Haigh's School, Halifax | Ref 18-560 |
It is recorded as a boys and mixed school and could accommodate 24 pupils [1871]
Haley Hill College | Ref 18-H581 |
The school was extended in 1839, making it the largest school in Halifax.
The library had 300 members and a collection of 3000 books [1856].
In 1856, it was extended when the new Haley Hill Working Men's College was opened.
See Copley Library and Edward Howarth
This & associated entries use material contributed by John Hoyle
Haley Hill Mixed Board School | Ref 18-56 |
Haley Hill Shed Factory School | Ref 18-339 |
In 1839, this superseded the day school at Haley Hill Methodist New Connexion Church.
It had a library of 30 novels and 4,000 books
of the choicest moral, instructive, religious and scientific works
There were no charges and no fines.
In 1854, it became the school for the new parish of All Souls'.
In 1864, it was replaced by a new school which subsequently became the Parish Hall.
When All Souls' Church services closed were held at the Shed School
Haley Hill Working Men's College | Ref 18-H950 |
On 15th April 1857, the first distribution of prizes took place.
The College produced a handwritten magazine until 1866 when The Circulator was published.
See Mr Anderson, Haley Hill & New Town Allotment Gardeners' Society and Halifax Young Women's Institute
Halifax Academy | Ref 18-838 |
Halifax Athenæum School of Elocution & Oratory | Ref 18-719 |
Halifax British School | Ref 18-723 |
A school was founded by subscription as a charity school for the poor of all religious denominations and originally opened in rented premises on 11th March 1813.
In 1818, the schoolroom – to educate the poor of all denominations – was built on Cabbage Lane Field on land conveyed by William Kershaw where it accommodated about 350 boys and girls.
It continued as a voluntary school until 1879 when the buildings were transferred to the Halifax School Board.
The Halifax Mutual Improvement Society met here.
Masters & teachers at the School have included
See William Corke and Joseph Thorp
Halifax Catholic High School | Ref 18-804 |
In 2000, it was renamed St Catherine's Roman Catholic High School
Halifax Commercial School | Ref 18-956 |
A Trade Directory [1922] described the establishment as
for rapid and thorough business training
See Halifax Junior Commercial School
This & associated entries use material contributed by Ivan Birch
Halifax Evening Continuation Schools | Ref 18-933 |
Halifax Girls' Grammar School | Ref 18-578 |
Halifax High School | Ref 18-26 |
Formed in 198?, when Clare Hall School and Haugh Shaw School merged.
In 2004, the school was named as one of the most improved schools in the country, and in January 2005, it was named the most improved school in Yorkshire.
In Spring 2005, the school moved to Wellesley Park
Halifax High School for Girls | Ref 18-16 |
The School opened in January 1877.
Headmistresses at the School have included
Her sister, Ethel A. Bolton, was assistant mistress [1901]
It accommodated 130 pupils, girls of secondary school age and boys aged up to 9 [1907].
As the number of scholars increased, other sites were used, including the Bluecoat School [1927].
On 21st June 1930, Mrs Howard Clay laid the foundation stone for a new Girls' High School at Craven Lodge. It was opened by Princess Mary on 21st September 1931 and was known as Princess Mary High School.
See Lucy Delf, Girls' High School, Clare Road, Halifax High School for Girls Company Limited and Naomi Royde-Smith
This & associated entries use material contributed by Terry Booth & Jeffrey Knowles
Halifax Higher Grade School | Ref 18-721 |
Halifax Junior Commercial School | Ref 18-226 |
Halifax Ladies College | Ref 18-576 |
The Ladies' College at Queen's Gate, Savile Park was run by the Misses Pannett [1905].
It offered a kindergarten and a transition class for children aged between 3 and 8. It accommodated around 210 pupils, girls aged 5 to 17 [1907]
This & associated entries use material contributed by Jeffrey Knowles
Halifax Modern School | Ref 18-228 |
It became Clare Hall School / Halifax Secondary Modern School
Halifax Municipal Technical College | Ref 18-H279 |
Aka Halifax Technical School and Halifax Tech.
In 1893, J. H. Whitley was a member of the Technical Instruction Committee which established the College as a consequence of the Technical Instruction Act [1889]. The Act allowed councils to levy a 1d rate for technical education in the town under the Department of Science and Art. The foundation of a technical school was recommended by the 32 members of the Committee, some of whom were the founders of engineering firms in the town.
In March 1893, Halifax Corporation agreed to use income from the Customs and Excise Returns – popularly known as whisky money – for the erection of a technical school.
The building was designed by Jackson & Fox.
The foundation stone was laid by William Hunter [24th May 1893].
The school opened in 1895, at a cost of £25,000, including equipment.
On 15th January 1896, George Henry Smith formerly opened the College.
It was taken over by Halifax Corporation in 1898.
Masters at the School have included: |
In October 1900, Andrew Carnegie gave £750 for the foundation
Extensions were built in 1951. The buildings were shared with the Junior Technical School.
The college was named Percival Whitley College of Further Education in 1957. It was taken over by the Corporation in 1989.
The old building was demolished in 1999
Halifax National School | Ref 18-84 |
Aka St John's National School, Halifax and Parochial School for Girls and Infants [1871].
Question: Various dates have been suggested for the building
1815 / 1835 / 1860sand I may even have confused 2 separate institutions. Please email me if you can throw any light on the construction dates of the building
It accommodated more than 500 scholars. The land and building cost an estimated £1,330.
It is a distinctive building in Elizabethan / James I styles. The school stands at the corner of Church Street and Bath Street. The master's house was at the eastern end of the building.
The Yorkshire Penny Bank was at the same address [1875, 1894].
The last children at the school – the infants – were moved to the Parish Church School building in October 1948.
Masters & teachers at the School have included
It was known as Empire Works [1972]. The building is now used by various small businesses and other occupiers, including dance studios
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Nortcliffe
Halifax National School, | Ref 18-945 |
Halifax New College | Ref 18-H43 |
Halifax New School, Hopwood Lane | Ref 18-904 |
The School was run by Cedric Philip Starke-Jones.
Halifax New School is recorded in 1936 when they were at Park House, Hopwood Lane. Henry R. Starke-Jones and his son Cedric Philip Starke-Jones were joint headmasters. This was (possibly) a secretarial college.
This & associated entries use material contributed by Don Hallett & Angela Wolfenden
Halifax New School, South Parade | Ref 18-453 |
Opened 11th June 1860.
It was run by Henry R. Starke-Jones [1905, 1907]. It accommodated 110 pupils, boys aged 7 to 10.
See Halifax New School, Hopwood Lane
This & associated entries use material contributed by Don Hallett & Angela Wolfenden
Halifax Parish Church Day School | Ref 18-27 |
The school was opened on 10th June 1867 by Charles Musgrave.
There was a large central hall measuring 130 ft by 28 ft, and 2 classrooms. The ground floor was originally an open space which was used as a large covered playground.
The total cost of construction was about £5000 which was raised by subscription.
John Crossley was involved in the negotiations to transfer the property from the Charity Commissioners for use by the school.
It accommodated 805 children [1917].
The school closed in October 1959.
It was later converted into a Church Hall and verger's flat. This work was completed in 1962.
In November 2007, a £140,000 restoration scheme was announced.
Halifax Ragged School | Ref 18-501 |
The Halifax Ragged School opened on 2nd March 1857.
In January 1859, there were 50 scholars at the school.
On 4th November 1879, a number of people were appointed trustees of the Halifax Ragged School Trust:
This & associated entries use material contributed by Angela Sykes
Halifax Recreative Evening School | Ref 18-720 |
Halifax Riding School | Ref 18-H290 |
Opened in 1844 with stabling for 15 horses, an arena and a gallery for spectators.
There was an annual subscription of 1 guinea.
In 1845, it was open from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm for instruction in the art of riding. At other times, it was used for horse breaking and horse exercise.
It was also used as a drill hall for the Second West Yorkshire Yeoman Cavalry.
In 1851, Hengler's Circus Royal was held there.
The building was subsequently used for shows and other entertainments. In February 1852, the first show of the Yorkshire Association for the Improvement of Domestic Poultry was held here.
It had been unused for several years and in 1910, it opened as the Electric Theatre. It is now a snooker club
Halifax School of Art | Ref 18-722 |
Established in the former Queens Road Board School.
Masters at the School have included:
See Halifax Mechanics' Institute, Jocelyn Horner and Ralph Brainerd B. Rumney
This & associated entries use material contributed by Alison Haskins & Tony Martin
Halifax School of Art | Ref 18-724 |
In a letter to the Huddersfield Chronicle & West Yorkshire Advertiser on 19th February 1859 Edward Akroyd writes
At Halifax, we are now instituting a School of Design. A committee has been appointed to mature and carry out the scheme
Masters at the School have included:
See Henry Charles McCrea and W. H. Stopford
Halifax School of Integrated Arts | Ref 18-H308 |
Halifax School of Music | Ref 18-617 |
Halifax Secondary Modern School | Ref 18-201 |
Aka Halifax Council Secondary School [1936].
The name of Clare Hall School, Halifax in the 1950s.
It was popularly known as The Modern
Halifax Secondary School | Ref 18-227 |
In 1931, it became the Halifax Modern School.
Halifax Socialist Sunday School | Ref 18-713 |
Halifax Technical High School | Ref 18-H326 |
Hall's: Dr Hall's School | Ref 18-361 |
It accommodated 50 boys & girls [1845].
In 1865, it is referred to as Booth Town Grammar School.
In 1871, it had 43 full-time pupils and 94 half-timers.
Masters at the School have included:
Those who attended the school included David Hartley and Rev John Lister.
See Jonathan Hall
Hallam's: Margaret Hallam's Dancing School | Ref 18-4 |
Halliday's Academy, Halifax | Ref 18-542 |
specialising in mathematical and commercial subjects at Blackwall, Halifax
Halliday's Gentlemen's Boarding School, Halifax | Ref 18-853 |
and appopriate asistants
ran a boarding school at Trinity House, Halifax.
The Leeds Mercury [5th January 1850] advertised claimed that his boarding school at Trinity House, Blackwall, Halifax, provided
every branch of liberal and accomplished education (no extra charge for the classics or Hebrew)and was superintended by
Mr Halliday and Professors of eminenceTen resident pupils are received and take their meals with Mr and Mrs Halliday and are treated in every way as parlour boarders
Another advertisement appeared in the Halifax Guardian [15th January 1853], in which Halliday claimed that he
devoted his attention to three points – Health, Morals, Improvement
Those recorded at the School (10 Blackwall, Halifax) in the 1851 Census, included:
This & associated entries use material contributed by Paul Hitchings
Halstead's School, Halifax | Ref 18-533 |
In 1871, it is recorded as a boys', girls' and infants' private adventure school and could accommodate 474 pupils
Hanover Methodist Sunday School | Ref 18-409 |
Alfred Ramsden taught here. Edwin Lumby was Superintendent.
On 29th May 1936, it was bought by Elim Foursquare Gospel Church and became Elim Pentecostal Church.
Demolished for redevelopment in 1962.
This & associated entries use material contributed by John Hoyle
Harding's School, Brighouse | Ref 18-858 |
Hardy's School, Brighouse | Ref 18-668 |
In 1851, Alice Ann, Mary Eliza and Charlton, the children of William Barber were at Miss Elizabeth Hardy's school in Bonegate, Brighouse
Harley Wood All Saints' National School | Ref 18-337 |
Harley Wood Infant School, Todmorden | Ref 18-338 |
Harley Wood School, Todmorden | Ref 18-653 |
Harness's School, Halifax | Ref 18-783 |
Harrison Road National School | Ref 18-N63 |
Harrison Road School | Ref 18-H520 |
Harrison's School, Barkisland | Ref 18-922 |
Harrison's School, Halifax | Ref 18-552 |
It is recorded as a girls' and infants' school and could accommodate 69 pupils [1871]
Hartnett's Boarding & Day School, Halifax | Ref 18-495 |
This & associated entries use material contributed by Ivan Birch & Alan Longbottom
Hartnett's Ladies' Boarding School, Halifax | Ref 18-805 |
Hartnett's School, Sowerby | Ref 18-701 |
In 1861, his son, Charles, ran a boarding school here
Hartshead Board School | Ref 18-394 |
Hartshead Charity School | Ref 18-961 |
Hartshead Parish School | Ref 18-395 |
The building was originally a resting place for coffins.
The School began in 1???.
It was discontinued around 1870.
The building is now used as a garden shed
Haslam's School, Halifax | Ref 18-746 |
Haugh Shaw Board School, Halifax | Ref 18-39 |
It was amongst the earliest schools built by the Halifax School Board.
There were 3 departments: Boys [with 250 spaces], Girls [252 spaces] and Infants [290 spaces].
The average attendance was 400 [1881], and 390 [1882].
Masters & teachers at the School have included
Because of overcrowding in the Boys' and Girls' departments, a new Infants' School was proposed in 1901. This opened on 20th April 1903, at a cost of £6,300.
It accommodated 362 boys, 322 girls and 312 infants [1911].
In 1932, the Juniors left to form Haugh Shaw Junior & Infants' School. The remainder formed the Senior Elementary School in the original building.
It accommodated 249 seniors and 241 juniors [1936].
In 1992, it became Savile Park Primary School.
See Halifax High School and Haugh Shaw Road Infants' School Baths
Hay's School, Halifax | Ref 18-519 |
Heap's Ladies' School, Todmorden | Ref 18-230 |
Heap's School, Mytholmroyd | Ref 18-697 |
Heath Grammar School | Ref 18-H146 |
Aka Heath School and Halifax Free School, the Free Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth was founded by Dr John Favour in 1600
See Alexander & Hammerton, Crossley-Heath School, Bryan Crowther, Heath Grammar School Memorial, Heath Grammar School Memorial Gates, Heath Grammar School Grace, Heath Grammar School Seal, Heath School House and Dr Cyril Jackson
Heathfield Junior School, Rishworth | Ref 18-222 |
Heaton's School | Ref 18-754 |
People who were educated here included Richard Kershaw
Hebden Bridge Grammar School | Ref 18-H380 |
It became Riverside Junior School
Hebden Bridge Middle School | Ref 18-831 |
Hebden Bridge National School | Ref 18-30 |
Hebden Bridge United District Board School | Ref 18-H381 |
Hebden Bridge United District Secondary School | Ref 18-H462 |
Aka The Grammar School.
The foundation stone was laid on 28th July 1908 by Joseph Greenwood. The school was opened on 22nd May 1909 by Mrs J. S. Higham. It superseded an earlier school in Pitt Street. It accommodated 150 pupils and cost £10,950.
The first headmaster was Morton Wager.
It became Hebden Bridge Grammar School.
Alice Longstaff was a pupil here.
Hebden Royd Central School | Ref 18-52 |
Hebden Royd Church of England (VA) Primary School, Hebden Bridge | Ref 18-112 |
Helliwell's School, Halifax | Ref 18-564 |
It is recorded as an infants' school and could accommodate 20 pupils [1871]
Hemingway's School, Halifax | Ref 18-782 |
In 1841, Catherine & Louisa, with Assistants Margaret Duncan [1818-1???] (Assistant), Margaret Wooler (independent), and 11 female pupils. were at Horton Street, Halifax.
In 1851, Catherine & Louisa were each shown as Conductress of a Private School with (possibly) Catherine Harriet Wooler (assistant), Margaret Duncan [1818-1???] (assistant), 12 female pupils, and 2 servants were at Horton Street, Halifax.
In 1861, Catherine was Proprietor of Ladies Boarding School with niece Harriet Linfoot [1829-1???], Margaret Duncan (assistant governess), Mary Gledhill (cook), Helen Gibson (housemaid), and 6 female pupils were at 2, Blackledge/23, Horton Street, Halifax – but Louisa was not listed there.
See Hay's School, Halifax and Hemmingway's School, Brighouse
This & associated entries use material contributed by John Farnhill
Hemmingway's School, Brighouse | Ref 18-859 |
Question: Does anyone know if this was anything to do with Hemingway's School, Halifax?
Heptonstall Board School | Ref 18-895 |
Heptonstall Grammar School | Ref 18-H373 |
the dead languages to all the boys of the township who apply for such instruction
The school was maintained by rents from property at School Land Farm, Colden.
The present building is the result of reconstruction in 1771.
It was used as a school until it closed in 1889.
In 1898, it became a branch of the Yorkshire Penny Bank.
It was given to the Council in 1954, and is now a museum.
A black oak desk from the school can still be seen in the Museum today.
Masters at the School have included:
Heptonstall Junior, Infant & Nursery School | Ref 18-113 |
It was enlarged in 1903 and accommodated 276 children
Hesketh's School, Northowram | Ref 18-498 |
Built by Rev Robert Hesketh to supplement his income when he was minister at Heywood's Chapel [1772]. It was built adjoining The Manse, for the Chapel.
When Scott's Academy moved from Heckmondwike to Northowram [1783], it was held at Hesketh's school.
When Northowram Academy closed, William Vint took over tuition of some of the students.
Those was attended the Academy included Dr Benjamin Boothroyd.
The building is now a private dwelling
Heywood's School | Ref 18-401 |
Higgin Lane Sunday School, Southowram | Ref 18-843 |
An advertisement of 1898 announced
November 1898. Sale by Auction – all that substantial building recently occupied as a Sunday School situated at the junction of Higgin Lane, Southowram – Wavell, Son & Marshall, Solicitors, Halifax
Highbury School, Rastrick | Ref 18-32 |
Higher Board School, Halifax | Ref 18-168 |
The average attendance was 303 [1882].
It accommodated 225 boys and 270 girls.
It accommodated around 560 pupils [1894].
It later became Halifax Modern School then Clare Hall Secondary Modern.
See W. Dyche and Charles Edward Thompson
Higher Grade Board School, Lightcliffe | Ref 18-173 |
Highlands School | Ref 18-H450 |
Highmoor Lane School, Clifton | Ref 18-464 |
In 1852, it opened as a Sunday School.
Masters at the School have included:
It finally became Highmoor Lane Methodist Chapel, Clifton, T' Colliers' Chapel
Highroad Well Independent School | Ref 18-907 |
Hipperholme & Lightcliffe High School | Ref 18-H3 |
It became Lightcliffe Academy / Hipperholme & Lightcliffe High School and Sport College
Hipperholme Grammar Junior School | Ref 18-743 |
Hipperholme Grammar School | Ref 18-H182 |
See Brookfoot Corn Mill, Colonel Robert Howard Goldthorp, Hipperholme Grammar Junior School, Hipperholme Grammar School War Memorial, Hipperholme Grammar School Memorial Gateway, Hipperholme Grammar School Badge, Hipperholme Grammar School Song, Rev Hudson's Academy, Hipperholme, John Moore and Canon George Watkinson
This & associated entries use material contributed by David Van De Gevel
Hipperholme Infants' School | Ref 18-7 |
The school opened on 16th March 1885. The total cost of the building [£935 7/11d] and the playground and boundary walls was £1,330 19/9d. It was built to accommodate 228 [or 250] scholars and was the smallest school in Calderdale.
It was used for Sunday services, and for meetings and social functions.
Closed in 1989. Demolished in 2000.
The site is now occupied by a housing estate
Hipperholme National School | Ref 18-309 |
Hipperholme Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School | Ref 18-752 |
It closed in 19??
See Hipperholme Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School War Memorial
Hoatson's School, Halifax | Ref 18-537 |
In October 1847, the partnership was dissolved
Hobson's School, Halifax | Ref 18-781 |
Holden's School, Halifax | Ref 18-770 |
Holder's Academy, Halifax | Ref 18-400 |
Holdsworth's School, Halifax | Ref 18-944 |
Provided by John Holdsworth & Company Limited.
Masters & teachers at the School have included
Holdsworth's School, Southowram | Ref 18-570 |
It is recorded as an infants' school and could accommodate 24 pupils [1871]
Holme House Day Nursery, Lightcliffe | Ref 18-483 |
See Ogden Lane Day Nursery, Rastrick and Wellholme Day Nursery, Brighouse
Holmes's: Misses Holmes's School, Halifax | Ref 18-742 |
In 1891, the ladies were listed as music teachers
Holmfield Board School | Ref 18-341 |
Holmfield Centenary School | Ref 18-715 |
Holmfield High School | Ref 18-H451 |
See Ridings School
Holmfield Primitive Methodist Sunday School | Ref 18-960 |
See Holmfield Primitive Methodist Chapel and Holmfield Primitive Methodist Sunday School Memorial
Holmfield School | Ref 18-H452 |
The Holmfield School became Holy Trinity Secondary Modern School in 1965
Holy Trinity Academy, Halifax | Ref 18-H4048 |
Holy Trinity Boys' Junior School, West Parade | Ref 18-H206 |
[Trinity Boys' School] was, with the exception of Heath, the oldest in Halifax
The building in West Parade was designed by Horsfall, Wardle & Patchett in 1869/70. It accommodated 172 boys [1871]. It accommodated 300 boys [1917].
The school closed in 1962 and the pupils moved to Savile Hall. The building was demolished in 1966.
In 1966, this became Holy Trinity Junior Boys & Girls School, Halifax.
See Benjamin Booth, Holy Trinity School War Memorial, Holy Trinity Old Boys' Association and Memories of Holy Trinity Schools
This & associated entries use material contributed by Ivan Birch
Holy Trinity Church of England Infant School | Ref 18-X114 |
Holy Trinity Church of England Junior & Infant School | Ref 18-114 |
Holy Trinity Girls' School | Ref 18-H1 |
In 1966, they moved to Holy Trinity Junior Boys & Girls School, Halifax at Savile Hall
Holy Trinity Infants' School, Harrison Road | Ref 18-1 |
Holy Trinity Junior Boys' & Girls' School, Halifax | Ref 18-803 |
Holy Trinity Schools | Ref 18-H207 |
See Holmfield School, Holy Trinity Boys' School, Holy Trinity Girls' School, Holy Trinity Infants' School, Holy Trinity Secondary Modern School and Holy Trinity Senior School
Holy Trinity Secondary Modern School | Ref 18-H2 |
Holy Trinity Senior School | Ref 18-80 |
In 1962, it moved to Holmfield when Savile Hall became a mixed junior school.
In 2010, it was replaced by Holy Trinity Academy.
See Rev I. G. Hay
Holy Trinity Voluntary School, Halifax | Ref 18-340 |
Holywell Green Primary School | Ref 18-115 |
Holywell Green Provided School | Ref 18-589 |
Holywell Hall College | Ref 18-657 |
Hope Street Sunday School, Hebden Bridge | Ref 18-632 |
The Sunday School had a gymnasium.
Hopkinson School | Ref 18-286 |
The School was (possibly) named for his wife Bessey Hopkinson [1809-1873]
Horner's Dancing School | Ref 18-507 |
Horner's Drawing School | Ref 18-885 |
Horton Academy | Ref 18-H95 |
Housewifery Centre | Ref 18-643 |
Hudson's: Rev Hudson's Academy, Hipperholme | Ref 18-910 |
Recorded in 1781, when Mr Martin taught languages here.
Recorded in the 1800s, when Mr Afferetti taught French here.
The School was run by Rev Richard Hudson [1828].
It was possibly an early manifestation of Hipperholme Grammar School
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