in honour of Geoffrey Garside. A block is called Walter House

Garth's Yard, HalifaxRef 19-5608
Recorded in 1874 off Gibbet Street

Garwick Terrace, West ValeRef 19-4573

Gas House Lane, EllandRef 19-7104
Runs off Elland Bridge and alongside the Canal

Gas House Lane, HalifaxRef 19-3134
Recorded in 1905 off Charlestown Road / Old Bank

Gas Works Lane, EllandRef 19-6462
The offices of the Elland-cum-Greetland Gas Company and Elland Gas Works were here

Gas Works Road, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1474

See Gas Works Road Bridge, Sowerby Bridge

Gate Head Lane, Hebden BridgeRef 19-3506

Gatehead, GreetlandRef 19-4598

Gates End, Cragg ValeRef 19-1531

Gath's Court, HalifaxRef 19-6580
Recorded in 1905 off 8 Gibbet Street

Gathorne Street, BrighouseRef 19-4466
Recorded in 1905

Gaukroger's Court, HalifaxRef 19-4233
Recorded in 1874 off Upper Brunswick Street

Gaukroger Lane, HalifaxRef 19-1644

See Shaw Hill House, Halifax

Gaukroger Yard, HalifaxRef 19-2843
Off Lilly Lane.

Recorded in 1861, when William Gaukroger was living here.

Recorded in 1881

Gauxholme Fold, TodmordenRef 19-3834

Gaythorne Terrace, HipperholmeRef 19-4620

General Wood, TodmordenRef 19-3854

George Corner, BrighouseRef 19-7126
A popular name for the intersection of Commercial Street, Brighouse and Bradford Road, Brighouse on which the George Hotel, Brighouse stands

George Green's Fold, HalifaxRef 19-3447
Recorded in 1787

The George, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-5311

George Street, BrighouseRef 19-366
Wakefield Road.

Thomas Blackburn built housing here primarily for his workers at Phoenix Mill

George Street, ClaremountRef 19-4260
Recorded in 1874

George Street, CliftonRef 19-3524

George Street, EllandRef 19-3342

George Street, HalifaxRef 19-1699
Over the years, the street has been known as Back Lane / Lovelace / Loveledge / Loveless Lane.

The street is said to have been named after a visit by King Christian VII of Denmark on 1st September 1768.

Some writers have expressed doubt about this explanation for the origin of the name, and suggest that it was named after Sir George Savile who often stayed at Royds' House.

Thomas Kershaw was involved in redevelopment of the area [1900].

On 4th December 1923, a runaway motor lorry wrecked property in the street.

On 1st February 1926, Halifax ratepayers voted against widening George Street and development of Bull Green, Halifax.

On 16th December 1926, there was a Ministry of Transport inquiry into Halifax Corporation's application to borrow £22,634 to buy property in Silver Street, George Street and Black Swan Passage for the proposed widening of George Street.

Around 1935/1940, buildings in Silver Street, Black Swan Passage and George Street were demolished when George Street was widened. The newer buildings on the north side were completed in the 1950s.

See Bull's Head, Halifax, George Square and Somerset House

George Street, HipperholmeRef 19-4144
Houses here were designed by Joseph Frederick Walsh [1892].

There are passages between the houses. These were probably to allow the carts through to collect refuse and night soil. There are 2 rooms above the passage, one belonging to the house on the left, the other belonging to the house on the right

George Street, MytholmroydRef 19-2947

George Street, RastrickRef 19-3301

George Street, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4643

George Street, TodmordenRef 19-3876

See George Street Co-operative Society, Todmorden

George Street, West ValeRef 19-4768

George Terrace, RastrickRef 19-6374

Georges Street, OvendenRef 19-2867

Gerrard Street, HalifaxRef 19-3176
Bramwell Booth was born at 3 Gerrard Street, Halifax.

See Jer Street, Halifax

Gib Lane, WadsworthRef 19-6659
A part of the Limers' Gate route

Gibb Lane, Mount TaborRef 19-3177
See Gibb Farm, Mount Tabor / Gibb Lane Well, Mount Tabor / Sunny Bank Farm, Mount Tabor

Gibb's Terrace, SiddalRef 19-6828
Recorded in 1916

Gibbet Lane, HalifaxRef 19-1829
Aka Gibbet Hill, Gibbet Street

Gibbet Street, HalifaxRef 19-1822
Aka Gibbet Hill, Gibbet Lane.

The Gibbet stands here.

See Brown Cow Buildings / Chapeltown / Abbotts Terrace, Aked's Yard, Birch Square, Bromley's Court, Eton Street, Fielden Street, Harrow Street, Leafland Street, Ramsden Court, Swift Court and Upper Ramsden's Yard

Gibraltar Avenue, HalifaxRef 19-3181
The housing estate here stands on the site of the works of the former Campbell Gas Engine Company Limited. The houses used much of the stone from the buildings

Gibraltar, HalifaxRef 19-211
Area of Parkinson Lane

Gibraltar Road, HalifaxRef 19-3182
Named for Gibraltar Farm

Gibson's Buildings, OvendenRef 19-7100
Recorded in 1861, when they were listed as Gibson's Houses at 81-89 Old Lee Bank

Gibson Street, HalifaxRef 19-6895
Recorded in 1916 at Mount Pleasant / off Commercial Road

Gibson Street, TodmordenRef 19-3546

Gilb's Court, HalifaxRef 19-5670
Recorded in 1874 off Waterhouse Street

Gilbert Cottages, BarkislandRef 19-4796

Gilbert Fields, BarkislandRef 19-4849

Gilbert Gardens, BarkislandRef 19-4881

Giles Hill Lane, ShelfRef 19-1833

Gill's Court, HalifaxRef 19-1964
Recorded in 1861 off Waterhouse Street, Halifax.

Recorded in 1890.

See G. H. Radcliffe

Gill's Passage, HalifaxRef 19-7084
Recorded in 1841 off Crown Street, Halifax

Gilmour Street, Lee MountRef 19-4441
Runs between Old Lee Bank and St George's Road

Gin Pit Hill, CliftonRef 19-2572
A gin driven by a horse was used to pump water and raise coal from a mine here

Gladstone Buildings, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-400
Sowerby New Road.

William Ackroyd lived here [1891]

Gladstone Place, HalifaxRef 19-4285
Recorded in 1874 off Commercial Road

Gladstone Road, HalifaxRef 19-3188
Part of West Hill Park. Named for William Gladstone

Gladstone Street, HalifaxRef 19-5991
Recorded in 1874 off Commercial Road

Gladstone Street, StainlandRef 19-4912

Gladstone Street, TodmordenRef 19-3900

Gladstone Terrace, EllandRef 19-401
A row of back-to-back houses dated 1881

Gladstone View, SiddalRef 19-4940

Glaisdale Grove, HipperholmeRef 19-4968

Gleanings Avenue, Norton TowerRef 19-4994
This and Gleanings Drive – the Mount Farm Estate – were built in the 1920s/1930s by Joseph Walker & Son.

See Gleanings, Norton Tower

Gleanings Drive, Norton TowerRef 19-5020
This and Gleanings Avenue – the Mount Farm Estate – were built in the 1920s/1930s by Joseph Walker & Son.

See Gleanings, Norton Tower

Gledcliffe, HalifaxRef 19-5051

Gleddings Close, HalifaxRef 19-5077

Gledhill's Buildings, GreetlandRef 19-6814
Recorded in 1891

Gledhill's Buildings, HalifaxRef 19-6707
King Cross Road.

Recorded in 1851, when William Gledhill and family lived here

Gledhill Street, TodmordenRef 19-3926

Gledhill's Terrace, RastrickRef 19-4823
Recorded in 1910

Gledholt Street, BrighouseRef 19-2343
The street no longer exists

Glen Avenue, TodmordenRef 19-3949

Glen, HalifaxRef 19-6467
Recorded in 1861 & 1874 at Pellon

Glen Lea, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4670

Glen Mount Close, HalifaxRef 19-5108

Glen Mount, WheatleyRef 19-5137

Glen Royd, StainlandRef 19-5165

Glen Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-5189

Glen Terrace, HipperholmeRef 19-4421

Glen Terrace, TodmordenRef 19-3971

The Glen, TodmordenRef 19-3292

Glen View, HalifaxRef 19-5218

Glen View, Hebden BridgeRef 19-2994

Glen View, Lee MountRef 19-4486

Glen View Road, Hebden BridgeRef 19-2969

Glen View, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4701

Glen View Street, TodmordenRef 19-3993

Glencoe, HalifaxRef 19-5270

Glenfield, GreetlandRef 19-5296

Glenfield Place, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4735

Glenholme Heath, HalifaxRef 19-5323

Glenholme Villas, Lee MountRef 19-4619

Glenroyd, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4485

Glove Yard, HalifaxRef 19-2114
Recorded in 1874 off Copper Street

Glyndon Court, RastrickRef 19-3627

Godfrey Road, HalifaxRef 19-3205
Named for Ingram Fuller Godfrey

See Charles Albert Mitchell

Godley Bank, ClaremountRef 19-1947

Godley Branch Road, HalifaxRef 19-1979

Godley Close, RishworthRef 19-4526

Godley Gardens, HalifaxRef 19-5354

Godley Lane Head to Norwood Green TurnpikeRef 19-2169
Turnpike recorded in 1827

Godley Lane, RishworthRef 19-2006

Godley Lane, ShibdenRef 19-3207
The main road from Stump Cross towards Halifax.

See Godley Cutting / Old Godley Lane

Godley Road, HalifaxRef 19-3208

Godley Row, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4507

Godly Lane, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4550

See Brown Cow House, Rishworth

Goit Side, BoothRef 19-3209
Variously listed as being in Booth & Midgley & Luddenden.

See The Dean, Midgley / Woodlands, Luddenden

Elizabeth Bracken

Gold Street, BoothtownRef 19-G27
Recorded in 1874 at Mill Lane.

Recorded in 1905 off Leyland Street.

An aisled house at Number 4, Gold Street, Boothtown is mentioned in Aisled Houses in the Halifax Area

Goldfields Avenue, GreetlandRef 19-5378

Goldfields Close, GreetlandRef 19-5402

Goldfields View, GreetlandRef 19-5424

Goldfields Way, GreetlandRef 19-5448

Golf Avenue, HalifaxRef 19-5474

Golf Crescent, HalifaxRef 19-5500

Goodall's Terrace, SalterhebbleRef 19-6890
Recorded in 1910

Gooder Lane, RastrickRef 19-4834
Recorded in 1855

Gooder Street, BrighouseRef 19-253
The street ran parallel to, and just north of, Commercial Street. Recorded in 1855

The street was lost in the 1970s when the area was redeveloped for the construction of the Lüdenscheid Link

Goose Clough, MixendenRef 19-4734

Goose Nest Lane, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4572

See Goose Nest Farm, Norland / Lower Goose Nest, Norland

Goose Pond Lane, NorlandRef 19-4331

Goosegate, IllingworthRef 19-5526

Gordon Street, Akroydon, HalifaxRef 19-5583

Gordon Street, EllandRef 19-6464
Named after a member of the Langdale family

Gordon Street, HolmfieldRef 19-5241
Recorded in 1905 off Beechwood Road

Gordon Street, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4596

Gordon Street, TodmordenRef 19-4012

Gorple Cottages, Hebden BridgeRef 19-3015

Gorpley Lane, TodmordenRef 19-2038

Goshen View, TodmordenRef 19-4033

Gosling Lane, BarkislandRef 19-3569

Gosling Royd, HolmfieldRef 19-3174
Recorded in 1905 off Keighley Road

Gosport Close, SowoodRef 19-2063

Gosport Lane, OutlaneRef 19-2120

Governor's Street, HalifaxRef 19-71
Recorded in 1874. It was a part of The City

Governor Yard, HalifaxRef 19-3198
Recorded in 1905 off Governor Street

Grafton Place, OvendenRef 19-5641

Grafton Street, BoothtownRef 19-3221
Recorded in 1891 & 1905 off Boothtown Road

Grammar School Place, RastrickRef 19-3645

Grand Junction Hotel Passage, HalifaxRef 19-G35
Near the Grand Junction Hotel, Halifax.

Recorded in 1905, when Briggs Priestley was here

Grand View, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4642

Grandsmere Place, HalifaxRef 19-5701

Grange Avenue, IllingworthRef 19-5763

Grange Bank, ShelfRef 19-5790

Grange Court, SouthowramRef 19-5847

Grange Dene, MytholmroydRef 19-3589

Grange Heights, SouthowramRef 19-5906

Grange Lane, BrighouseRef 19-3664

Grange Park, HalifaxRef 19-5936

Grange Street, Lee MountRef 19-5966

Granny Bar, BrighouseRef 19-6891
Recorded in 1868 when the name of the Street was changed.

Question: Does anyone know where the Street was, and what the name became?


Granny Hall Grove, BrighouseRef 19-3685

Granny Hall Lane, BrighouseRef 19-4838
Named for Granny Hall

See Broomfield Quarry, Brighouse / Pond Quarry, Brighouse

Granny Hall Park, BrighouseRef 19-3705

Granny Hill Bottom, CopleyRef 19-3239
Recorded in 1905

Granny Hill, HalifaxRef 19-5062
King Cross.

See Granny

Granny Hill Lane, CopleyRef 19-3768
Recorded in 1905

See Granny

Granny Hill Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-6019

Granny Hill Top, HalifaxRef 19-441
Recorded in 1874 at King Cross

Grant Street, HalifaxRef 19-847
Recorded in 1874 Area of Mount Pleasant / off Commercial Road

Grantham Place, HalifaxRef 19-6044

Grantham Road, BoothtownRef 19-6070
There were a number of streets of back-to-back houses which ran parallel to Boothtown Road between Grantham Road and Rawson Street North:

Streets (1) to (5) were demolished in the 1970s and Rawson Junior, Infants' & Nursery School was built on the site.

Houses on Palm Street and Cathcart Street are still there.

Streets (8) to (12) were demolished and a housing development was built on the site.

See Boothtown Methodist Church, Grantham Road

Granville Street, EllandRef 19-3365

Granville Street, TodmordenRef 19-4055

Grape Street, HalifaxRef 19-5733
Off Gibbet Street

Grasmere Drive, EllandRef 19-3388

Grasmere Place, OvendenRef 19-5816

Grassy Bottom, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4669

Gratrix Lane, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4699
See Clough Mill, Sowerby Bridge / Stone Mill Tannery, Sowerby Bridge / Thompson's Buildings, Sowerby Bridge

Gray's Court, HalifaxRef 19-2
Off Range Lane. Recorded in 1873

Gray Hall Close, StainlandRef 19-6094

Gray Street, HalifaxRef 19-904
Recorded in 1874 off Range Lane

Great Albion Street, HalifaxRef 19-1814
Formerly Cabbage Lane Field.

Recorded in 1874

On 1st October 1917, the first command kitchen in Halifax opened here.

Halifax's first multi-storey flats opened at Albion Court and St James's Court, Great Albion Street on 25th April 1964.

See Halifax Girls' Club

Great Edge Road, WarleyRef 19-2149

Great House Road, TodmordenRef 19-4083
Named for Great House, Eastwood

Great Scout, LuddendenfootRef 19-6119

Greave House Drive, LuddendenRef 19-6176

See Greave House, Midgley

Greave House Fields, LuddendenfootRef 19-6203

Greave House Park, LuddendenfootRef 19-6262

Greave Road, RippondenRef 19-2202

Greave Street, TodmordenRef 19-4104

Greaves Buildings, NorthowramRef 19-5674
Recorded in 1841

Greaves Fold, StainlandRef 19-6287

Greaves Place, StainlandRef 19-6320

Green Acres, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4767

Green Bank, MytholmroydRef 19-3041

Green's Court, HalifaxRef 19-3261
Recorded in 1905 off Foundry Street

Green End, BrighouseRef 19-3730

Green End, Old TownRef 19-5654
A row of weavers' cottages built in 1825

Green Hall, MixendenRef 19-5879

Green Hall Park, ShelfRef 19-6349

Green Head, NorlandRef 19-2230

Green Hill, HalifaxRef 19-6385

Green Houses, LuddendenfootRef 19-6412

Green Lane, BradshawRef 19-3281

Green Lane, BrighouseRef 19-3751

Green Lane, GreetlandRef 19-1485
/ West Vale.

Property here includes

Green Lane, HalifaxRef 19-4308
Recorded in 1905. It was a continuation of Crib Lane running to Pellon Lane.

The street and much property in the area was demolished in the 1960s.

Halifax Police Station in Richmond Close stands on the site of the street

Green Lane, HalifaxRef 19-6440
Burnley Road

Green Lane, HartsheadRef 19-5104
The way from Towngate, Clifton to St Peter's Church, Hartshead, has been known as Kirkgate, then Green Lane, then Well Lane

Green Lane, Heptonstall SlackRef 19-3646

Green Lane, LuddendenRef 19-3666

Green Lane, MixendenRef 19-6151

Green Lane, NorthowramRef 19-6503

Green Lane, Pye NestRef 19-2255

Green Lane, RippondenRef 19-2288

See Ringstone Edge reservoir

Green Lane, ShibdenRef 19-2315

Green Lane, SouthowramRef 19-3628
Lane leading from Bank Top to Beacon Hill.

See Bolton Quarries, Southowram / Colburn farm, Southowram

Green Lane, SowerbyRef 19-3607

Green Lane, SowoodRef 19-3788

Green Lane, West ValeRef 19-3242

Green Mount, Norwood GreenRef 19-6573

Green Mount Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-3686

Green Park Avenue, Skircoat GreenRef 19-6611

Green Park Drive, HalifaxRef 19-3706

Green Park Gate, HalifaxRef 19-3729

Green Park Road, Skircoat GreenRef 19-45

Green Park Street, HalifaxRef 19-3750

Green Royd, HalifaxRef 19-91

Green Springs, Hebden BridgeRef 19-3068

Green Street, ClaremountRef 19-6904
Recorded in 1911

Green Street, StainlandRef 19-132

Green Terrace Square, HalifaxRef 19-251

Green Way, IllingworthRef 19-284

Green's Yard, HalifaxRef 19-1029
Recorded in 1874 off Foundry Street

Greenacres Avenue, ShelfRef 19-320

Greenacres Drive, ShelfRef 19-350

Greenacres Grove, ShelfRef 19-380

Greenacres, ShelfRef 19-410

Greencroft Avenue, NorthowramRef 19-466

Greenfield Avenue, Bailiff BridgeRef 19-501

Greenfield Close, HalifaxRef 19-559

Greenfield Close, StainlandRef 19-584

Greenfield Park Lane, StainlandRef 19-610

Greenfield Place, LightcliffeRef 19-3260
Runs south from Wakefield Road

Greenfield Terrace, TodmordenRef 19-4127

Greengate Head, StainlandRef 19-665

Greenhead Lane, RastrickRef 19-3769

Greenholme, Causeway FootRef 19-6232

Greenroyd Avenue, Skircoat GreenRef 19-700

See Aldwyn / Southdale

Greenroyd Close, HalifaxRef 19-729
See Bermerside House, Halifax

Greenroyd Crescent, HalifaxRef 19-758

Greenroyd, West ValeRef 19-789

Greenroyde Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-819

Greens Square, HalifaxRef 19-878

Greenup's Terrace, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-5749
Samuel Wilkinson was involved in adding sculleries and water closets for 21 houses in the street [1904]

Greenups Terrace, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-2375
Recorded in 1861

Greenwood's Buildings, HalifaxRef 19-1111
Recorded in 1874 off New Bank

Greenwood Court, HalifaxRef 19-7024
Recorded in 1871, when it was listed at/near Crossley Terrace

Greenwood Street, HalifaxRef 19-2218
Recorded in 1874 as part of Stannary off St James's Road.

In 1895, Harriet Ashworth kept a lodging house at No. 42

Greenwood Terrace, WheatleyRef 19-6991
Shroggs Road

Recorded in 1911

Greenwoods Terrace, Lee MountRef 19-184

Greetland Road, BarkislandRef 19-933

Grey Jacobs, Mount TaborRef 19-7045
Recorded in 1881, when houses numbers 1 to 9 are occupied.

The gazetteer of 1924 described it as being at

24-30 Moor End Road

Grey Stone Lane, TodmordenRef 19-5159
Some of the buildings here are listed

Grey Street, HalifaxRef 19-1232
Recorded in 1874 off Haley Hill

Greycourt Close, HalifaxRef 19-966

Greyshaw Syke, Causeway FootRef 19-999

Greystone Avenue, EllandRef 19-3406

Greystone Court, RastrickRef 19-3789

Greystones, Lee MountRef 19-528

Greystones, OvendenRef 19-1062

Griffin Yard, HalifaxRef 19-4381
The yard of the Griffin Inn, Halifax

Grimescar Avenue, EllandRef 19-2402

Grindlestone Bank, HalifaxRef 19-3272

See Grindlestone Bank, Ovenden

Grondle Glen, CharlestownRef 19-6537

Grosvenor Place, LuddendenfootRef 19-1141

Grosvenor Street, EllandRef 19-3427

Grosvenor Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-1175
Part of West Hill Park

Grotto Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-1205

Grotto Terrace, WarleyRef 19-4725
Houses built for the workers at Jowler Mill

Groudle Glen, Hebden BridgeRef 19-3089

Grove Avenue, OvendenRef 19-1263

Grove Cottages, BrighouseRef 19-2738
This and Grove Terrace stand near the former Grove pub, and were probably built for local workers

Grove Court, OvendenRef 19-1293
Flats for the elderly were opened here on 15th April 1965

Grove Crescent, LuddendenRef 19-1321

Grove Croft, OvendenRef 19-1349

Grove Drive, OvendenRef 19-1374

Grove Edge, OvendenRef 19-1425

Grove Gardens, OvendenRef 19-1453

The Grove, HipperholmeRef 19-3027
A number of semi-detached houses were erected in Bramley Lane around 1925

Grove Mill Yard, OvendenRef 19-2093

The Grove, OvendenRef 19-1962

Grove Park, OvendenRef 19-1477

Grove Road, Hebden BridgeRef 19-5657
Built on the site of the former Foster Mill, Hebden Bridge

Grove Row, Mount TaborRef 19-3284
Recorded in 1853 as Myrtle Grove

This & associated entries use material contributed by Kate Hallward

Grove Royd, OvendenRef 19-1560

The Grove, ShelfRef 19-116

Grove Square, OvendenRef 19-1607

Grove Street, BrighouseRef 19-2762
When the Armytage family sold the land [1860], the street was to be called Mill Street, but when Grove Mills were built, the street became Grove Street

Grove Street, HalifaxRef 19-73
A short street just south of Park Street which ran north-west from Northgate.

Built on the site of a plot of land known as The Park which had been divided into gardens and was sold at auction in 1808.

See Broker's Court, Halifax / Jesse Craven / Wilson's Yard, Halifax

This & associated entries use material contributed by Liz Elvey

Grove Street, OvendenRef 19-2457

Grove Street South, HalifaxRef 19-1728

Grove Street, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-4819

Grove Terrace, BrighouseRef 19-2818
This and Grove Cottages stand near the former Grove pub, and were probably built for local workers

Grove Terrace, GreetlandRef 19-2429
Rochdale Road. Small terrace of houses dated 1863

Grove Terrace, MytholmroydRef 19-5658
In 1869, the Mytholmroyd Co-operative Society bought land at Scout Road for £1300 and built 8 houses which were sold to members. These were named Grove Terrace. 12 more homes followed in 1874

Grove The, OvendenRef 19-2482

Grove Ville, HipperholmeRef 19-1882

Guide Post, Causeway FootRef 19-2512

Guildford Street, Hebden BridgeRef 19-3111

Guildway, WarleyRef 19-1922

Gypsy Lane, LightcliffeRef 19-5728
An earlier name for Catherine Slack

© Malcolm Bull 2025
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