Gary McDanielson
Gary McDanielson
has kindly contributed information about Sowerby and Sowerby Bridge.
Gary has submitted photographic material which has been used to illustrate:
- The Alma, Cottonstones
- Boulderclough Methodist Chapel
- The Brass Cat, Halifax
- The Bull's Head, Sowerby Bridge
- Castle Hill Farm, Sowerby
- The Church Stile Inn, Sowerby
- Dirty Dick's, Halifax
- Halifax Building Society Offices : Old
- Hopwood House
- The Long Chimney, Sowerby Bridge
- Lower Snape Farm, Sowerby
- Natwest Bank, Halifax
- The Old Bridge Inn, Ripponden
- Piece Hall : the West Entrance
- The Playhouse, Halifax
- The Plummet Line, Halifax
- The Royal Hotel, Sowerby Bridge
- The Rushcart Inn, Sowerby
- Sowerby Hall
- Sowerby Town
- Sowerby Well
- St Bartholomew's Church, Ripponden
- St George's Church, Sowerby
- St George's School, Sowerby Bridge
- St Mary's Church, Cottonstones
- St Peter's Church, Sowerby : the Apse
- St Peter's Church, Sowerby : Window #3
- St Peter's Church, Sowerby : Window #4
- St Peter's School, Sowerby
- Steep Lane Baptist Church, Sowerby
- The Tap & Spile, Halifax
- The Upper George, Halifax
- Upper Snape Farm, Sowerby
- The Victoria Hall, Halifax
- The Westgate, Halifax
- The White Swan Hotel, Halifax
- White Windows, Sowerby
- Woolshops : the Building
Malcolm Bull
Revised 18:16 / 16th December 2023 / 4130
Page Ref: X1919