Rastrick War Memorial: World War I Names

This list shows the names of those who fell in World War I which appear on Rastrick War Memorial.

The names are shown here in alphabetical order, whereas the original Memorial may present them in some other manner

I have linked some of the names here to entries on the website. Please email me if you know anyone who is missing from the list below, or you can identify any of the people here or add more details

Louis Ackroyd
Herbert William Allison
Harry Ambler
John Aspinall

Harold Barraclough
Samuel Beevers
John Ernest Bentley
Dixon Berry
Ernest Berry
Frank Arthur Berry
Cecil Roland Blackburn
Fred Booth
John Rolston Booth
Norman Booth
Frank Bottomley
Charles Henry Bower
Cecil Brewer
Allan Briggs
Samuel Britton
Harry Broomhead
Sam Broomhead
William Broomhead
Herbert Brown
John William Brown

George Arthur Chadwick
Walter Henry Churchman
Thomas Arthur Clark
Ernest Clay
James Arthur Clay
Lionel Pilleau Clay
John Cogan
Willie Collins
Frank Cookson

Herbert Darlington
Willie Dearnaly
Charles Dennehey
T. Doherty

Arthur Farrar
Kay Farrar
Leonard Farrar
Sam Feather
William Frederick McCluer Firth
Thomas Edward Fletcher

William Garaghty
Arthur Garlick
Willie Barber Gledhill
George Grange
Thomas Richard Grange
Cedric Charles Graves
John Exley Greenwood

Frederick Haley
Joseph Haywood
Jo J. Heaton
Fred Henson
Harold Hinchcliffe
Charles Leonard Hinchliffe
Albert Hirst
Dick Hirst
John William Hirst
Albert Edwin Holdsworth
Ernest Hollingsworth
Albert Edward Horsfall
William Henry Howe
George Earle Hutchinson

Wilfred Irving

Wilfred Kaye
Frederick Cyril Kerrod
James Hatton Kershaw
Leonard Kershaw
William Kershaw
Edward Knapton

Albert Lee
J. Lenn
George John Letten
John Lever
John Raymond Lister
Norman Armitage Lister

William Marchant
George Allan Margerison
Lawrence Everret Marsden
Leonard Marshall
Wilfred McMaster
Herbert Muir

Lawrence Norminton

Herbert Pamment
William John Pearson
Fred Pickles

Edward Lloyd Rayner
Ernest Redfearn
Goldthorp Harvey Redfearn
John Earnshaw Rider
Fred Ripley
Fred Roberts
James A. S. Ruddy
John Ruddy

Sykes Shaw
George Shoesmith
John Willie Skitmore
Charlie Smith
Harry Smith
Joseph Smith
William Henry Smith
Herbert Southern
William George Stannard
Ernest Stirzaker
Albert Stoker
Ernest Sugden
Nelson Sunderland
Oswald Sutcliffe
William Richard Sutcliffe
Garnet Suttle
Frank Sykes

Herbert Taylor
Arthur Thornton
Arthur Thornton
Donald Thornton
Sam Thornton

Amos Wade
George Bruno Wakefield
Fred Walker
James Walker
Joe Walsh
John Ward
Benjamin Warrington
William Webster
Alfred Rashdale Wilkinson
James Wood
Willie Woodruff
Harold Wooldridge

Thomas Young

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 14:13 / 21st March 2025 / 14514

Page Ref: X122

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