Miscellaneous documents at the YAS
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the Calderdale Companion
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A collection of some miscellaneous documents held by
the Yorkshire Archæological Society
Marriage and other Settlements,
Receipts and Acquittances,
Legal Papers,
Wills and Testamentary Papers,
Miscellaneous Documents
for various local townships
1552: Miles Bentley surrendered a messuage, croft and
garden in Heptonstall then in his own tenure, to use of william Kynge
and Richard Drapor
1552: Miles Bentley surrendered 2 acres of land in
Stoneslake near the lands of John Hepe, lately taken from the waste
in Heptonstall, to the use of Arthur Bentley, and Anthony Bentley son
of William Bentley deceased
1543: Robert Michell and John Hopkynson surrendered 4
acres of land lately taken from the waste in Stoneslake in
Heptonstall to use of William Bentley
1548: William Bentley surrendered 4 acres of land with
all buildings in le Stoneslak, to use of Arthur Bentley and Anthony
1565: Anthony Bentley surrendered all his interest in
one messuage 2 closes and 2 gardens in tenure of William Townend in
Stoneslake in Heptonstall to Arthur Bentley
1565: Arthur Bentley son of William Bentley surrendered
to Anthony Bentley all his interest in a close called Litlehay and a
close called Myggeley Wyst heye and another abutting on the parish
cross in the tenure of Richard Bentley in Stoneslake in Heptonstall
1542: John Hopkynson came and took 2 acres of land from
the waste lying to the west of the Northfeld of Heptonsatll rendering
annually 8d new rent
1542: John Barestowe senior and John Barestowe junior
and Elizabeth his wife surrendered all and singular their lands and
tenements in Heptonstall to the use of William Bentley and 15 years
1545: Edward Ratclyff esq., and Charles Ratclyff his son
and heir (by John Sutclyffe of Lee and John Greenwood) surrendered an
annuity of 7s-0d issuing out of a messuage in Heptonstall then in the
tenure of Miles Bentley to the use of William Bentley and his heirs
1563/4: Arthur Bentley and Anthony Bentley came and
received a parcel of land from the waste lying in Stoneslake in
Heptonstall paying annually 2d new rent
1545: James Bentley of Halifax surrendered a moiety of a
house, barn, etc., in tenure of William Bentley in Heptonstall to the
use of the said William Bentley for 13 years, paying 6s-8d per annum
1513: Richard Drapour and William Grenewodd surrendered
a messuage and a croft called Hydeyerde in Heptonstall to the use of
Charles Radclyff. Esq
Brighouse 1384: Robert Pyndar and Alice his wife
surrendered 7 acres of assarted land and the way called Beryrodes in
hiperom to the use of John de Haldeworth
Brighouse 1350: John de Northclyf and Joan his wife
surrendered 6 acres of land in Shipden and Henry son of Matthew de
Ilyngworth took them
Wakefield 1571: John Haldesworth, brother and next heir
of Robert Haldesworth gave 6s-8d fine for a messuage and all lands in
Hipperholme of which Robert lately died seized
Brighouse 1510: John Hemyngway took of the Lord a parcel
of land lying between the way leadeing to Brereinges on the East, Le
Brekys on the West, and lands of John Haldysworth on the North
Brighouse 1491: Robert Hemyngway took 2 parcels of land
containing 2 acres one between the land of the said Robert and John
Haldesworth, Edmund Rishforde and the way leading to the church, the
other near Robert's close called Pyghell
Brighouse 1369: John Hemyngway as son and heir of
William Hemyngway took 2 acres of land called Mythom and 2 pyghils
Brighouse 1478: Robert Hemyngway son and heir of John
Hemnyngway took Mythom and 2 pyghils in Hipperom
Brighouse 1430: John son of John Hemyngway took Mythom
and the 2 pyghyls
Brighouse 1369: Thomas de Walker held 2 acres of land in
Hiperom which came after his death to William Casseson as next of
kin, which he surrendered to William de Hemmyngway
Brighouse 1492: John Hemmyngway, son and heir of Richard
Hemmyngway took a messuage and close called Croweyding and a rood of
a meadow in Sudclyf in the graveship of Brighouse to uses
Brighouse 1542: John Hemmyngway son and heir of Robert
Hemmyngway took a messuage called Mythom and all lands in the
graveship of Brighouse
Brighouse 1621: Robert Hemmingway of Netherbreare
surrenderd a piece of meadow adjoining Mythom called le Pighill and
other closes (named) to uses
Brighouse 1507: Robert Hemyngway surrendered Mythom and
2 Pigheles and other closes to the use of John Hemyngway
Brighouse 1592: John Hemyngway and others surrendered
the reversion after the death of the said John, in Mythom and other
closes occupied with it, to uses
Brighouse 1564: James Halidsworth surrendered ??? and a
messuage called Milhouse in Brighouse to the use of John Hemyngway
Brighouse 1544: Agnes Smyth, widow surrendered an
annuity od 2s-0d issuing out of a close called paradyse in bryghouse
to the use of Robert Smyth her son
Brighouse 1591: Robert Brodeley surrenderd (17th Dec 32
Eliz out of Court) 4 closes of land called Claybuttes and Wolleyses
with appurtenances in the graveship of Hipperholme to the use of John
Haldesworth of le hoole and Richard Brodeley of Hipperholme to secure
repayment of £20 to John and Richard by the said Robert
Wakefield 1591/2: Robert Brodleye of Hipperholme and
John Haldesworth of Hoole surrendered and quitclaimed to Richard
Brodeleye of Hipperholme (then is possession) 4 closes of which 3 are
called le Wolleyses and the 4th Clayebuttes
Brighouse 1592: Robert Brodeley of Hipperholme
surrendered a house called le Laneendes in Hipperholme called le old
hous, one barn called, le oldlathe and the croft under the lathe in
the Graveship of Hipperholme as well as an acre in his tenure to the
use of the said Robert for life, and after his death to the use of
his son and heir Robert
Brighouse 1592: Robert Brodeley of Laneendes surrendered
a close called Wodclose with passage to and from the same within the
Graveship of Hipperholme to the use of himself for life and after to
his son Robert
Brighouse 1592: Robert Brodeley and Anne his wife
surrendered the eastern end or part of a messuage containing a
parlour called the Newe Parlour and a room above, a shop and room
over, an entrance called en Entrie and room over adjoining the old
house, a barn called the newe lathe, a gardenstead then enclosed with
a hedge and sufficient ingress and egress within the graveship of
Hipperholme, to the use of Richard Brodeley of Hipperholme
Wakefield 1593: Robert Brodeley of Laneendes,
surrendered a close called Little Southedge (½ acre) in
Hipperholme to the use of Richard Brodeley
Brighouse 1596: Robert Broodleye late of Laneendes in
Hipperholme surrendered a close called Paradise in Hipperholme, late
in the occupation of Robert Broadley to the use of Eden Bairstowe,
daughter of John Bairstowe late of Northebrigge
Brighouse 1600: Richard Brodeley and Margaret his wife
surrendered 3 closes called le Wolleyses (4 acres) to the use of
Robert son and heir of Robert Brodeley deceased
Brighouse 1600: Richard Brodeley and Margaret
surrendered a close called le Little Southedge (½ acre) to
Robert son and heir of Robert Brodeley deceased
Wakefield 1607: Robert Brodeley of Clarehall in
Cambridge, son and heir of Robert Brodeley late of Laneendes, Richard
Nicholl of Halifax, and Anne his wife, late wife of Robert Bairstow
deceased, and Eden Bairstowe of Wakefield spinster, surrendered
Laneendes with all appurtenances to the use of Richard Brodeley of
Wakefield 1611: Richard Brodeley received a parcel of
land from the waste (1 rood) lying on the west of his croft in
Hipperholme, and another small parcel of land to the east of a tenter
lying to the west of the house in which the said Richard then lived
Brighouse 1617: Richard Brodeley of laneendes, yeoman,
surrendered the reversion (after his decease) of a messuage called
Laneeendes with appurtenances (described) to the use of his son
Matthew Brodeley of London
Wakefield 1637: Thomas Haldisworth surrendered a
messuage and 4 closes of land in Hipperholme and Northowrame to the
use of John Lister of Overbrea
Brighouse 1638: John Lister of Overbrea and Phebe his
wife surrendered a messuage and 4 closes of land in Hipperholme and
Northourome (except a footpath through the Long ynge leading to the
Chapel of Coley), to the use of Robert Hemingway
Brighouse 1641: Robert Hemingway of Mythome and John his
son and heir surrendered an annuity of £3 issuing out of a
messuage and 4 closes of land in Hipperholme and Northowrome, to the
use of Jonas Hemingway, a younger son
Wakefield 1645: Mathew Brodeley surrendered Lane Endes,
2 barns, garden, closes (named) to the use of Isaac Broadley
Brighouse 1646: Inquisition taken that Robert Hemingway
late of Mythom had died since the last court and John Hemingway was
his son and heir
Brighouse 1647: Jonas Hemingway of Mythom took a
messuage called Mithom and all lands belonging thereto as next heir
of John Hemingway deceased, his brother who was son and heir of
Robert Hemingway deceased
Brighouse 1659-60: Jonas Hemingway of Mythom surrendered
the reversion of Mythom after his desceas to his wifr Elizabeth for
life, and after to John Illingworth his nephew
Brighouse 1648: Jonas Hemingway took a messuage and 4
closes of land (then divided into 5) in Hipperholme and
Northowrome – heriot 9s-9d
Halifax 1660: Jonas Hemingway surrendered his messuage
and 4 closes in Hipperholme and Northowrome (divided into 5) as above
13th December 1514: lands in Waddsworth and Heptonstall
Award of Robert Sutcliff of Mayrode, Thomas Grenwod of Grenwodlee,
Thomas Nailer of Waddesworth and James Oldfeld of Warley, arbitrators
appointed by Henry Draper of Waddesworth and Elsabeth his wife
(daughter of John Shawe) of the one part and Robert Bentley of
Heptonstall and Alice his wife, and Christopher Shaew, son of the
said John Shawe of the other part
1st February 1562: 30 messuages incl some in Stansfeld,
Waddisworthe, etc.
Deed to lead the uses of a Recovery between William Grenewodde of
Lereynges, clothier, Robert Rayner of Adwalton, yeoman (1) and Henry
Michell of Stryndes, clothier (2) to be suffered on the Manor of Wike
and 30 messuages, tofts etc, in Wike, Heton Clak, Skircoite,
Stansfeld, Waddisworthe, Ovenden, Shelf, Ecclesley, Hipperholme,
Hunshelf, and Poundes
22nd October 1564: Incl Stanyley in Stansfield
Feoffment from Richard Wilkynson of Crymesworth in Waddesworth, son
and heir of John Wilkinson deceased, to William Grenewode of Oldtown,
Thomas Culpon of Seurebye, Richard Wedope of Crymesworth, and James
Grenewode of Shakelton (feoffees) of 2 messuages and a cottage called
Estcrymsworth in Waddesworth; also Stanyley and Crosselee in
Stansfeld; to the use of the said Richard for life, remainder to
Isabel Grenewode, daughter of William Grenewode, future wife of
William Wilkynson, son of Richard, in lieu of dower and after her
death to the heirs of the said William
27th May 1605: Stansfield and Wadsworth
Deed of covenants and counterpart, between William Hanson the
younger, George Halstead, Christopher Shackleton, Edward Shackleton,
and Richard Shackleton the younger, for production by William Hanson,
on request, of a recovery dated 12th February last past, suffered
between the above parties on lands in Stansfield and Wadsworth
3rd October 1633: Stunnyley or Stannyleyhey in Stansfield
Bargain and Sale from William Wilkinson of Croslee in Stansfield,
yeoman, to Henry Cockcroft, of the Mayroid in Waddesworth, yeoman,
for £500, of Crimsworth and Carhead, with appurtenances in
Wadesworth late in tenure of William Greenewood, then of Henry
Cockcroft, and Thomas his brother; another messuage called Stunnyley
ot Stannyleyhey in Stansfield and Croslee in Stansfield
15th November 1641: 2 messuages in Stansfield and
Exemplification of a Fine levied between Thomas Sutcliffe and Hugh
Pillinge (plaintiffs) and Abraham Clegg and Susan his wife, Robert
Sutcliffe and Mary his wife (defendants) on 2 messuages in Stansfield
and Langfield
6th November 1668: lands in Aringden and Wadsworth
Exemplification of a Fine levied at Westminster between Abraham
Farrer and Simon Buckley (plaintiffs) and William Cawcroft and Mary
his wife (defendants) when defendants released 2 messuages, 2 barns,
2 gardens and 10 acres of land etc in Aringden and Wadsworth
28th October 1678: Fieldhead in Stansfield
Feoffment from Mary Naylor of Aringden, widow to William Cockcroft of
Mayroyd in Wadsworth, and William Cockcroft of Burlees (feoffees to
uses set out in deed) of a messuage etc., called Plumpton in
Wadsworth, – a quarter of Haggs in Ossett, and a little house in
Stansfield at a place called Fieldhead, with 21 acres enclosed land
in the tenure of Mary Naylor and Simeon Greenwood
Trinity Term 1699: 14 messuages in Wadsworth, Erringden
and Stansfield
Indenture of a Fine levied between John Greenwood, senior plaintiff
and William Empsall and Ann his wife, Henry Nayler and Susan his
wife, Abraham Sunderland and Sarah his wife, Henry Cockcroft and Mary
his wife, Richard Midgley, John Greenwood junr. And Martha his wife,
and John Mitchel, (defendants) - on 14 messuages, cottages, lands
etc. in Wadsworth, Erringden and Stansfield
27th May 1748: Great House
Lease (of possession) from John Greenwood of Hallifax, surgeon, son
and heir of Henry Greenwood late of Robertshaw, gent, deceased, to
Henry Greenwood of Fieldhead in Stansfield, yeoman, 2nd son of the
said Henry Greenwood and one of the executors.
Of a copyhold messuage at Lee in Heptonstall, Upper Saltonstall in
Three freehold messuages in Wadsworth and Heptonstall called – The
Great House at the Mount, the West House, and Robertshaw, in the
occupation of Simeon Horsfall, John Horsfall, and Isabel Greenwood,
8th January: lands in Erringden
Assignment from Thomas Lister of Mythomroyd or Wall Top in Sowerby to
Henry Pickles of Hebden Bridge of an annuity of £7-10s-0d
charged on messuages and lands in Erringden, Sowerby and Erringden
8/9th March 1781: Fieldhead and Strine Clough
Lease, Release, and counterpart from John Lord the younger of Bank
Side, co Lancashire, gent, and Mary his wife, William Sutcliffe of
Fieldhead, gent, and Grace his wife, which said Mary and Grace are
the two surviving sisters and co-heirs of Henry Greenwood late of
Fieldhead, a minor, deceased, and legatees, to William Greenwood of
Robertshaw, gent, and Thomas Greenwood of the same, gent, brothers of
the said Henry Greenwood, deceased, and Henry Greenwood of Burnley
co. Lancs. Gent, nephew of the said Henry Greenwood deceased – of two
messuages or farms called Fieldhead, a messuage called Strine Clough
in Stansfield, Hirstones and Lower Crimsworth with appurtenances in
Wadsworth (fields named)
Also two Indentures of a Fine on the above, levied in 1781
9th July 1793: Rawtonstall in Stansfield
Appointment of William Sutcliffe the younger of Fieldhead, to be
gamekeeper within the manors of Heptonstall and Rawtonstall with
9th May 1831: Erringden, Heptonstall, Robertshaw,
Stansfield and Wadsworth
Exemplification of a Recovery suffered between Edward Nelson
Alexander, gent, and George Nielson Emmett, gent. – When Emmett
recovered 20 messuages, lands etc., in Cragg, Erringden, Halifax,
Heptonstall, Robertshaw, Stansfield and Wadsworth
1855: Abstract or Title of Trustees under Will of
Michael Uttley relating to Goodgreave in Wadsworth and Old Hall in
1870: Abstract of Title (from 1809) OF trustees under
the Will of John Savile Lumley, Earl of Scarborough to manors of
Heptonstall, Wadsworth, and Rawtonstall cum Stansfield
19th century: Bundle of Certificates for Redemption of
Land Tax on properties belonging to John Foster, William Sutcliffe,
Michael Heaton, Robert Sutcliffe and Henry Lord
1659: A schedule attached to a document (missing) giving
a list of title deeds relating to property in Mithomroyd,
Doggebotham, Olderbancke, Foster Royds, Doffebotham and
Slaterbanck. 3 sheets each signed in the original by Paul Greenwood,
William Greenwood, Daniell Greenwood, Samuel Kinge, Margarett
Greenewood (mark)
1923: List of properties at Blackshaw, Wadsworth, Hebden
Bridge, Erringden and Mytholmroyd offered for sale by auction. The
property of John Edward Greenwood deceased
1st October 1452: extracted from Wakefield Court Rolls
of the Duke of York's Commission to Sir John Savile (steward) Thomas
Willughbye (auditor) and John Vincent (receiver) - To divide the Park
of Ayringden and let it out for life or years after the custom of the
Reciting that Thomas Stancefield, Thomas Southecliffe, Richard
Fourness, Ralph Estwodd, John Ryleye, Robert Akeroid, and John
Sunderland came before the Court and were admitted tenants of parts
of the Park
21st April 1607: Patentees to Richard Nayler the younger
of Crontonstall, of two messuages called Crontonstall and Edge End
and lands in the Great Pasture
Also Feoffment
29th August 1616: Bargain and Sale from Richard Nayler
of Heptonstall yeoman to Richard Nayler of Langfelde (his father) of
2 messuages called Crontonstall and Edgend in Ayringden – Ibotroyd in
Harley Wood in Stansfield
22nd June 1663: Counterpart Lease from Abraham Farrer of
Clough Foote, yeoman to William Wrigglesworth of Eringden Park
clothier, and Hester his wife, sister of the said Abraham, of a
moiety of the Cragge, Barn etc, in Eringden Park, a fourth of Cragge
Wood and a moiety of Bellhouse Moore, for the life of the said
William and Hester – Rent One red rose
11th October 1698: Mortgage for £80 from John
Farrer of Cloughfoot in Ayringden to William Sutcliffe of Hoohoyle,
secured in Cloughfoot
18th March 1713/4: Lease from Henry Horsfall of
Stoothley in Langfield to Richard Nayler of Kitson Wood of a road
from Callis Bridge to the Queen's highway for 999 years. Witnesses
include John Greenwood.
Bond of £100 for due performance of covenants
4th May 1604: Estreat from Halifax Court
Rolls – surrender from Richard Waddisworth of Rattonstall and
Christabel his wife and Richard his son, to William Bentley of
Heptonstall of a rent charge of 20s issuing out of 9 acres of land in
Heptonstall, and of the lands
10th May 1824: Heptonstall Manor
Admittance of John Foster of Slack, eldest son and heir of John
Foster and Mary (nee Sutcliffe, daughter of William Sutcliffe and
Grace Greenwood of Fieldhead) reciting surrender by John Greenwood of
Habergham Eaves, eldest son of Henry Greenwood late of
Burnley. Admittance of the said John Foster to Lee in Heptonstall
12th July 1848: Heptonstall New Bridge
Counterpart Lease from the Trustees of John Foster deceased, and
William Foster of Cliffe House, Wadsworth to Titus Gaukroger and
James Gaukroger, cotton spinners of New Bridge Cotton Mill in
Heptonstall for 21 years
2nd February 1626/7:
Feoffment from Richard Robertshay to William Sutcliffe of an annual
rental of 3/- –
a close called Le Pinnell and a messuage called Le Breck in
1st June 1536:
Lease from Thomas Stotheley of Rowley to John Sutcliffe of Langfeld
the elder, of half a messuage called Stotheley and all lands
belonging in Langfeld, for 60 years at 20s p.a
26th August 1557:
Quitclaim from Henry Stortheley of Wigton to Robert Sutcliffe of
Storthley and John Sutcliffe of the same of all his interest in 2
messuages in Langfeld and Soureby and a rentcharge of 40s
14th July 1590:
An Inquisition post mortem taken at Halifax on the death of John
Sutcliffe late of Langfeld – that he died seized of Stoithley in the
township of Langfeild and Sowerby, on 1st September 1588, and that
John Sutcliffe was his son and heir, 40 years old and more
7th February 1786: Little Merrybent
Agreement between William Wadsworth of Rawtonstall in Stansfield and
Ellen his wife, and George Widdup of Blackshaw Head in
Stansfield: reciting that, Ellen and Mary (wife of George Widdup)
were entitled to a messuage in Soyland called Little Merrybent, and
that William and Ellen were willing to sell their undivided moiety to
George Widdup for £84
1349: Feast of St Thomas the Apostle
Quitclaim from Alice, daughter of Richard del Hill of Stansfield to
John, clerk of Heptonstall and his heirs, of all his interests in
lands and tenements with buildings etc, in Stansfeld
24th February 1568/69: Strynde
Bargain and Sale from Edward Savile of Thornhill, Esq, and Henry
Savile of Lupset, Esq, to Henry Michell of Strynde, clothier, of the
reversion after the death of Dame Elizabeth Savile, in a fermhold in
Strynde. Also Indenture of Fine
11th May 1575: Murgetshaye
Feoffment from Chirstopher Mychell, clerk, and Henry Michell of
Stansfield, his elder brother, to Nicholas Mychell, their eldest
brother, of a messuage called Murgetshaye with appurtenances in
Stansfield in the occupation of John Grenewood or his assigns – rent
4/- per annum, payable to Henry.
Witnesses included – John Grenwode, William Grenwode, Thomas
Grenewood and Richard Grenwodd
1st February 1627/28: Mutterhoile
Grant from Henry Nayler of Burndstubb in Ayringden to Henry Nayler
his son, of a messuage called Mutterhoile, a water corn mill and a
fulling mill and lands in Stansfield, and a messuage in Ayringden
called Swillington, and Greave or Throstlenest
6th November 1658: Bargain and Sale (livery of seisin
endorsed) from Henry Hellywell of Luddington, yeoman, to Henry Nayler
of the Burlees, yeoman, of one-fourth of 2 messuages called Fieldhead
in Stansfield, in the occupation of Henry and Paul Greenewood, also
of his third part of one-fourth part of the same premises
29th April 1659: Bargain and Sale (livery of seisin
endorsed) from John Lord of Langfield and Elizabeth Lord, widow of
Richard Lord to Edward Jackson of Halifax, of a messuage in
Stansfield in the occupation of William Eastwood
12th September 1720: Lease and Re-lease from Henry
Ashworth of Habergham Eaves co Lancs. To Henry Greenwood of Hippens
in Stansfield, yeoman, of a messuage at Earnshaw in Stansfield,
formerly the lands of Lawrence Ashworth of Strinesclough
23rd August 1721: Lease and Re-lease from Henry
Greenwood of Hippins in Stansfield, to Luke Horsfall of Strinesclough
in Stansfield, clothier, of a messuage etc., and 4 acres of land
lately enclosed, the inheritance of Lawrence Ashworth
Witnesses: Will Greenwood, Amos Eastwood, and Henry Mitchell
10th September 1753: Agreement and Counterpart between
Henry Greenwood of the Great House at Fieldhead and Joseph Townend
and others, regarding 2 springs or wells arising on the commons of
Stansfield and for fencing and repairing
1st June 1784: Agreement between Joshua Helliwell of
Greenhurst Hey in Stansfield, yeoman and Jonas Eastwood of
Warcockhill in Stansfield, stuff weaver, that Helliwell should convey
to Eastwood, Earnshaw Water, then in the occupation of William Barker
before the 25th March next
7th/8th September 1784:
Lease and Re-lease from Joshua Helliwell, George Patchett, William
Horsfall and John Helliwell to Jonas Eastwood of Earnshaw Water in
Stansfield, and Radcliffe Land at Rough Head in Erringden.
Witnesses: William Sutcliffe, Henry Greenwood, Mary Helliwell.
Also Indentures of a Fine on the above
14th August 1788:
Demise from John Halstead of Greystones in Stansfield to Thomas
Foster of Slater Ing in Heptonstall, yeoman, and Joshua Kenworthy of
Erringden of Greystones in Stansfield
27th September 1793: Lease of possession from John
Halstead to Henry Omerod of Greystones in Stansfield
3rd November 1794: Mortgage for £200 from John
Halstead to Joshua Kenworthy, secured on Greystones
25th October 1798: Covenants to be observed by James
Greenwood of East Ashenhirst in Stansfield, weaver, in consideration
of the farm called Earnshaw Water leased to him by Mary Eastwood
8th May 1799: Release from Mary Eastwood of Earnshaw
Water, only child and heiress of Jonas Eastwood, to Michael Heaton of
Robertshaw in Heptonstall (for £210) of Earnshaw water
23rd April 1804: Grant of a right of road made between
Abraham Barker of Cross Lee in Stansfield, Robert Atkinson of Dob
Royd (Rochdale), John Sutcliffe of Fieldhead in Stansfield: re a
new road to be made from the Turnpike Road to the Gate Stead below
Cross Lee, and from there to Ashenhurst meadow
8th September 1834: Lease of possession from William
Crabtree and others to William Foster of Fieldhead in Stansfield,
gent, of a messuage and appurtenances called Grey Stone in
Stansfield – Also Sale Poster
22nd July 1847: Conveyance from James Maden, John Foster
of Slack and others, to the Manchester and Leeds Railway Company, of
part of the freehold estate of Holm House in Stansfield, required for
the Burnley Branch Railway
1st September 1848: Conveyance from John Foster of Slack
to Judith Butterworth and others of Holm House and Woodcote in
Some correspondence with Solicitors
23rd April 1637: Quitclaim from Thomas Cockcroft of
Grenewodlee in Heptonstall and Abraham Grenewode of Blackshaw Head,
yeoman, to Henry Cockcroft of Mayroid, of all their interest in
Crimsworth in Wadsworth
20th February 1768: Marriage Settlement of John Lord the
younger of Bankside, Rossendale co Lancs., son of John Lord of
Bankside, and Mary Greenwood, daughter of Henry Greenwood of Fieldhead
10th December 1794: Marriage Settlement of John Foster
the younger of Stone Slack and Mary Sutcliffe, elder daughter of
William Sutcliffe of Fieldhead
25th May 1795: Marriage Settlement of Grace Mitchell of
Blackshaw Head, innkeeper and William Sunderland of the same,
8th May 1824: Draft Marriage Settlement of John Foster
the younger of Slack, and Elizabeth Lord of Bankside Lease for
Possession and Bond
8th April 1847: Settlement of Hawkstones in Stansfield
for the benefit of The Poor of Wadsworth by John and William Foster
1st July 1557: Henry Storthelaye of Wigton, gent to John
Sutclyff of Storthelaye in Langfeld – 100 Marks
10th December 1566: John Sutcliffe junior of Stotheley
and Richard Mitchell of Fieldhead to John Sutcliffe senior of
1611: Tobie Pighles of Langfield to Sybil Gunsonne of
Sowerby £20
23rd June 1628: William Wilkinson of Croslee in
Stansfield and Roland Wilkinson to Henry Cockcroft – £131
11th October 1652: Robert Sutcliffe of Storthley in
Langfield to William Sutcliffe of the same – £54
7th December 1695: William Elmsall of Thornhill to John
Greenwood of Lower Blackshaw in Stansfield £400
29th September 1696: Abraham Sunderland of Yatehouse in
Midgley yeoman to John Greenwood of Lower Blackshaw £250
1584: General release from Wyllm Grenwod alias
Mutterhole of Hadershelfe co York, labourer to Robert Sutclyf of
Hollockle and Iasbel his wife of all debts etc
1693: Release by James Hartley of all claims against
James Mitchell of Coulden.
Witnesses include Thomas Greenwood
1709: General Release by Joseph Sutcliffe of all actions
debts etc., against William Greenwood of Stansfield,
yeoman. Witnesses include John Greenwood
1740: General Release from John Eastwood and Richard
Wadsworth, executors of John Sutcliffe of Horracklee, to John
Sutcliffe of Hoo Hoyle, (grand nephew) of all actions debts etc
1736: General Release from Richard Nayler to John
Holroyd of all actions, debts etc
1740: Receipt from legacy bequeathed by John Sutcliffe
from Robert Halstead to John Eastwood
1747: Release from John Greenwood of Halifax, apothecary
to Isabel his mother, and Henry his brother of all his claims in 3
cottages attached to Robertshaw farm in the occupation of John
Greenwood and others as their tenants
General Release from John Baldwin to Abraham Nayler of Kitson Wood in
Stansfield (administrator of Richard Naylor) of all actions etc
1753: Release to executors of Robert Naylor for legacy
from Abraham Naylor. Witnesses Jonas Stansfield and Jno. Greenwood
1774: Receipt for £4-4s-0d owing by Henry
Greenwood in The King v Smith and Bowcock
1798: Receipt for £25 legacy from Robert Halstead,
from John Mitchell to the executors.
Draft Petition of Inhabitants of Halifax and Heptonstall against
Arthur Ingram Esq.
Re the enfranchisement of copyhold lands – Early 17th century.
Disputes re toll on the Todmorden Turnpike Road and on the Road from
Hebden Bridge to Horse Bridge
1568: Will of John Illingworth of Farsley
1590/1: Will of John Sutclyffe of Langfeld – Probate
1634: Will of John Sutcliffe of Hirst in Wadsworth
1645: Will of Richard Mitchell of Stansfield- Probate
Mentions Grace wife of Paul Greenwood, Ambrose Greenwood, nephew,
Martha Greenwood, daughter of Ambrose, and Mary Greenwood, sister of
1649: Will of Jeremy Brigge of Heptonstall Probate 1669
1650: Will of Isaac Ingham of Roughead in Arringden
Probate 1651
1657: Will of Grace Brigge of Heptonstall
1671: Will of Abraham Naylor of Wadsworth – Probate 1675
1677: Will of Elizabeth Shawe of Heptonstall – Probate
1680: Will of Alice Fishe of Rowend in Sowerby
1687: Will and Probate of Laurence Ashworth of
Strinesclough in Stansfield
1693: Will and Probate of Thomas Sutcliffe of Hirst
1693: Will and Probate of William Hanson of Alcumden in
1697: Will of Robert Halstead of Height in Ayringden
1701: Will and Probate of John Ashworth of Thorne in
1702: Will of Edward Saltonstall of Wadsworth
1705: Will of John Greenwood of Hippings in Stansfield
1707: Will of Richard Nayler of Kitson Wood in
Stansfield Probate 1715
1718: Will of Robert Halstead of Todmorden
1724: Will and Probate of Thomas Foster of Stoneslack in
1732: Letters of Administration to Dorothy Sutcliffe
(then Cockcroft) to the estate of William Sutcliffe of Mytholmroyd
1734: Will and Probate of Susan Kaye of Heptonstall
1743: Will of Luke Horsfall of Warcock Hill in Stansfield
1744: Will of William Mitchell of Fieldhead in
Stansfield Probate 1747
Mentions Mary his daughter, wife of Henry Greenwood of Stoneslack,
Also earlier draft Will and Counsel's Opinion 1747
1745: Will of John Horsfall of Dogbothom in Heptonstall
1745: Will of John Townend of Blackshaw Head in
1747: Extract from Henry Greenwood's Will
1752: Will of John Pickles of Frost Hole in Erringden
Probate 1755
1753: Will and probate of Robert Nayler of Kitson Wood
in Stansfield
1753: Will of Abraham Nayler of Kitson Wood
1767: Will of Isable Greenwood widow of Robertshaw,
Probate 1768
1769: Will of Jonathan Riley of Heptonstall Probate 1770
1771: Will of John Greenwood of Carr in Wadsworth
1775: Will of John Whitacker of Fieldhead
1777: Will and Probate of Robert Halstead of Lower Oakes
in Erringden
1780: Will and Probate of Henry Greenwood of Fieldhead
in Stansfield
1786: Will of Grace Whittaker of Fieldhead
1792: Will of John Uttley of Goodgreave in Wadsworth
1793: Will of Titus Varley of Stone Slack in Heptonstall
Probate 1799
1796: Will of Jonas Eastwood of Earnshaw Water in
Stansfield Probate
1796: Will of Robert Halstead of Lower Oakes in Erringden
1796: Will of Elizabeth Whitaker of Feildhead Probate
1797: Will of Jonathan Webster of Erringden – Probate
1797: Will of Martha Crossley of Crontonstall – Sister
of Grace Greenwood
1799: Will of Mary Eastwood of Laneside in
Stansfield – Probate
1801: Probate of John Foster of Slack in Heptonstall
1802: Will of James Barker of Edgend in Erringden
1803: Will and Probate of William Sutcliffe of Fieldhead
1804: Will of John Barker of Bean Hoyle Head in
1804: Will and Probate of Betty Crabtree of Moss Hall in
1805: Letters of Administration to estate of John
Sutcliffe of Stansfield
1805: Letters of Administration to estate of John
Webster late of Erringden
1806: Letters of Administration to estate of William
Sutcliffe of Fieldhead granted to Mary Foster (sister)
1806: Will of Michael Heaton of Robertshaw in Heptonstall
Executors John Greenwood- John Foster – Henry Lord and Robert
1808: Will and Probate of Robert Halstead of Thorpes in
1810: Will and Various papers relating to Henry
Cockcroft of Great Burlees in Wadsworth
1816: Will of John Horsfall of Graystone in Stansfield
Probate 1818
1816: Will of John Foster of Stone Slack, Heptonstall
1822: Bundle of papers re the estate of John Greenwood
of Laneside Heptonstall
1827: Letters of Administration to estate of Mary Nowell
of Shawcroft in Wadsworth
1829: Will Case and Counsel's Opinion of John Midgley of
1832: Abstract of Will of John Greenwood of Palace
House, Lancaster
1832: Will and Probate (1833) and Administration papers
of Sarah Lord of Bankside, Bacup
1833: Administration de bonis non of Richard Sutcliffe
of Todmorden
1824: Will of Henry Foster of Falling Royd in Wadsworth
1847: Will and Codicil of Rev. Joseph Charnock curate of
1851: Release and Indemnity from William Foster of Cliff
House Wadsworth and Hannah his wife, re legacy under the will of
Edmund Shackleton late of Wood End, Wadsworth
1859: Licence to remove the body of Elizabeth Foster to
1863: Will of William Foster of Slack
1889-90: Will and Codicils of William Foster of Slack
1899: Estate Duty Documents re Edith Mary Greenwood (Mrs
E.M. Stafford)
n.d.: Incomplete Draft Will of James Mitchell – mentions
Mary wife of John Greenwood
n.d.: 1 sheet of a will – Mentions Robert Halstead my
eldest son
1760: Plan of lands in Erringden and Sowerby belonging
to Mr. John Sutcliffe, surveyed by Robert Whitworth
1779: Plan of John Uttley's Estate called Goodgreave in
1800: Plan of River Hebden and lands adjacent, drawn by
Plaintiff's arttorney in Greenwood v Crossley
1835: Plan of division wall on Erringden Common between
the property of Christopher Rawson esq., and William Sutcliffe esq
n.d: Greenwood v Greenwood Plan of Foster Arms Inn
Estate in Barnoldswick for sale by Auction
n.d.: Plan of several watercourses in dispute between
John Fielden and Messrs Clegg in Hundersfield in Rochdale
1801: Agreement between John Lord of Bankside in Bacup
and Royal Lister of Old Town in Wadsworth concerning water running
through their farms
1855: Authority from tenants for John Foster and his
gamekeeper to shoot etc, in Erringden
n.d.: List of Henry Foster's properties and rents
1350: Quitclaim from John, son and heir of Peter del
Crosselegh, to Richard son of William de Bury of all those lands and
tenements which once belonged to Galfird de Wardhull in Walsedene in
the vill of Honeresfelde (co. Lancs)
2nd July 1799:
Release by John Milnes of Wakefield to Richard Slater Milnes of
Tryston Hall, Yorkshire of all John Milnes's moiety of a wood called
Pinnel or Thirds at Dogbottom or Hollings in
Heptonstall – Consideration £367-1-s-0d
21st March 1892:
Mortgage by William Henry Greenwood of Slack in Heptonstall to the
Halifax Commercial Banking Company Limited of Goodgreave Farm in
Also re-conveyance parties as above 10th March 1894
This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom
email me
if you can identify any people, places or events in the unattached
material with existing entries in
Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
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Page Ref: UU_16