Streets in Calderdale



Vale Bower, MytholmroydRef 19-5180

Vale Street, BrighouseRef 19-4247

Vale Street, TodmordenRef 19-5690

Vale Terrace, MytholmroydRef 19-5207

Valley Avenue, LightcliffeRef 19-4495

Valley Grove, IllingworthRef 19-4517

Valley Rise, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1250

Valley Road, Hebden BridgeRef 19-5901
See Jack Taylor's Garden, Hebden Bridge

Valley Street, TodmordenRef 19-5980

Valley View, EllandRef 19-5284

Valley View, Hebden BridgeRef 19-5230

Valley View, IllingworthRef 19-4541

Valley View, Norwood GreenRef 19-4562

Valley View, TodmordenRef 19-5721

Valley Way, IllingworthRef 19-4584

Vames Street, EllandRef 19-6008

Vaughan Street, HalifaxRef 19-4610

Vegal Crescent, OvendenRef 19-4633

Ventnor Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-4657
Manor Drive / Heath Street

Vernon Place, TodmordenRef 19-5750

Vernon Street, TodmordenRef 19-6034

Vicar Lane, HalifaxRef 19-5894
Recorded in 1874 at Lower Kirkgate

Vicar Park Drive, Norton TowerRef 19-4687

Vicar Park Road, Norton TowerRef 19-4721

Vicar Street, BoothtownRef 19-5312
One of a number of streets parallel to Boothtown Road, between Grantham Road and Rawson Street North.

Vicarage Gardens, RastrickRef 19-4274

Vicarage Lane, HalifaxRef 19-4219
Recorded in 1761 as the road which runs past the south side of Halifax Parish Church

Vickerman Street, HalifaxRef 19-4753

Victor Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-4785

Victor Terrace, Lee MountRef 19-5337

Victoria Avenue, BrighouseRef 19-4297

Victoria Avenue, EllandRef 19-6549
The first council houses in Elland were built here in 1910(?)

Question: Can the date of 1910 be correct? The photograph shows the houses in the 1930s


Victoria Avenue, HalifaxRef 19-4810

Victoria Avenue, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1281

See Claremont Street, Sowerby Bridge

Victoria Buildings, Cragg ValeRef 19-1611
Built by a co-operative for mill-workers at the neighbouring Victoria Mills

Victoria Buildings, MytholmroydRef 19-5903

Victoria Chase, BrighouseRef 19-4319

Victoria Crescent, EllandRef 19-4393

Victoria Drive, NorthowramRef 19-4839

Victoria Hall Buildings, HalifaxRef 19-2043
2 Fountain Street / Commercial Street. A part of the Victoria Hall

Victoria Mews, EllandRef 19-4457

Victoria Park, Bailiff BridgeRef 19-5569

Victoria Park, HalifaxRef 19-4865

Victoria Place, BrighouseRef 19-4343

Victoria Place, EllandRef 19-1387

Victoria Place, HalifaxRef 19-5486
Recorded in 1874 at Savile Park

Victoria Place, HalifaxRef 19-5923
Recorded in 1874 at Lister Lane

Victoria Place, LuddendenfootRef 19-4897

Victoria Place, NorthowramRef 19-4928

Victoria Road, Bailiff BridgeRef 19-5093
Firth's Carpets mill dam was here

Victoria Road, EllandRef 19-6552
The road was originally called Town Field Lane, the lane to Town Field.

It was a private road and closed for one day each year to retain that status.

The road was widened in 1913-1914.

A trolley-bus service came through here on 29th May 1939.

See Annandale, Halifax / Arnold Royd, Halifax / Elland Constitutional Club / Elland Post Office / Lowfield, Elland / Lyndhurst, Elland / Melrose, Elland / Springfield, Elland

Victoria Road, HalifaxRef 19-5655

Victoria Road, Hebden BridgeRef 19-5257

Victoria Road, HipperholmeRef 19-4955

Victoria Road, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1309

Victoria Road, TodmordenRef 19-5778

Victoria Square, HalifaxRef 19-5954
Recorded in 1874 at Haley Hill

Victoria Square, RippondenRef 19-5947

Victoria Street, BrighouseRef 19-4499
In 1875, it was renamed Ship Street

Victoria Street, CliftonRef 19-5094
Clifton Common. Houses here were built by Benjamin Blackburn

Victoria Street, CornholmeRef 19-5630

Victoria Street East, HalifaxRef 19-4062
Ran between Northgate and Winding Road. Recorded in 1874. Victoria Mills were here [1933].

See Eagle Works, Halifax / Halifax Girls' Club

Victoria Street, HalifaxRef 19-5515
Foundry Street, Halifax.

Recorded in 1874 at Haley Hill.

See Albert Gallery, Halifax

Victoria Street, HalifaxRef 19-4413
Runs between St James's Road and Pellon Lane, and south of the Oddfellows' Hall, Halifax.

See Back Victoria Street, Halifax

Victoria Street, Hebden BridgeRef 19-5539

Victoria Street, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-5367

Victoria Street, TodmordenRef 19-5804

Victoria Street, West ValeRef 19-4982

Victoria Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-1160

Victoria Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-1221

Victoria Terrace, HipperholmeRef 19-5005

Victoria Terrace, LuddendenfootRef 19-1194

Victoria Terrace, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1336

Victoria Terrace, TodmordenRef 19-5830

Villa Street, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-5392

Villa Terrace, BarkislandRef 19-5040

Village Street, Norwood GreenRef 19-5064

See Norwood Green War Memorial

Villiers Street, HalifaxRef 19-6061
Recorded in 1874 & 1885 off Gibbet Street.


Stood near present-day Madni Close, Halifax

This & associated entries use material contributed by Ruth Bourne

Vincent Street, HalifaxRef 19-5092

Vine Close, CliftonRef 19-4370

Vine Court, BrighouseRef 19-4412
The street no longer exists

Vine Garth, BrighouseRef 19-4432

Vine Grove, BrighouseRef 19-4476

Vine Grove, HalifaxRef 19-5598

Vine Terrace, HalifaxRef 19-5126

Vine Terrace, Lee MountRef 19-5415

Vine Terrace, SoylandRef 19-5593
Dyson Lane. Recorded in 1871

Violet Street, HalifaxRef 19-5150

Violet Street, Lee MountRef 19-5461

Violet Street North, Lee MountRef 19-5437

Violet Terrace, Sowerby BridgeRef 19-1362

Vulcan Street, TodmordenRef 19-5863

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 18:16 / 14th March 2025 / 23548

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