Halifax Butchers' Association: World War I Names

This list shows the names of those who served and/or fell in World War I which appear on the Memorial of the Halifax Butchers' Association

The names are shown here in alphabetical order, whereas the original Memorial may present them in some other manner

I have linked some of the names here to entries on the website. Please email me if you know anyone who is missing from the list below, or you can identify any of the people here or add more details

Where appropriate, those who died are indicated by

Fred Akroyd
Noel Robert Akroyd

Alfred Bailey
Joe Barker
Wm. Barker
Willie Barnes
Robert Barron
Willie Bates
Chris. Beeton
Harry Binns
John Bloomer
Alfred Booth
Tom Booth
S. R. Bottomley
H. U. Butterfield

Wallace Charnock
Joe Child
C. R. Clegg
J. H. Clegg
Saville William Clegg
Allen Cockroft
John Crabtree
Willie Crabtree
Fred Crawford
Joe Crossley
Louis Crossley
Joe Culpan

Frank Davis
John Dawson
James Driver
Tom Dutton
Walter Dyson

Ed. Eastwood
Hbt. Eastwood

Samuel Collins Farrar
Joe S. Fawthrop
John Staveley Fawthrop

Fred Field

A. E. Firth
Hy. Firth
Percy Firth
Rowland Francis

Thomas Gething
Joseph Gledhill
Norris Green

Geo. W. Hainsworth
Walter Hainsworth
Ernst. Halliwell
W. Halsworth
Frank Hardisty
Ernest Hirst
Sam Holmes
William Holmes
Robert Horner
Luther Horsfall
Wilfred Howarth
James Hoyle

Geo. Ingham
John Ingham

Herbert King

Walter Lawson
Lewis Laycock
Willie Lightowler
J. Lumb

Herbert Mansfield
Maurice Mansfield
Harold Marriot
George Marshall
Joseph Maude
Norman S. Maude
Wilfred Mckay
John Metcalfe
Clement Midgley
Lewis Midgley
C. S. Mitchell

Harrison Nellish
Wright Norfolk

Leonard Ore

Albert Pearson

Samuel Pearson

Emperor Pickersgill
Arnold Priestley

Ed. Richardson
Charles Ridehalgh
Thomas Arthur Ridehalgh
Joseph Robey
Gerald A. Rothera
Albert Rushworth

Irwin Saltonstall
James Smith
Geo. Summers
Harry Sutcliffe
Harry Sutcliffe

Horace Sykes

Irwin Sykes
Leonard Sykes

Hy. Taylor
Harold Thomas
Percy Thomas
Wilfred Timewell
Chas. Tordoff

Geo. Wade
W. Walker
James Ward
Percy Warley
Percy Waterhouse
E. O. Webster
Isaac Wells
A. R. Westwood
H. U. L. Westwood
Ed. Wood
Herbert A. Wood
Sam Wood
Thomas Wood
Hermon Woodhead
Ath. Wright

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 15:30 / 8th March 2025 / 6600

Page Ref: X216

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