Saint Bartholomew's, Dean Head
Graves by Number

This is a collection of Monumental Inscriptions from the Graveyard at St Bartholomew's, Dean Head

The SSB Numbers refer to the grave numbers on Alan Shaw's Plan of the Graveyard

This document was prepared from text kindly supplied by Alan Shaw from his CD Monumental Inscriptions in the Ripponden Area


In Loving Memory of SAMUEL WILKINSON of Thorn Cottage, Moorside, Slaithwaite who died Oct. 13th 1958 Aged 75 Years.


In Loving Memory of JOHN. ROSEHANNAH. SARAH WILLIAM HENRY. EDWARD AND ISABELLA Children of Henry and Amelia Schofield, of Steel House, Scammonden who died in their infancy.
Also ELIZABETH, daughter of the above, who died Dec 3rd 1896 aged 36 years.
Also the above named HENRY SCHOFIELD who died January 12th 1900 Aged 64 years.
Also AMELIA, his wife, who died April 16th 1905 Aged 67 years.
Also HAROLD DYSON, grandson of the above, who died January 12th 1907 Aged 10 months


In Loving Memory Of MARGARET beloved wife of Frank Porter. who died June 22nd 1955 aged 39 years.
Also of the above FRANK PORTER, who died May 15th 1990 Aged 76 years. And ALAN, their dearly beloved son who died July 17th 1963 Aged 23 years.


In Memory Of EDMUND WILKINSON of Camphill, Scammonden born Mar. 18th 1807 died Aug 18th 1877. Thy Will be Done
Also of GRACE WILKINSON, wife of the above, who died June 14th 1888 Aged 75 Years.
"Be ye also ready For in such an hour as ye think not The Son of Man cometh"


Loves Tribute To EDITH SYKES who died Jan 1st 1942 Aged 74 Years


In Loving Memory of ELIZABETH MARY Daughter of John & Mary Ann Sykes of Spring Cottages, Barkisland who died Jan 3rd 1935 Aged 68 Years
"Peace perfect peace"


In Loving Memory Of SARAH The beloved daughter of ALLEN & HANNAH SYKES Died May 16th 1895 Aged 34 years.
Also HANNAH the beloved wife of Allen Sykes Died October 12th 1896 aged 64 years.
Also ALLEN the beloved husband of the late Hannah Sykes, died March 6th 1899 aged 74 years.
Also MARTHA the beloved daughter of the above Died February 23rd 1905, aged 51 years.


In Memory of JOHN WALKER BERRY of Upper Royal who died January 2nd 1853 Aged 23 years.
Also JOHN WALKER BERRY, Son of the Above Born June 11th 1850 Died Jan, 17th 1914
At Rest


In Loving Memory Of EZRA ARMITAGE who died Feb 21st 1912 Aged 32 Years.
Also RUTH ARMITAGE, his beloved wife, who died May 15th 1940, Aged 54 Years.

SSB 10

In Loving Memory Of ANNIE the beloved wife of Joseph Edward Wilkinson who died 17th Oct. 1938, Aged 67 Years.
Also the above JOSEPH EDWARD WILKINSON who died 17th Jan. 1943, Aged 78 Years.

SSB 11

Sacred To The Memory Of ELLEN WALKER, Wife of Richard Walker Sykes, Gosport, Stainland, Youngest Daughter of John Walker Esq. Upper Royal, Scammonden, who died March 5th 1858, aged 22 years.
Also of the above named RICHARD WALKER SYKES, Born June 14th 1828, Died January 29th 1887.
Also of SARAH ANN, Widow of the above Richard Walker Sykes, Born February 23rd 1825, Died June 14th 1900

SSB 12

In Loving Memory Of SOPHIA, Beloved wife of William Wilkinson, of Booth Wood, Rishworth, who died June 30th 1875 Aged 53 Years. HANNAH MARIA, their daughter, died Jany 23rd 1858, aged 7 years. JOHN WALKER WILKINSON, died Novr 21st 1861, aged 10 days. MARGARET ELLEN, died June 13th 1863 Aged 7 years. ELIZABETH MARY, died February 21st 1864 Aged 17 years.
Also the above WILLIAM WILKINSON, who died April 27th 1898 Aged 75 years.

SSB 13

In Memory Of MARY THORNBER, wife of William Thornber, of Barkisland, who died February 1st 1864, Aged 35 Years.
Also of WILLIAM, son of the above who died September 23rd 1867 Aged 3 Years.
Also three infants.
Also of the above WILLIAM THORNBER, who died October 25th 1913 Aged 84 years.

SSB 14

In Loving memory of SARAH ANN SHEPHERD Died Sept 28th 1927 Aged 78 Years.
Also JOHN HENRY SHEPHERD Husband of the above Died May 3rd 1939 Aged 88 Years.

SSB 15

In Affectionate Remembrance of Samuel Son of George and Nanny Shaw who died December 16th 1845 aged 7 weeks
Also of Mary, their daughter who died April 1st 1865 aged 15 years
Also of Elizabeth, their daughter who died October 27th 1870 aged 9 years
Also Walker, grandson of the above named George Shaw who died December 5th 1877 aged 5 years
Also of the above named George Shaw who died July 15th 1883 aged 66 years
Also of Nanny, relict of the above named George Shaw, of Commercial Buildings, Soyland, who died January 10th 1892, aged 71 years. Thy Will Be Done
Also of Annice daughter of the above named George and Nanny Shaw Born May 5th 1852, died September 16th 1911.
Also of Hannah, their daughter Born March 7th 1856, died April 22 1917.
Also of Alice Shaw, their daughter, who died May 27th 1921, aged 74 years.

SSB 16

In Loving Memory of Uncle Ben
There is a similar stone in the graveyard of Christ Church, Barkisland, dedicated perhaps to his brother

SSB 17

In Loving Memory of SARAH ALICE Dearly beloved wife of Thomas Berry Died 17th December 1906 Aged 37 years
Also the above named THOMAS BERRY Died 13th November 1948 Aged 83 years
Also FLORENCE MAY His Beloved Wife Died 22nd May 1955 Aged 53 years
Also KENNETH, son of Florence May and Thomas Berry Died in Infancy 1924

SSB 19

In Loving Memory of THOMAS WHEELWRIGHT, of Broad Ing, Rishworth, who died February 16th 1886, Aged 73 years.
Also of FRANCES SYKES, who died May 28th 1907 Aged 76 years
Also of HELENA, daughter of the above who died August 30th 1894, Aged 33 years.
"Thy Will be Done"

SSB 20

In Memory Of WILLIAM SYKES (35 years Clerk of this Chapel)  who died January 30th 1835 Aged 66 years.
Also of HANNAH his wife who died Oct 2nd 1842 Aged 64 Years.
Also of MARY, Daughter of the above and wife of Benjamin Sykes, who died Decr 7th 1816 Aged 19 Years. And also of SALLY, BETTY, THOMAS, and HARRIET; Children of the above William and Hannah Sykes, who died in their infancy.

SSB 21

In Memory Of WILLIAM, the Son of William and Betty Howarth, of Woodhead in Barkisland, who died April 11th 1838, Aged 11 Years. When I can read my title clear, To mansions in the skies, I'll bid farewell to ev'ry fear, And wipe my weeping eyes.
Also of BETTY HOWARTH who died on the 21st of May 1858, Aged 70 Years.

SSB 22

In Memory Of WILLIAM SYKES (40 Years Sexton of this Church)  who died Oct 6th 1876, Aged 59 Years.
Also of HARRIET, his Wife, who died Nov 21st 1886, aged 66 years.

SSB 23

In Memory of THOMAS HOLROYD of New Houſe In Barkiſland who departed this Life on the 15th Day of May 1810 Aged 87 Years.

SSB 24

MORS VULT NULLAM REPULSAM In Memory of JOHN HOYLE of Brian-Royd in Greet land, late of New-House in Barkisland, who departed this Life on the 21st Day of February 1813, in the 67th Year of his age.
ALSO of ELIZABETH, Wife of the above, John Hoyle, who departed this Life on the 2nd Day of November 1823, aged 69 years.

SSB 25

In Memory Of CHRISTOPHER FAIRBANK of Lower Woodhead Barkisland, who died May 18th 1846, in his 75th year.
Also FANNY his Wife, who died Nov 21st 1837, in her 65th Year.
Also THOMAS, their Son, who died April 12th 1831, Aged 26 Years.

SSB 26

In Loving Memory of HANNAH FAIRBANK, daughter of Younger & Betty Fairbank, Moor Field, Barkisland. who died April 6th 1920, in her 74th year.
Also MARY FAIRBANK, their daughter, who died July 28th 1920, in her 76th Year.
"We cannot Lord, Thy purpose see, But all is well thats done by Thee"
Also SARAH FAIRBANK, their daughter, who died May 23rd 1934, in her 82nd Year.

SSB 27

Sacred to The Memory Of ELIZABETH MARY, Infant daughter of Samuel and Mary Waterhouse of Lindley in the Parish of Huddersfield, who died to the inexpressible grief of her Parents, on the 22nd day of September, 1804, aged nine months.
ALSO here was interred the Body of MARY the Wife of the above Samuel Waterhouse, who departed this Life the 20th of March 1818, aged 49 Years.
ALSO the above-named SAMUEL WATERHOUSE, who Departed this Life Decr 8th 1835, in the 70th Year of his Age.
Through numerous Conflicts here his Soul has past, But storms are oe'r, and Life is clos'd at last: To Blissful Realms of Endless Day, Where grief and Tears are wip'd away, Through Jesus Blood (not merits of his own,)  He hopes to stand approv'd before Jehovah's Throne.
ALSO SAMUEL WATERHOUSE LORD, Grand son of the above, who departed this Life August 8th 1847, Aged 8 Years. A hopeful Youth he was betime And was cut off just in his prime.

SSB 28

In Memory of JOSEPH BERRY Born December 25th 1834 Died July 1st 1901 Booth Wood, Rishworth.
Also SARAH, Beloved Wife of the above Died July 16th 1924, in her 85th year
At Rest

SSB 29

In Memory Of ? John the Son of William and Alice Shaw of Woodhead in Barkisland who died March 21st 1832 aged 26 Years.
ALSO of Annice their Daughter, who died Feby 22nd 1844 aged 21 Yrs.
ALSO of Arthur and Mary, Son and Daughter of the above, who died in Infancy. ALSO of the above said Alice Shaw who died Oct 22nd 1845 Aged 60 Years.
Also the above named William Shaw who died April 17th 1870, Aged 90 years

SSB 35

In Memory Of WILLIAM STANCLIFFE, of New Laith in Barkisland, who died May 14th 1838 Aged 71 Years.
ALSO of HANNAH STANCLIFFE, his Wife, who died June 17th 1838, Aged 65 Years.
ALSO of DAN FAIRBANK of Wood- head in Barkisland, who died July 3rd 1849, Aged 52 years.
ALSO ELIZABETH FAIRBANK Wife of the above who departed this Life, January 6th 1882, in the 81st year of her age. Ellen Cragg Owner

SSB 36

On the west side:
On the north side:
On the east side:

On the south side:

SSB 37

In Loving Memory Of ANN Beloved wife of the late C. H. ROSTRON of Rock House, Buttershaw, Bradford, who died Nov 19th 1931, in her 75th year.
Rest in Peace.

SSB 38

no inscription but mason's name: SYKES, LINDLEY

SSB 39

In Memory Of MARTHA GEE, Daughter of John and Elizabeth Gee of Croft-House, in Scammonden, who departed this Life April 22nd 1812 in the first Year of her Age.
Also of JOHN, their Son who departed this Life January 13th 1833 in the 30th Year of his Age.
Also of ELIZABETH their Daughter, who departed this Life January 30th 1835, in the 22nd Year of her Age.
Also of the first named JOHN GEE, who departed this Life November 27th 1852, in the 84th year of his Age.
Also of ELIZABETH, Wife of the above who departed this Life April 10th 1864 Aged 88 Years.
Also of WILLIAM GEE, Son of the above who departed this Life January 29th 1896 Aged 78 Years. M. G. OWNER

SSB 40

Here Lieth Interred the Body of JOHN STANCLIFFE, M.B, F.L.S. who departed this Life the 11th Day of August 1815 aged 41 years.
ALSO the Body of LUCILIUS STANCLIFFE of New Laith Barkisland, Father of the above said, who departed this Life January 27th 1823 Aged 84.
Also MARY the Wife of the above said, who departed this Life Janu- ary 7th 1828 Aged 86.
Also JOHN HAYTON STANCLIFFE, Son of William and Hannah Stancliffe who departed this Life August 24th 1829, in the 33rd year of his Age.
Also BETTY, Daughter of Lucilius & Mary Stancliffe, who departed this Life October 12th 1846, Aged 70 Years.
Also AMOS MELLOR, of Ellis Bottoms in Barkisland Tailor who departed this Life July 22nd 1861 Aged 41 years. He's deeply mourn'd by one Who prov'd his only friend And soon she hopes to join him In bliss that never ends.
Also ELLEN HARTLEY, Grandaughter of the above Lucilius & Mary Stancliffe who departed this Life October 9th 1872 Aged 57 years.

SSB 41

In Loving Memory of SOPHIA, Beloved wife of Lewis Sykes, died July 16th 1910 Aged 47 years.
Also the above LEWIS SYKES, Died May 22 1922 Aged 74 years.
"Thy will be done"

SSB 42

In Memory Of DAVID FAIRBANK of Milnrow near Rochdale, who departed this Life April 17th 1873 Aged 58 years.

SSB 43

In Memory Of FANNY, Daughter of Samuel and Ellen Wadsworth. Booth Wood Rishworth who died May 24th 1831, Aged 9 Months.
Also JOSEPH, Son of the above who died June 16th 1833 Aged 7 Years.
Also DANIEL, Son of the above who died October 6th 1871, Aged 30 Years.
Also of the above named SAMUEL WADSWORTH, who died May 26th 1877 in the 75th Year of his Age.
Also ELLEN, Wife of the above named who died March 11th 1879 in the 75th Year of her Age.
Also GRACE WADSWORTH, Daughter of the above who died July 5th 1883 in the 52nd Year of her Age.

SSB 44

In Memory Of JOHN TWEED, of Laighfield Scamonden, who died September 14th 1861, Aged 58 years.
Also SUSY, wife of the above named, who died July 28th 1878, Aged 72 years.
Also of HENRY EDWARD TWEED, Son of the above named, who departed this Life April 8th 1880, Aged 33 years.
Also of SUSEY, Daughter of the above who departed this Life at Dodworth, on the 31st day of December 1880, Aged 37 years.
Also DAVID TWEED, Son of the above, who died September 16th 1899 in his 50th year.

SSB 45

Beneath This Stone Lieth the Body of SAMU- EL SYKES, who died April 28th 1802 in the 11th year of his Age.
Also, THOMAS SYKES, who died May 18th 1802, in the 8th Year of his Age.
Also JOHN SYKES, who died July 1st 1802, in the 16th Year of his Age. All sons of George Sykes of Scammonden.
Also GEORGE SYKES, Father of the above named, Samuel and Thomas John, who departed this Life January 5th 1842 in the 76 Year of is Age.
Whilst upon Earth I labour'd hard And many Changes I did see; I trust to reap, a just reward Thro' Ages of Eternity

SSB 46

In Memory Of GEORGE SYKES of Spawlodge in Rishworth who departed this Life July 27th 1863, in the 64th Year of his Age.
Also SARAH, the beloved Wife of the aforesaid George Sykes, who departed this Life April 25th 1872 in the 75th year of her Age.

SSB 47

In Memory of SARA Daughter of Benjamin & Sarah Sykes of Booth Dean in Rishworth, who departed this Life Jany 13th 1836 in the 22nd year of her Age.
Also of the aforesaid BENJAMIN SYKES who departed this Life July 12th 1848, in the 77th Year of his Age.
Also SARAH, the beloved Wife of the aforesaid Benjamin Sykes, who departed this Life February 8th 1861 in the 84th Year of her Age.

SSB 48

In Affectionate Remembrance of JOSEPH, the beloved son of Joseph & Emma Tweed, of O'Cot, Scammonden, who died Dec. 3rd 1878. Aged 3 Years.
Also the above named EMMA TWEED, who died Nov. 23rd 1879. Aged 44 Years.
Also an infant daughter.
Also MARY, their beloved daughter, who died Dec. 13th 1879. Aged 5 Years.
Also of the above named JOSEPH TWEED, who died March 8th 1895, Aged 65 Years.
Also of THOMAS TWEED, of Hollin Hey, Son of the above Joseph and Emma Tweed, Born June 20th 1857, Died May 12th 1899.
"Peacefully Sleep"
Also MARTHA HANNAH, Wife of the above Thomas Tweed, who died April 17th 1921, Aged 64 Years.
Also JOHN, Son of the above who died Dec. 15th 1943, Aged 73 Years.

SSB 49

Here Lieth Interred the Body of ROBERT LEWIS, Late of Ing, in Rishworth who departed this Life October 25th 1810 Aged 35 Years. Mourn not for me my Children dear, For as you are so once I were And as I am so must you be Prepare yourselves to follow me.
Also the Body of SARAH the Wife of the aforesaid Robert Lewis; She Liv'd Beloved and Di'd Lamented Sepr 19th 1813, in the 38th Year of her Age.
Also MATILDA, Wife of Christopher Fairbank of Barkisland, and Daughter of the above named Robert Lewis, who died October 8th 1832, Aged 27 Years.
Also LEWIS, Son of the above named Christopher and Matilda Fairbank, who died August 25th 1849, Aged 19 Years.
Also the above named CHRISTOPHER FAIRBANK, of White Birch in Warley, who died July 1st 1857, Aged 58 Years

SSB 50

In Loving Memory Of ELIZABETH MARY The beloved wife of Benjamin Berry Sykes of Camp Hill, Scammonden who died Dec 2nd 1917 Aged 54 years.
Also the above BENJAMIN BERRY SYKES who died Oct 19th 1933 Aged 72 years
Also Tpr HAROLD SYKES 2nd Fife+Forfar Yeomanry Grandson of the above Killed in action at Caen June 26th 1944 Aged 27 Years.
Asleep with the Brave
Also the ashes of JOHN SYKES who died Feb 11th 1970 And ETHEL SYKES who died May 28th 1972
Plaque/flower holder on grave:
In Loving Memory Of ELSIE KAYE Died 20th June 1982 Forever in our thoughts
Also HIRST KAYE Beloved husband of above Died 29 July 1994
Love and God Bless

SSB 51

In Loving Memory of JOHN WHITELEY, Commercial Inn, Scammonden, who departed this life January 26th 1887, Aged 55 Years.
Also EDITH ALICE, daughter of the above, who departed this Life March 11th 1887, Aged 7 Years.
Also 4 infants of the above.
Also HANNAH, the beloved wife of the above named John Whiteley, who departed this Life March 23th 1898, Aged 62 Years
"Thy Will be Done"
Also JOHN EDWIN, Son of the above, Born April 19th 1859, Died Novr 5th 1910
Also GEORGE HENRY WHITELEY, Gatehead, Marsden Eldest son of John Whiteley Died Aug 4th 1931, Aged 73 years.

SSB 52

In Loving Memory of GEORGE beloved husband of Mary Hannah Lumb of Elland, who died February 24th 1886 Aged 33 years.
Also GEORGE LEVI, their son who died June 27th 1888, Aged 2 years.
Also MARY HANNAH, Widow of the above and beloved wife of Charles Wilkinson, who died January 13th 1911 Aged 56 Years. FIELD & BROOKSBANK MOLDGREEN

SSB 53

In Affectionate Remembrance Of GEORGE LUMB of Edgerton, Scammonden, who died Feby 17th 1874 Aged 63 Years.
Also LEAH LUMB, Daughter of the above, who died April 9th 1879, Aged 36 Years.
Also MARTHA, wife of the above George Lumb, who died March 16th 1888 Aged 78 Years.
"So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom" C DYSON, Sc. CROSSLAND MOOR HUDDERSFIELD

SSB 54

In Memory Of JOHN, the Son of Ely and Mary Sykes of Barkisland, who departed this Life on the 28th of December 1828 Aged 14 years. Weep not for me my Parents dear, I am not dead but sleeping here; As I am now, soon you must be. Prepare yourselves to follow me.
Also of the above ELY SYKES, who departed this Life Aug 11th 1846, Aged 59 years.
Also of SUSY, Daughter of the above Ely and Mary Sykes, who departed this Life April 26th 1866, Aged 39 years. Affliction sore longtimes I bore Physicians where in vain, Till God did please to set at ease And take away my pain.
Also of MARY SYKES, the Wife of the above.named Ely, Who departed this Life July 12th 1869, Aged 77 years.
Her warfare's past – her time is o'er And she shall never suffer more; From pain for ever free.

SSB 55

Erected in Affectionate Remembrance of JOHN the last surviving issue of William & Charlotte Bottomley, of Upper Mill in Scammonden, who died the 3rd of June AD 1817, in the 16th Year of his age.
Forgive, blest Shade, the tributary tear That mourns thy exit from a world like this; Forgive the wish that would have kept thee here, And stay'd thy progress to the Seats of bliss! No more confin'd to grov'ling scenes of night, No more a tenant pent in mortal clay, Now should we rather hail thy glorious flight, And trace thy journey to the realms of Day.
Also of SIDNEY, JAMES, and HENRY, Sons of the above William and Charlotte, who all died in their infancy. Not lost, but gone before. Bottomley,
Also, of the above CHARLOTTE, who died in the firm and joyful hope of a blessed Re surrection, on the 4th of Novemr 1824, in the 47th Year of her age.
ALSO WILLIAM BOTTOMLEY Husband and Father of the above who died Decr 30th 1850 Aged 71 Years.

SSB 56

In Loving Memory of SARAH HANNAH beloved wife of William Greenwood, of Ryburne Terrace Soyland, Born June 6th 1857, Died July 29th 1889.
Also of AMMON, brother of the above and beloved husband of Elizabeth Mary Berry, of Booth Wood Rishworth who died Oct. 23rd 1930, in his 71st year. Worthy of everlasting love
Also ELIZABETH MARY, wife of the above, who died Sept 10th 1932, aged 66 years.
At Rest

SSB 57

On the north face:
In Loving Memory Of JOHN LUMB, of Lower Top O'Hill Died June 16th 1910, Aged 82 years.
Also of SARAH, his wife Died April 10th 1923, aged 94 years.
Also of THOMAS, their son Died Jan 10th 1923, aged 58 years.
On the south face:
Also of ELIZABETH, their daughter Died August 8th 1855, aged 1 year & 7 months.
Also of MARY JANE, their daughter Died Oct 3rd 1871, aged 9 years.

SSB 58

In Memory Of ELIZABETH, Daughter of William and Betty Mallalieu [space here], who died April 4th 1833, aged 5 years.
Also of LEVI their Son, who died on the 12th Day of July, 1844 Aged 14 years.
Also of ELIZABETH LUCY, their Daughter, who died November 2nd 1856, aged 22 years.
Also of HANNAH, their Daughter the Wife of George Woolfenden of Small Bridge near Rochdale who died April 26th AD 1858 Aged 32 Years.
Also the Above-named BETTY Wife of the afore-said William Mallalieu, who died October 21st 1860, Aged 66 years.
Also of the afore named WILLIAM MALLALIEU, who died on the 14th of June 1863, Aged 67 years.

SSB 59

In Memory Of THOMAS LUMB of Linthwaite who died March 7th 1872 Aged 48 Years.
Also MARY, the beloved wife of the above named Thomas Lumb, who died April 16th 1896, Aged 67 Years. R BAMFORTH SLAITHWAITE

SSB 60

In Memory Of HANNAH the wife of Levi Lumb of Top-O'th-Hill in Scammonden Inn- keeper, who departed this Life the 18th Day of March 1825, in the 66th Year of her age.
ALSO the above LEVI LUMB who departed this Life (at Pitts House in Barkisland) on the 25th Day of Jan- uary 1835, in the 72nd Year of his Age. Let friends forbear to mourn and weep, Whilst sweetly in the dust we Sleep, This toilsome world we left behind, A glorious crown we hope to find.
Also LEVI LUMB Son of the above named, Late of Shays Laith in Scammonden who departed this Life March 17th 1868, Aged 67 Years.
Also MARY, Relict of the late Levi Lumb, youngest Daughter of the late John Walker, Esq. Old House, Scammonden, who departed this Life Nov. 13th 1892, in her 89th year.
At Rest
Also RUTH LUMB, their Daughter, Born May 9th 1833, Died April 25th 1918

SSB 61

Sacred To the Memory of JAMES WHITELEY of Broad-Ing in Rishworth, who departed this Life March 22nd 1830, in the 60th Year of his Age.
Also of SARAH WHITELEY, late of Broad Ing in Rishworth, who departed this Life, June 7th 1851 Aged 72 Years.
ALSO ELIZABETH WHITELEY of Broad Ing, Daughter of the above who died April 4th 1874, Aged 66 Years.
Also JOSEPH WHITELEY, Broad Ing Rishworth, who died August 20th 1887, Aged 81 Years.
Also of JAMES WHITELEY, of Broad Ing, Rishworth, who died April 12th 1912, Aged 77 Years.

SSB 62

In Memory Of JOSEPH, Son of William and Betty Booth of Deanhead in Scammonden, who died on the 13th of May 1835, Aged 3 weeks.
ALSO YOUNGER, Son of the above who died January 3rd 1840, Aged 1 Year.
ALSO GRACE, Daughter of the above who died August 19th 1842, Aged 1 Year.
ALSO ELIZABETH ANN, Daughter of the above, who died August 25th 1846, Aged 3 months.
ALSO WILLIAM, Father of the above who died September 7th 1852, Aged 58 Years.
Also BETTY BOOTH, Wife of the above, who died September 20th 1866, Aged 62 Years.

SSB 63

Sacred to the Memory of HANNAH MARIA, the Daughter of George and Leah Lumb, of Turner House, in Scammonden, who departed this Life March 12th 1855, Aged 4 Years.
Also EDWIN, Son of the above, who departed this Life June 6th 1855, Aged 14 Years.
Also of LEAH, the beloved wife of the above named George Lumb, Born April 21st 1819, Died January 8th 1886.
Also of the above GEORGE LUMB, Born December 1st 1811 Died at Eves Cottage, February 10th 1893.

SSB 64

In Loving Memory Of ELIZABETH the beloved Wife of Robinson Lumb, Of Turner House, who died Aug. 3rd 1917 Aged 59 Years.
Also the above ROBINSON LUMB who died Dec. 3rd 1937 Aged 83 years.
Also WALKER LUMB of Eves Cottage, who died June 26th 1907 aged 62 years.

SSB 65

Sacred to the Memory of THOMAS LUMB Innkeeper, Marsden, who departed this Life, April 19th 1837, Aged 50 Years.
A Loving Husband, and A Father Dear, A faithful Friend, lies buried here: A world I've left of toil and pain; I die in hope to live again.
Also of SARAH LUMB his Wife, who departed this Life, March 22nd 1847 in the 58th Year of her Age.

SSB 66

In Memory Of ELIZABETH the beloved wife of William Hirst, of Steel Lane Head, Barkisland, who died March 9th 1866 Aged 30 Years.
Also HANNAH, Daughter of the above, who died June 16th 1860, Aged 1 Year.
Also of ELIZA, the beloved Wife of William Hirst, who died July 27th 1914, Aged 77 Years.
Also of the above named WILLIAM HIRST, who died at Rough Top, Barkisland, February 13th 1916, Aged 79 Years.

SSB 67

In Memory Of JOHN PICKLES late of Moselden in Rishworth, who died Jany 23rd 1842, in the 74th Year of his Age.
He here rests in the hope that at the Morning of the Resurrection, he may arise after his Redeemer's Likeness.

SSB 68

In Memory Of ARTHUR, Son of James and Betty Hirst of Bottomly in Barkisland, aho departed this Life on the 8th Day of April 1854, Aged 22 Years.
Also of BETTY Wife of the above named who died August 6th 1861. Aged 70 Years.
Also JAMES HIRST Husband of the above named who departed this Life June 10th 1870. Aged 78 Years

SSB 69

Sacred to the Memory of ROBERT LUMB, of Chapel Hill, Scammonden, who died Sep. 22nd 1852, Aged 65 Years. WILLIAM aged 8 years, ELIZABETH aged 16 weeks, ALICE aged 3 years, EDWIN aged 1 year, JANE aged 1 year, children of the above.
Also of ALICE, Wife of the above named Robert Lumb, who died December 3rd 1870, Aged 83 Years. THOMAS LUMB, of Intake, Born Oct 30th 1822, Died May 25th 1895.
"Thy Will Be Done"

SSB 70

On the east face:
In Affectionate Remembrance of GEORGE WHITELEY Causeway-Green Scammonden who died May 20th 1852 Aged 54 Years.
Also MARY ANN, Daughter of George and Hannah Whiteley, who died Dec 29th 1852 Aged 22 Years
Also BETTY their daughter who Died Sep 1854 Aged 25 Years.
Also HANNAH their daughter who died May 6th 1855 Aged 19 years.
On the north face:
Also EMMA their daughter who Died Oct 9th 1860 Aged 11 years.
Also ALICE their daughter Died 1849 Aged 10 Years.
Also GRACE their daughter Died Jan 31st 1867 Aged 32 Years

SSB 71

In Memory Of MARIA, Wife of John Hirst of Steel Lane, Barkisland who died Jany 3rd 1861, Aged 40 Years.
Also MARTHA their Daughter, who died April 25th 1858, Aged 4 Years.
Also HAROLD HIRST Son of the above named who died October 20th 1870 Aged 11 Years.
Also MARIA HIRST Daughter of John and Mary Hirst who died Octr 27th 1870 Aged 2 Years
Also OLIVER HIRST, Son of the above, who died Novr 4th 1870 Aged 4 Years.
Also JOHN, Son of the above named John and Maria Hirst, who died July 7th 1878, Aged 29 Years.

SSB 72

Sacred to the Memory of SALLY, the Wife of Humphrey Hirst of Steel Lanehead in Barkisland, who departed this Life Decr 14th 1846, Aged 49 Years.
Also of the above-named HUMPHREY HIRST who departed this Life December 20th 1853, Aged 60 Years.
Also MARY, the beloved Wife of John Hirst, Broad Lee, who died October 15th 1898, Aged 69 Years.
Also of the above named JOHN HIRST who died March 3rd 1908, Aged 85 Years.

SSB 73

In Loving Memory of HANNAH CRAWSHAW Relict of Joseph Crawshaw Grocer, of Barkisland who died June 1st 1879 Aged 83 Years

SSB 74

Here was inter red the body of GEORGE MALINSON of [*******] Shelf in Rishworth who Departed this Life the [***] Day of No vember [Anno Domini ?] 1744 in the [****] year of his age.
Also here lieth interred the Body of THOMAS MALINSON Son of the above said George Malinson who departed this Life the 16th Day of December 1782 in the 72nd Year of his age.
Also the remains of MARMADUKE MALLINSON of Norland, who departed this Life on the 13th Day of March 1817, aged 67 years.

SSB 75

Beneath This Stone lie the Remains of BENJA MIN WHITELEY, Son of John Whiteley and Hannah his Wife of Rishworth who died Febry 12th 1816 aged 11 years.
Also GEORGE WHITELEY Son of the above said who died April 5th 1816 Aged 13 years. Also HANNAH WHITELEY thir Daughter who died June 5th 1819 Aged 8 years. Also JAMES WHITELEY their Son, who died Novr 26th 1825 Aged 13 Yrs Dear Travellers stop and cast an eye, As you are now, so once was I; My death is oe'r, my grave you see, Prepare yourselves to follow me.
Also the above named HANNAH WHITELEY, died Oct 21st 1854 Aged 84 years.
Also MARY ANN, Daughter of William and Elizabeth Firth, of Royd Gate Rish worth, who died July 16th 1872, Aged 4 years & 7 months.

SSB 76

Here was interred the body of JAMES HILL of Scammonden who de parted this life the 22nd day of March in the year of his age Anno Domini 1729 30

SSB 77

SSB 78

In Loving Memory of HENRY Beloved husband of Emma Bottomley, Died Dec. 17th 1916 Aged 78 Years.
Also the above EMMA BOTTOMLEY, Died Feb. 5th 1920 Aged 79 years.
Also THOMASHSYKES, The beloved husband of Martha Ellen Sykes, of Haugh Top, who died Jan. 5th 1934, Aged 61 Years.
Also the above MARTHA ELLEN SYKES, who died April 27th 1956 Aged 83 Years.
At Rest

SSB 79

SSB 80

In Loving Memory of ELLEN The devoted wife of Edward Jeffrey James Died Dec 13. 1917 Aged 54 Years.
Also the above EDWARD JEFFREY JAMES Died July 24th 1922 Aged 56 Years.
"Until the day breaks"

SSB 81

On the east face:
In Loving Memory of THOMAS SYKES of New Hey, Deanhead, who died April 28th 1896, Aged 50 Years.
Also MARY, his wife, & beloved wife of John Bintcliffe, who died Feb 27th 1936 Aged 76 years.
Also HENRY HAMER, of Bank, Scammonden, who died October 26th 1873, Aged 65 Years.
Also ELIZABETH HAMER, his wife, who died January 10th 1879, Aged 56 Years.
On the north face:
MARTHA Daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Hamer who died Sep. 26th 1898 Aged 39 Years.

SSB 82

In Affectionate Remembrance of HANNAH Wife of George Whiteley, of Scammonden, who died November 11th 1891, Aged 81 Years.
Also LEAH their daughter who died January 29th 1890, Aged 38 Years.

SSB 83

IHS In Loving Memory of JOEL, Beloved Husband of Clara Jane Wheelwright, Firth House Mills, Scammonden, Died Feb 3rd 1928, Aged 62 Years.
Also the above CLARA JANE WHEELWRIGHT Died Dec 30th 1947, Aged 77 years.
Also EDITH TWEED their beloved daughter Died March 21st 1951, Aged 59 years.

SSB 84

In Affectionate Remembrance Of SARAH the beloved wife of George Wheelwright, Firth House Mills, Scammonden, who died May 12th 1894, Aged 63 Years.
Also of the above GEORGE WHEELWRIGHT, who died March 29th 1900, Aged 70 Years.
Also of MARY ANN, his wife, who died Jan 21st 1910 Aged 66 Years.
Also JAMES Son of the above who died Sep 30th 1860 Aged 4 Years and 7 Months.

SSB 85

On the south side:
To the Memory of MAUD MARY the beloved wife of Rev Henry Collins, Vicar of this Parish and daughter of Henry Edwards Esqre of Woodbridge Suffolk Died on November 6th 1907 Aged 64.
The Memory of the Just is blessed
On the North side:
Also REV HENRY COLLINS. M.A. Died Aug. 4. 1921. Aged 86 Interred at Ottery St Mary, Devon
See also the plaque inside the church

SSB 86

Beneath this Stone lie awaiting the Resurrection the Remains of JOB, the Son of William Crossley of Hey in Scammonden; who departed this Life, on the 15th day of September, Anno Domini, 1792, in the 6th Year of his age,
Also here are deposited the Remains of the above-mentioned WILLIAM CROSSLEY Inn-keeper; who departed this Life, on the 20th day of September, Anno Domini, 1803, in the 57th Year of his Age
How vain is Life! To-morrow's dawn Perhaps thou nee'r wilt see! Between how slight, the Curtain's drawn Eternity and Thee. Hence Reader muse, and wrapt in thought, The realms of death survey,
'Till by the view reflective taught Thou learns't to live to-day.
Also JOHN, Son of William and Leah Clegg, of New Laith in Barkisland who died February 12th 1849, aged 18 years.
Also EMMA, Daughter of the above, who died January 12th 1850 aged 18 years.
Also EDWIN, Son of the above, who died August 8th 1861, aged 20 years.
Also of the above named WILLIAM CLEGG who died January 6th 1887 Aged 81 Years.
Also LEAH, Wife of the above, Born November 30th 1810, Died May 6th 1886.
W.S.C. Owner.

SSB 87

In Affectionate Remembrance of MARY ELIZABETH Daughter of Joseph & Ann Hirst of Hudson Croft Scammonden who died Jan. 7th 1858 Aged 9 Years.
Also of JOSEPH, their Son who died Jan. 10th 1858, Aged 4 Years.
Also of John Edward, Their Son who died Feb. 17th 1858, Aged 2 years
Also the Above Named, JOSEPH HIRST who died March 28th 1885 Aged 59 Years.
Also ANN, Wife of the above named who died October 20th 1894 in her 81st year.
Also WILLIAM, the beloved husband of Alice Ann Blackburn, who died July 4th 1905, aged 43 years.

SSB 88

In Affectionate Remembrance Of THOMAS, the Son of George and Mary Lumb, of Banquet House, in Barkisland who departed this Life August 28th 1830, Aged 5 Years & 11 Months.
Also JOHN, Son of the above who departed this Life July 3rd 1831, Aged 6 Months.
Also WILLIAM, Son of the above who departed this Life June 22nd 1853, aged 20 years.
Also MARY the Beloved Wife of George Lumb of Banquet House in Barkisland who died on the 12th day of May 1863, aged 61 years.
Weep not dear Husband be content For I to thee was only lent In Peace we lived in peace I died Thou asked my life but God denied.
Also the above named GEORGE LUMB who departed this Life September 8th 1867, Aged 69 Years.
Also MARY HANNAH WHITELEY Grandaughter of the above, who died September 11th 1870, Aged 16 Years

SSB 89

In Memory of ANN BOTTOMLEY, Daughter of John and Mary Bottomley of Spring – Head in Scammonden who departed this Life Decr 31st 1842 in the 16th Year of her Age.
Beneath this stone in silent slumber sleeps Her sacred dust, who's soul sweet Jesus keeps.
Also GRACE Daughter of the above who departed this Life October 28th 1862 Aged 24 Years.
Also MARY the Beloved Wife of the above, who departed this Life June 1st 1870 Aged 63 Years.
Also JOHN BOTTOMLEY, Grandson of the above, who departed this Life April 28th 1871. Aged 10 Years.
Also of the above JOHN BOTTOMLEY who departed this Life May 30th 1884 Aged 80 Years.

SSB 90

In Loving Memory Of WILLIAM SYKES Nont Sarahs Hotel Scammonden who died May 3rd 1885 Aged 56 years.
Also MARY ANN, wife of the above, who died October 9th 1902, Aged 70 years.
Also HANNAH, the beloved wife of Edward Sykes, and daughter in law of the above Born August 5th 1840 Died August 15th 1905.
Also of the above EDWARD SYKES, who died Sepr 29th 1911, in his 58th year.
"Thy will be done"

SSB 91

On the East face:
In Loving Memory Of AMOS HAIGH of Shaw Clough, Scammonden who died February 4th 1898, Aged 72 Years.
Also HANNAH HAIGH, his beloved wife, who died November 12th 1898 Aged 73 Years.
Also SARAH HAIGH, Daughter of the above who died April 8th 1903 Aged 54 Years.
Also LEWIS, Son of Wm & Elizabeth Haigh who died November 21st 1901, Aged 32 Years.
Also ELIZABETH, Relict of WM Haigh, Died June 10th 1919, Aged 74 years.
On the North face:
Also MARY ELLEN Daughter of the said WM & E. Haigh Died March 12th 1915 in her 35th year.
On the South face:
Also the said WILLIAM HAIGH Son of Amos, and Hannah Haigh, Died Dec 15th 1913, in his 68th year.
Also JAMES ALBERT Son of Wm Haigh, Died April 25th 1937, Aged 55 Years.

SSB 92

Sacred To the Memory of ELIZABETH, Wife of Ely Sutcliffe, (Junior)  of Dog Lane, Stainland, who died December 13th 1852, Aged 28 Years.
Also REBECCA HANNAH, Wife of Samuel Law, of Manchester, and Daughter of the above Ely and Elizabeth Sutcliffe, who died December 3rd 1877, Aged 27 Years.
Also SARAH TAYLOR, third daughter of Ely Sutcliffe, Died Oct 26th 1931, Aged 70 Years.

SSB 93

Near this place was interred ' the Body of JOSHUA WHEEL=WRIGHT of Turner house in Scammonden who departed this Life the 14th Day of March 1780 in the 65th year of his Age.
Also JAMES, Son of the above said Joshua Wheel= wright who departed this Life the 22nd Day of June 1783 in the 27th Year of his Age.
Also MARY the Wife of Samuell Booth Daughter of the above said Joshua Wheelwright who departed this life the 23rd Day of June 1783 in the 40th Year of her Age.
Also the body of AARON WHEELWRIGHT of Turner-house in Scammonden who departed this Life the 15th Day of Feby 1817 Aged 63 Years.

SSB 94

In Memory Of ELIZA TAYLOR infant daughter of Benjamin and Ellen Taylor of Penny Hill in Barkisland who died July 12th 1842.
Also of WILLIAM TAYLOR, who died January 12th 1846, Aged 6 Years.
Also of ELLEN TAYLOR, mother of the above, who died July 8th 1854 Aged 36 Years.
Also of SARAH JANE TAYLOR, who died an infant July 11th 1854.
Also of SAMUEL TAYLOR, who died August 27th 1860, Aged 14 Years.
Also of ALICE TAYLOR, who died March 15th 1866 Aged 17 Years.
Also of BENJAMIN TAYLOR, father the above, who died February 16th 1874 Aged 58 Years.

SSB 95

Sacred to the Memory of JOHN WHEELWRIGHT, of Schole Carr, Rishworth, who departed this Life July 25th, 1841, in the 51st YEAR of his Age.
Also of HANNAH, his WIFE who departed this Life April 3rd 1874, in the 81st YEAR of her Age.
Also of Sarah, their DAUGHTER who departed this life April 2nd 1845, in the 28th YEAR of her age.
Also of ANN Relict of the late GEORGE TRAVIS Who died June 3rd 1907 Aged 88 Years.
Also of HANNAH BOTTOMLEY who died Feb 13th 1912 Aged 76 Years.

SSB 96

With Christ In Loving Memory of SARAH SYKES, For fifty years the valued friend in the service of the late Rev. S. P. Lampen. Mrs Lampen and the family erect this stone.

SSB 97

Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
In Loving Memory Of JOHN SYKES of Turner House. Scammonden Who died April 26th 1876, Aged 93 Years.
Also of BETTY his Wife who died July 5th 1870, in her 80th year.
"After toil comes rest"

SSB 98

In Memory Of JOHN BLACKER, who departed this Life, (at Abbot-Royds, in Barkisland,) on the 1st Day of Sepr 1835, Aged 61 Years.
"Diligent in Business, fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord."

SSB 99

Here was interred the body of George Wood head of Deanhead Gentleman who depart ed this Life the 26th Day of October Anno Dom 1732 in the 71st year of his Age.
Also the Remains of John Woodhead Gentleman, nephew of the above named George Woodhead who was born at Berry Greave in the Township of Marsden AD 1724 & died at Hullenedge, in the Town Ship of Elland, Decr 6th 1774, Aged 50 Years.
Also the Remains of Betty, Daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth Woodhead, of Wether Thong in the parish of Almondbury & Wife of the above named John Woodhead who was born at Wether Thong Nov 13th 1734 and died at Hullenedge March 12th 1811, Aged 77 Years.

SSB 100

In Memory Of ANNA FAIRBANK, Wife of William Fairbank, of Top-o'th-Hill, in Scammonden, who departed this Life February 18th 1849, in the 45th Year of her Age.
Also the above-mentioned WILLIAM FAIRBANK who departed this Life June 29th 1850 in the 48th Year of his Age.
Also WILLIAM, Son of the above, who departed this Life Decr 23rd 1874, Aged 36 Years.
Also DAN FAIRBANK, Son of the above who departed this Life February 6th 1891, Aged 50 Years.
Also SARAH JANE, the beloved Wife of Joshua Tweed Bottomley, who died August 5th 1903, Aged 35 Years.

SSB 101

Here lieth Mr Joshua Dunn late of Furnival Inn London who died at Rip ponden the 20th day of Feb ruary and was according to his request Interred with or near the Reliques of the Revd Mr Smith formerly Curate of this chapel and private Scool Mr to the Gentleman above named the 25th of the same Month 1728 in the 55th year of his Age I [EMBLEM] D

SSB 102

In Memory Of MARY, the daughter of Henry and Alice Sykes, of Hardenby, Scammonden, who died Decr 4th 1857, Aged 4 Years & 8 Months.
Also of HANNAH, their Daughter who died Decr 5th 1857, Aged 2 Years & 6 Months.
Also of ALICE their daughter who died Decr 19th 1857, Aged 13 Months.
Also of the above named HENRY SYKES who died July 9th, 1877, Aged 54 Years.
Also of ALICE, Wife of the above named, Henry Sykes, who died Decr 22nd 1897, Aged 74 Years.
Also MARY HANNAH, Daughter of the above who died March 3rd 1909, Aged 46 Years.

SSB 103

Sacred To The Memory Of BENJAMIN SYKES of Holebottom in Scammonden, who departed this Life May 7th 1843, Aged 67 Years. Also of BETTY his Relict, who departed this Life December 22nd 1853, Aged 67 Years.
A loving Father and a Mother dear, Two faithful friends lies buried here.
Also of JOSEPH, ELLEN, and HARRIET, Son and Daughters of the above, who died in their Infancy. Also of BEN, Grandson of the above, who departed this Life September 2nd 1848 in the second Year of his Age.
Also HANNAH SYKES, Daughter of the above, who died May 15th 1904, Aged 75 Years.

SSB 104

In Memory Of HANNAH, Wife of James Haigh of White Lee, in Scammonden, who departed this Life February 25th 1854, Aged 70 years.
Also of the above mentioned JAMES HAIGH, who departed this Life May 11th 1856, Aged 66 Years.
Also of HUMPHREY, Son of the above, who departed this Life November 25th 1863 Aged 45 Years. Ah! think what agonies my sickness gave, Grieve not to lay me in my silent grave, I go my friends where sorrows foot ne'er trod, With hope to meet my Saviour and my God.
Also of HANNAH, Daughter of the above James and Hannah Haigh, who departed this Life January 13th 1893 Aged 72 years.

SSB 105

On the East face:
In Memory Of EDWARD SCHOFIELD, Spread Eagle Inn, Rishworth, who died April 28th 1868 Aged 35 Years.
Also SARAH, beloved wife of the above who died July 10th 1918, Aged 85 Years.
Also JOSEPH, Son of the above, who died Jan. 31st 1925. Aged 60 Years.
On the North face:
Also SAM RILEY who died in New Zealand May 31st 1921 Aged 47 Years.
Also BEN, Son of the aforenamed, Died May 18th 1934, Aged 72 Years.
Also SARAH SCHOFIELD Daughter of the aforenamed, Died March 9th 1955, Aged 91 Years. On the South face:
Also Harriet who died in Infancy.

SSB 106

In Memory Of SARAH daughter of Alice Fairbank of New House Barkisland Who died July 5th 1870 Aged [35?] Years.
Also of FRANCIS FAIRBANK, who departed this life February 5th 1877 Aged 77 Years.
Also of the above named ALICE FAIRBANK who departed this life November 1st 1878 in her 72nd Year.
Also SARAH, daughter of Dan and Sophia Fairbank of Fox Stones Barkisland, who died May 2nd 1903, in her 27th Year.

SSB 107

In memory Of SARAH The wife of William Thornber, of Bottomley Barkisland, who died January 7th 1873, Aged 74 Years.
Also of the above named WILLIAM THORNBER, who died February 2nd 1885, in his 87th year.

SSB 108

Sacred to the Memory of BETTY, Wife of William Hirst of Ley-field in Scammonden, who de- parted this life July 29th 1794 aged 60 Years.
Also of JOSEPH HIRST, Son of the above William and Betty Hirst, who departed this Life August 11th 1802, Aged 28 Years. Interr'd in Pole Chapel Yard.
Also of the above WILLIAM HIRST, who departed this Life March 27th 1817 Aged 88 years.
ALSO of MARY, Wife of John Hirst of Holling Hey, who departed this Life October 9th 1820, Aged 49 years.
ALSO of the above JOHN HIRST, Son of William and Betty Hirst who departed this Life August 4th 1827 Aged 65 Years.
ALSO of ROSE, Wife of William Hirst of Rye-field, who departed this Life January 2nd 1838 Aged 80 Years.
ALSO of the above WILLIAM HIRST Son of William & Betty Hirst who departed this Life November 13 1843 Aged 78 Years.
Also JOHN HIRST, Son of the afore said William & Rose Hirst, of Rye-Field Scammonden, who departed this Life 7th May 1866, Aged 71 years.

SSB 109

In Memory Of NELLEY, the Wife of John Taylor of Newhouse, Scammonden who died March 18th 1856 aged 67 Years.
ALSO the above named JOHN TAYLOR who died January 9th 1858 aged 71 Years.
Also of JOHN TAYLOR, of Mount Pleasant, Slaithwaite, Son of the above, who died April 15th 1887 Aged 56 Years

SSB 110

In Loving Memory Of JOHN SYKES Camp Hill, who died April 17th 1899 Aged 69 Years.
Also SARAH ANN, Beloved Wife Of The Above, Who Died Feb 14th 1908 Aged 81 years.
Also MAURICE, Son of John and Ethel Sykes of Camp Hill who died Decr 5th 1913 Aged 6 months
Also DORIS, Daughter of the above, who died July 4th 1915, Aged 8 months.

SSB 111

In Memory of HANNAH Wife of John Falcon, White Lee, Scam- monden, who departed this Life March 31st 1837, in the 66th Year of her Age.
Also ELIZABETH MARY, Daughter of the above named, who died May 16th 1815 Aged two Years and ten – Months.
Also the aforesaid JOHN FALCON who departed this Life, Sepr 18th 1842 in the 70th Year of his Age.

SSB 112

Here lies interred the Body of the Reverend THOMAS FALCON Minister of this Chapel 45 Years, who departed this Life October 2d 1791 in the 72 Year of his Age.
HERE also were deposit- ed the Remains of ELIZA- BETH, the Wife of the above Thomas Falcon, who died on the 23d Day of June 1804 in the 63d Year of her Age.
ALSO the Remains of THOMAS FALCON, Junr M.A., who succeeded his above Father to the Cura- cy of this Chapel many Years. He died March 2nd 1843 in the 73rd Year of his Age.

SSB 113

In Memory Of JAMES EASTWOOD of Blake Stones in Slaithwaite, Clothier, who died on the 23rd day of April 1840, in the 75th Year of his Age.
Also of ALICE CRABTREE, (his Niece) the Daughter of George and Sarah Crabtree of Edgerton in Scammonden who died on the 14th day of January 1838, in the 32nd Year of her Age.

SSB 114

In Memory of GEORGE CRABTREE of Edgerton in Scammonden who died December 23rd 1848 in the 80th Year of his Age.
Also ROSE CRABTREE Aged 8 Years, GRACE Aged 3 Years, BENJAMIN Aged 9 Years, GEORGE Aged 3 Years, Children of the above.
Also of HENRY CRABTREE Son of the above who died Novr 30th 1837 in his 26th Year.
Also ROBERT CRABTREE Son of the above who died May 29th 1842 in the 43rd Year of his Age.
Also GEORGE CRABTREE, Grandson of the above, who died May 30th 1856 in the 18th Year of his Age.
Also SARAH the Wife of the above named George Crabtree, who Died September 12th 1858, in the 83rd Year of her Age.

SSB 115

Here was interred the Body of ELLEN the wife of John WALKER of Old=house in Scammonden, Daughter of John Crossley late of Scaitcliffe in Hundersfield, decd. She departed this Life the 6th Day of December 1780 Aged 56 Years.
Also EDMUND Son of the above said John Walker who died the 8th Day of January 1783 in the 22d Year of his Age.
Also WILLIAM son of John and Ellen Walker who died 16th Day of May 1790 in the 32d Year of his Age.
Also SUSANNA Wife of John Walker who died 17th Day of August 1793 in the 72d Year of her Age.
Also the above said JOHN WALKER who died the 18th Day of May 1796 in the 67th Year of his Age. ALSO EDMUND WALKER who died Feby 26th 1815 Aged 29 Years.
Also JOHN WALKER (Father of the above named Edmund Walker) who died Novr 30th 1836 Aged 80 Years.
ALSO BETTY WALKER (relict of the above named John Walker) who died Jany 25th 1838 Aged 79 Years.
On the East face of the box:
Also of JOHN WALKER, Late of Upper Royal, Scammonden who departed this Life August 12th 1852 in the 65th Year of his Age.

SSB 116

In Memory Of JOHN EASTWOOD, of Upper-Hey-House, in Barkisland who died on the 23rd of February 1834 in the 75th Year of his Age.
Also of ELIZABETH the Wife of William Eastwood, of Far-Royd, in Rishworth who died on the 30th day of October 1831, in the 51st Year of her Age.
Also of MARY ANN, their Daur who died on the 4th day of November 1831, in the 19th Year of herAge.
Also of MARY the Wife of the aforesaid John Eastwood; who died on the 22nd day of March 1843, in the 84th Year of her Age.
Also of the above named WILLIAM EASTWOOD, who died on the 7th of July 1860, in the 79th Year of his Age.

SSB 117

In Memory Of ELI EASTWOOD Lower Top O'th Hill in Scammon- den, who died November 1st 1867, Aged 51 Years
Also JAMES, SON OF THE (upper case sic)  above, who died February 16th 1874 aged 19 Years.
Also ELIZABETH, Wife of the above who died Jan 2nd 1899 Aged 85 years.

SSB 118

Sacred to the Memory of JAMES, the Son of James & Hannah Marsden of the Brown Cow Inn Scammonden, who departed this Life August 14th 1841, Aged 9 Years.
Also WILLIAM, Son of the above who departed this Life September 7th 1850, Aged 21 Years.
Mourn not for me, my parents dear, For here I lie, 'till Christ appear; This world I leave, of toil and pain I die in hope, – shall live again.
Also the above HANNAH MARSDEN, who died April 28th 1874 Aged 70 Years.
Also the above JAMES MARSDEN, who died October 11th 1874, Aged 70 Years.
Also of JOSEPH HIRST MARSDEN, of White Lee Scammonden, Son of the above named James Marsden Born Jan 12th 1835, Died Decr 19th 1881
Also WILLIAM, Son of the above Joseph and Ellen Marsden Born July 26th 1857, Died June 28th 1900

SSB 119

INE MEN IO MORI Here lieth the body of RICHARD WALKER of Lane Side who departed this Life on Y sixt day of March in Y 55 Year of his Age ANth DOM 1712 R W
Also ANN Wife of Isaac Marsden who died the 22d Day of January 1794 in the 71st Year of her Age.
Also ELLEN, Beloved wife of Joseph Hirst Marsden, of White Lee Scammonden Born January 14 1835 Died April 19 1905

SSB 120

and west of the church. In Memory Of JOHN PEARSON Late of Cheltenham, who died at the House of his Father in Law the Revd R. Younger, Incumbent of this Chapel, on the 19th of Octr 1845 Aged 30 years.
Also of MARY the Wife of the Revd R. Younger, who departed this Life on the 2nd day of Feby 1856, Aged 73 Years.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
Also of GEORGE and EDWARD- -HOOPER, the two infant Sons of the said R. Younger. The former died Oct 11th 1818, and the latter died May 3rd 1824.
Also of RALPH YOUNGER, who was Incumbent of this Chapelry for nearly 50 Years. He died on the 27th day of November 1856, Aged 76 Years.
I know that my redeemer liveth

SSB 121

In Loving Memory Of JOHN SYKES of New Hey, Scammonden Who Died Feb 13th 1865 Aged 63 Years.
Also of BETTY his Wife who died Feb 16th 1885 Aged 79 Years.
Also of HANNAH Their daughter who died May 22nd 1883 Aged 52 Years. Thy will be done

SSB 122

The grave of Abraham Kenworthy & family

SSB 123

In Memory of JOSHUA KENWORTHY of Erringden who departed this Life, the 2 Day of December 1795, Aged 76 Years.
Also MARY his Wife, who departed this Life Jany 19th 1792, Aged 75 Years.
Also ANN his Daughter died the 30 Day of June 1793, Aged 36 Years.
Also JOSHUA KENWORTHY of Anna- but-lee, in Sowerby, and Son of the afore said Joshua Kenworthy, who departed this Life the 11th Day of FebRy 1821, Aged 74 Years.
Also JOSEPH KENWORTHY of Meer- Syke in the Township of Wiggles- worth, who died October 20th 1820, Aged 66 Years.

SSB 124

In Memory of RUTH, the beloved wife of William Ken- worthy of Mill-bank in Sowerby Shop-keeper, who departed this Life on the 7th Day of May 1819, Aged 56 Years.
Also of the above-mentioned WILLIAM KENWORTHY, late of Mill-bank; he died at Kingcross March 10th 1844, in the 75th Year of his Age.
Also BETTY BERRY, of Mill-bank Daughter of the above Ruth Ken- worthy who departed this Life August the 18th 1858, in the 74 Year of her Age.

SSB 125

In Memory of HANNAH, Wife of Luke Lumb, of Nook End, Barkisland, who died March 22nd 1861, Aged 26 Years.
Also ELLEN, Daughter of Luke and Hannah Lumb, who died June 3rd 1862, Aged 16 Months.
Also FRANCIS, Son of Francis and Susannah Fairbank, who died July 19th 1877, Aged 3 Years.
Also of the above FRANCIS FAIRBANK, who died December 4th 1892, Aged 49 Years.
Also YOUNGER their infant Son.
Also of SUSANNAH FAIRBANK, Widow of the above, who fell asleep March 28th 1916, Aged 71 Years.

SSB 126

In Loving Memory Of ELLEN The beloved wife of William Henry Fairbank, of Haugh Top Barkisland, who died September 18th 1898 Aged 29 Years
Also HANNAH, beloved wife of the above William Henry Fairbank, who died May 27th 1937 Aged 61 Years. Thy will be done
Also the above WILLIAM HENRY FAIRBANK, who died April 26th 1938. Aged 67 years.

SSB 127

Here Was Interred the Body of Nathan iel Robinson of Deanhead who di ed the 2(?)7 day of March 1755(?) in the 7(?)3 year of his age

SSB 128

In Loving Memory Of BENJAMIN EDWARD, son of John & Hannah Tweed of Bolster Moor, who died Feb. 17. 1906, Aged 33 Years.
Also of the above named HANNAH TWEED, who died Aug. 27. 1915, Aged 80 Years.
Also of GEORGE, Son of the above who died Feb. 16. 1943, Aged 65 Years.

SSB 129

In Memory Of JOHN CRABTREE of Hey in Scammonden, who depart- ed this Life on the 4th Day of Octr 1856, Aged 52 Years.
Also George the Beloved Son of John and Matilda Crabtree, who departed this Life December 28th 1870, Aged 21 Years.
Also MATILDA the Beloved Wife of the above named JOHN CRABTREE, who departed this Life April 21st 1896, Aged 82 Years.
Also John Crabtree, Son of the above, who died November 28th 1903 Aged 56 Years.
"Thy will be done"
Also of Martha Crabtree, wife of the above who died June 18th 1913 Aged 68 Years.

SSB 130

Here Lyeth the body of ANTHONY HOYLE of Hanhead + who departed this Life the 7 Day of January Anno Domini 1709
This stone, probably the oldest still legible in the graveyard, is decorated with vines around the edges bearing flowers, leaves and grapes – a popular theme throughout the ages – and has two primitive faces at the top corners (compare with 131: Denton adjacent) 

SSB 131

lyeth the bodyLyeth John Den-
of Elizabeth theton Son of Willi
Wife of Willi-am Denton who
am Denton indeparted this life
Scammondenthe 1 day of Febru
who departedary Ano Doi 1727
this life the 18th dayin the 8th Year of
of May Ano Doihis Age.
1728 in the 47th 
Year of her Age. 
Here Also 
was interred 
the Body of 
William Denton 
who dyed ye 8th 
of Feb, 1738 
in the 59th Year 
of his Age. 

SSB 132

In Loving Memory Of BENJAMIN EASTWOOD, Old House Farm, Scammonden who died June 25th 1917 Aged 66 Years.
Also ALICE ANN his beloved wife, who died March 24th 1923, Aged 68 years.
Also RUTH ELLEN their daughter who died June 3rd 1899, aged 12 years.
Also May, their daughter and JOE, their son, who died in infancy.
- At Rest –

SSB 133

In Memory of DINAH, Wife of John Milnes of Warley, who died January 15th 1792 aged 44 Years.
Also MARY his Daughter died Octr 20th 1824 aged 32 Years.
It pleas'd the Lord to cut the thread of Life Of this a loving and a virtuous wife; In bringing forth an offspring was the case, And now both rest quite easy in this place.

SSB 134

In Loving Memory Of WILLIAM CROSSLEY, of Broad Ing, Rishworth, who died Feb. 4th 1904, Aged 61 Years.
Also of HANNAH, Wife of the Above, who died April 17th 1916, Aged 74 Years.

SSB 135

In Memory Of THOMAS WILKINSON of Spring Head, Scammonden Born July 6th 1794, Died March 14th 1880.
Also of ANN WILKINSON, Relict of the above, Born June 22nd 1795, Died Novr 30th 1888.
Also of CHARLES WILKINSON Son of the above who died May 2nd 1910 Aged 84 Years.

SSB 136

In Memory Of ELLEN Relict of Joseph Broadhead, of Holmfirth, and eldest daughter of the late John Walker, Esq., of Old House, Scammonden, who died February 12th, 1877, Aged 86 Years.

SSB 137

On the East face:
IHS In Memoriam JOHN KENWORTHY WALKER, M. D. of Spring Grove, Deanhead. Born July 16th 1786, Died March 18th 1873
Blessed be the man that provideth for the sick and needy. The Lord shall deliver him in the time of trouble.
On the North face:

Also of JANE Relict of John Kenworthy Walker who died September 29th 1873 Aged 69 Years.
Partings, claspings, sob and moan Midnight waking, twilight weeping Heavy noontide – all are done"
ELIZABETH, her daughter, Relict of Samuel Jackson of Dewsbury, who died May 20th 1891 Aged 87 Years.
'When I awake up after Thy likeness I shall be satisfied with it'
On the West face:
Joint heirs with Christ, if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

SSB 138

SSB 139

In memory of HENRY POGSON of Severals Mill in Soyland who departed this Life March 6th 1845 Aged 75 Years.
Also JOANNA his Wife, who departed this Life August 7th 1814, Aged 42 Years.

SSB 140

In Memory Of JOSEPH CROSSLEY of Fox Stones Barkisland who died May 11th 1887 Aged 46 Years.
Also SUSY Daughter of the above who died Nov 5th 1870, Aged 3 Weeks.
Also EMILY Daughter of the above who died Dec 2nd 1876, Aged 13 Months.
Also THOMAS Son of the above, who died Oct 23rd 1878, Aged 2 Months.
Also an infant son.
Also MARY, Beloved Wife of the above Joseph Crossley, who died May 2nd 1893 in the 51st Year of her Age.

SSB 141

In Memory of THOMAS CROSSLEY of Ewse Scammonden. who died March 5th 1879, Aged 55 Years.

SSB 142

In Loving Memory Of JOHN TWEED, of Bolster Moor, Golcar, Who Died June 12th 1891, Aged 58 Years.
Also SARAH, daughter of the above Who Died May 16th 1859, Aged 15 Months.
Also MARIA, daughter of the above Who Died April 24th 1879, Aged 19 Years.
Also SAMUEL, son of the above Who Died August 20th 1882, Aged 17 Years.
Also DAVID, son of the above Who Died March 26th 1899, Aged 35 Years. SYKES, LINDLEY

SSB 143

In Memory Of JOHN, Son of Levi & Mary Lumb of Rochdale: who died 3rd of Novr 1817, aged 4 Years and 6 Months.
Afflictions sore long time I bore, Physicians were in vain, Death gave ease when God did please, And free'd me from my pain.
Also of MARY, Wife of Levi Lumb, who died May 8th 1833, aged 60 Years
Also of MARY the Daur. of Levi and Mary Lumb: who died on the 1st of Jany 1838. in the 30th Year of her Age.

SSB 144

Here Lieth Interred the Body of SUSANNAH DENTON [?] late of Upper Heyhouse in Barkisland who departed this Life the 28th Day of July 1764 in the 83rd Year of her Age.

SSB 145

In Memory Of ANN, wife of Thomas Crabtree, of Wood-head, Barkisland, who died Nov 24th 1871, aged 58 years
Also of the above THOMAS CRABTREE, who died Feb 3rd 1872, aged 68 Years
ALSO an infant of the above died Jan 4th 1841
Also SOPHIA, daughter of the above, who died March 9th 1885, aged 43 Years

SSB 146

At rest In Loving Memory of SARAH Beloved wife of Sam Shaw who died May 19th 1911 Aged 37 years.
Also ROWLAND, beloved son of the above who died June 4th 1929 Aged 28 years.
Also ELIZABETH HARRIET wife of the above who died April 2nd 1946 Aged 74 years
On north side of base of cross:

Also the aforesaid SAM SHAW who died Feb 14th 1954 Aged 79 years

SSB 147

SSB 148

Sacred To The Memory Of MICHAEL HOYLE WHEELWRIGHT, of Slithero House Rishworth, who departed this Life, on February 2nd 1864 Aged 45 Years.
Also of HELEN EVA WHEELWRIGHT Daughter of the above, who departed this life, January 9th 1856, Aged one year and six months.

SSB 149

IHS In Loving Memory Of JOHN HENRY and MARY LOUISA ANNE Son and Daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Lockwood, who died at Godley Rishworth, the former on the 6th of April 1856, aged 17 years, the latter on the 16th of January 1858 aged 17 years.
"Thy will be done"
Also of the above named ELIZABETH LOCKWOOD who fell asleep at Ripponden Vicarage, on the 17th of February 1892, Aged 84 Years.
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord"

SSB 150

In Loving Memory Of ELIZABETH, Beloved wife of William Hamer, Old Town, Wadsworth, who died Decr 21st 1893, Aged 53 Years.
Also of the above WILLIAM HAMER, who died Feby 23rd 1913, Aged 70 years.
Also of two infants.

SSB 151

In Memory Of DAVID Son of David and Betty Hamer, Of Woodhead, in Barkisland who died Augt 12th 1843, in his 21st Year.
Also of HENRY their Son, who died July 16th 1828, in his 2nd Year.
Also BETTY, the Wife of David Hamer, who died June 5th 1862, Aged 69 Years
Also GEORGE, Son of the above who died July 8th 1862, Aged 31 years.
Also DAVID Father of the above who departed this Life April 9th 1868 Aged 78 Years.
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord
Also SOPHIA HAMER, Daughter of the above who departed this Life December 16th 1887, Aged 54 Years.
Also ANNIE MARIA HAMER, Daughter of the above, who departed this Life July 22nd 1888, in her 55th Year.

SSB 152

In Memory Of ELLEN daughter of Francis & Deborah Fairbank of Upper NookEND Barkisland, who died September 14th 1860, Aged 15 Years.
Also DEBORAH, the above who died September 24th 1868, Aged 51 Years.
Also FRANCIS, the above, who died June 13th 1872 Aged 58 years.
Also SARAH, beloved Wife of Thomas Williams, and daughter of the above who died August 11th 1888 Aged 39 Years.

SSB 153

Sacred to the Memory of SARAH the beloved Wife of John Wheelwright, of Rishworth Mill, who departed this life, April 22nd 1843, Aged 55 Years.
She was a loving and faithful Wife, an affectionate Mother, and a sincere Friend.
Sacred also to the Memory of the offspring of the above John and Sarah Wheelwright:- MARIAN, Daughter who died December 16th 1824 aged 13 Years. THOMAS HANWELL, Son who died January 6th 1825, aged 11 Years. BENJAMIN, son who died June 4th 1831, aged 8 years.
Sacred also to the Memory of the above JOHN WHEELWRIGHT, who departed this Life January 11th 1855, aged 69 Years.
Sacred also to the Memory of JOHN WILKINSON WHEELWRIGHT, who departed this Life January 25th 1893, Aged 83 Years.
On the north face, eastern panel:
Sacred Also To the memory of EMILY, the wife of John Hoyle Wheelwright of Rishworth who died at Heathfield Rishworth, on May 21st 1912, Aged 81 years.
On the north face, western panel:
Sacred Also To the memory of JOHN HOYLE WHEELWRIGHT, the son Of John Wilkinson Wheelwright Who died at Heathfield, Rishworth On July ?? 1919 Aged 74 years
On the east face:
In Affectionate Memory of MARY HARRIET Wife of John Wilkinson Wheelwright who died at Heathfield Rishworth, August 23rd 1897 Aged 81 years.

SSB 154

In Loving Memory Of DAN FAIRBANK, of Fox Stones, Barkisland, who died February 27th 1907, Aged 68 Years.
Also of THOMAS FAIRBANK, of Fox Stones, Barkisland, who died October 20th 1914, Aged 49 Years.
Also SOPHIA Wife of the above Dan Fairbank, who died March 25th 1917, Aged 78 Years.
Also LUCY GLEDHILL, Daughter of Dan and Sophia Fairbank, who died June 13th 1951, Aged 71 Years.
On the plaque:
DAVID JAMES GLEDHILL 29 – 10 – 1984 18 – 1 – 1985

SSB 155

To the Memory of JOHN, Son of Isaac and Sarah Taylor, of Pickhill in Barkisland who died the 22nd of January 1799, in the 24th Year of his Age. Those who sleep in Christ Will he bring with him
ALSO of SARAH Wife of the above said Isaac Taylor, who departed this Life the 19th of February, 1806, in the 57th Year of her Age.
Also of the afore mentioned ISAAC TAYLOR, who departed this Life the 12th of August 1816, in the 66th Year of his Age.

SSB 156

HERE Lieth interred the Body of SARAH, the Wife of Zachariah Taylor of Barkis- land, who died on the 25th Day of Febry 1831, in the 75th Year of her Age.
Her last End was Peace.
Also the Body of the aforesaid ZACHARIAH TAYLOR, who died on the 3rd Day of August 1839, in the 85th Year of his Age.

SSB 157

In Loving Memory Of HENRY GLEDHILL, who died Feb. 10th 1883, Aged 66 Years.
Also of GEORGE GLEDHILL his brother who died June 10th 1914 Aged 81 Years

SSB 158

In Loving Memory Of THOMAS WILLIAMS, of Crowood, who died December 10th 1917, aged 70 years.
Also ELIZABETH, widow of the above, who died April 24th 1926, aged 69 years.
Also SARAH, daughter of the above, who died June 16th 1963, aged 71 years.
Also ELLEN, daughter of the above, Died July 14th 1988, aged 91 years.

SSB 159

Sacred to the Memory Of BENJAMIN PEARSON, of Hollingwood, (late of Barkisland, Innkeeper) who died June 1st 1844, aged 58 Years.
Also of JAMES PEARSON, his Son, who died June 25th 1843. Aged 22 Years.
Also of HANNAH Wife of the above Benjamin Pearson, who died Jany 18th 1859 Aged 70 Years.

SSB 160

HERE lieth interred the Body of BETTY, the Daughter of John and Sarah Pearson of Ban- quethouſe in Barkilland, who de- parted this Life 19th of April 1797 Aged 3 Years.
Also JOHN their Son, who died 20th of Novemr 1801, in the 2nd Year of his age.
Also HANNAH their Daughter who died 22nd of Novemr 1801, aged 5 Years.
Also SARAH their Daughter who died 16th of March 1816, in the 14th Year of her age.
A Youth was I, and in my bloom, Yet Death alas! became my doom; I trust in Heaven, with God to be, So dearest Friends, weep not for me.
Also the above said JOHN PEARSON late of Banquet-house, who departed this Life, Novr 30th 1833, Aged 76 Years.
Also SARAH the Wife of the abovesaid John Pearson, who died Jany 18th 1837, Aged 81 Years.

SSB 161

In loving Memory of THOMAS BERRY of Rishworth, died Nov 18th 1883 Aged 66 years A last farewell unspoken, he calmly passed away R.I.P.
Also MARTHA, wife of the above died April 23rd 1889 Aged 68 years
Also ELIZABETH, daughter of the above died Jan 24th 1846 Aged 1 year
Also JOHN, son of the above, died Dec. 21st 1849, Aged 1 year.
Also LUCY, daughter of the above Died Oct 18th 1853 Aged 14 years
Also JAMES, son of the above Died Jan 23rd 1859 Aged 12 years
Also JOSEPH, son of the above Died March 23rd 1867 aged 16 years
Also HENRY, son of the above Died Jan 24th 1868 Aged 15 years
Also ELLEN, daughter of the above Died Jan 1st 1871 aged 4 years

SSB 162

In Memory of JOSEPH BERRY of Withinsend in Rishworth who departed this Life November 19th 1864 Aged 71 years
Also LUCY, Daughter of the above who died February 10th 1865, Aged 29 years
O ye mourners cease to languish O'er the grave of those ye love. Pain and death and night and anguish Enter not the world above.
Also GEORGE, son of the above who departed this life May 18th 1868 Aged 48 years
Also BETTY the beloved wife of the above Joseph Berry, who departed this Life March 1st 1875 Aged 71 years

SSB 163

Here was interred the Body of JOHN DYSON Junior of Damhead in Scamonden [sic] who depart ed this life the 2 Day of January Ano Dom 1738 in the 40th year of his Age. I D
Here was also interred the Body of ELIZABETH the Daughter of the abovesaid John Dyson who was Buryed the 11th day of No vember 1738 in the 5 [?] of her Age.
Here was interred the Body of GRACE his Daughter who was Buryed the 2 day of March 1738, in the 20[2?] year of her Age
Here was interred the Body of SARA his Daughter who was buryed the 11th day of April 1730 in the 8th year of her age.

SSB 164

In Memory Of ISAAC son of William and Ann Marsden of Clay House Farm Barkisland, who died in infancy.
Also of JULIA ANN, their daughter who died March 13th 1858, aged 11 years.
Also of STANSFIELD, their son, who died March 17th 1858, aged 13 years.
Also of ANN wife of the above William Marsden, who died Nov. 25th 1872 Aged 64 Years.
Also of WILLIAM MARSDEN, who died February 13th 1882, aged 73 years.
Also of LUKE, son of the above William & Ann Marsden, who died Feb 20th 1927 aged 79 years.

SSB 165

In Memory Of Mary, Wife of James Gledhill, of Nest, Scammonden, who died March 23rd 1863, Aged 71 Years.
Also of the above named JAMES GLEDHILL, who died December 12th 1865 Aged 78 Years.
Also ELIZABETH, the Daughter of Robert and Susan Gledhill & Grandaughter of the above, who died February 12th 1873 Aged 10 Years.
Also JAMES GLEDHILL, Son of the above who died at Huddersfield April 25th 1875, Aged 50 Years.

SSB 166

On the North side of the prism:
In Loving Memory Of JOHN FRANCE Brewer, of Hay Green House, Marsden, died May 3. 1893, Aged 70 years.
Also of HANNAH, his wife, died Aug. 12. 1912, Aged 83 years.
Also of CLARA JANE, their daughter, died Jan 7th 1866 aged 7 years.
On the south side:
In Loving Memory Of FRED FRANCE The beloved husband of Mary Jane France Died Nov 23. 1899 Aged 39 years.
Also of JAMES, their son, died May 10. 1912, Aged 20 years.
Also of the above named MARY JANE FRANCE Died Dec 27 1933, aged 73 years.
Also of JOHN, their son, died Jan 19. 1926, Aged 29 years. And of HANNAH CRAWSHAW, their daughter, died May 14. 1949, Aged 59 years.

SSB 167

In Loving Memory Of JOHN BARRETT of New Hey Who Died Feb 1st 1886 in the 76th Year of His Age.
Also of MARY, wife of the above John Barrett, of New Hey, Scammonden, who died June 12th 1894, Aged 74 Years.
Also JOHN, their son, who died March 20th 1923 Aged 59 Years.
'The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord'

SSB 168

In Remembrance Of WILLIAM TAYLOR of Knowsly, Barkisland, who died Feb. 22nd 1854, Aged 42 Years.
Also of HANNAH, his wife, who died Feb 25th 1886, Aged 81 Years.
Also of JOHN, Their Son, who died Jan 29th 1847 Aged 11 Years.
'Thy will be done'

SSB 169

In Loving Memory Of BENJAMIN SYKES of Glen Royd, Hill Top, Slaithwaite Died Dec. 12. 1908, Aged 48 years.
Until the day dawn

SSB 170

In Memory Of JANE the Daughter of John and Mary Nelson of Greetland, who departed this Life on the 8th of November 1819 in the 10th Year of her age.
ALSO of the above said MARY, who departed this Life on the 18th Day of January 1834, aged 68 years.

SSB 171

In Memory Of JOHN POGSON of Moss in Rishworth who died, June 19th 1838, Aged 32 Years.

SSB 172

In Memory Of MARY, the Wife of James Pearson, of Woodhead in Barkisland, who Died Sepr 21st 1833 Aged 41 Years.

SSB 173

In Memory Of SARAH the Wife of John Pickup, of Booth in Rishworth, who died Decr 7th 1837, Aged 68 Years. Make haste to Christ, make no delay, For no Man knows his dying Day.
ALSO of the above JOHN PICKUP who departed this Life, May 19th 1847, Aged 84 Years.

SSB 174

Sacred To The Memory Of WILLIAM KENWORTHY of Nest, in Scammonden, who de- parted this Life on the 12th day of June 1823 Aged 80 Years.
Also WILLIAM BERRY, Grandson of the above who departed this Life on the 21st day of August 1874 Aged 65 Years.
Farewell dear Wife my Life is gone I little thought when I left home My race was so near run for Death called me before my work was done
Also BETTY, Wife of the above named William Berry who died January 22nd 1888 Aged 83 Years.

SSB 175

HERE was interred the Body of GRACE the Wife of John Hoyle of High -Moss in Rishworth, who died March 20th 1781, Aged 80 Years.
Also the Body of JOHN HOYLE Hus- band of the above-said. He died August 30th 1798, Aged 82 Years.
Also the Body of MICHAEL the Son of the above John and Grace Hoyle, who died Dec. 14th 1810 in the 71st year of his Age.
Also GRACE, the Wife of the above Michael Hoyle who died May 6th 1838 Aged 72 Years.
Also JAMES RAWCLIFFE, Grandson of the above named Michael Hoyle who departed this Life June 5th 1861 Aged 33 Years
Also GRACE RAWCLIFFE, Daughter of the above Michael Hoyle, who died January 21st 1870 Aged 67 Years.
Also ANNE ELIZABETH RAWCLIFFE Daughter of the above named Grace Rawcliffe, who died Octr 9trh 1904 Aged 74 Years.

SSB 176

On the East face:
No inscriptions on the other faces

SSB 177

In Loving Memory Of JOHN CROSSLEY of Law Platt, Scammonden, who died Nov. 2nd 1905 Aged 68 Years.
Also MARIA his wife who died Jan 13th 1905 Aged 76 Years.
Also of ELLEN, their daughter who died Nov. 25th 1889 Aged 30 Years.
Also MARY HANNAH, daughter of the above, who died June 28th 1930 Aged 58 Years.
At Rest

SSB 178

In Loving memory of JOHN WILKINSON, of Sowood, Born Dec. 2. 1841, Died June 15, 1902 Why do we mourn? Because we loved him.
Also of MARTHA, His Wife, born Feb. 4. 1845, died Dec. 9. 1875.
Also of MARY Daughter of the above, born Aug. 2. 1871, died Feb. 28. 1904
Thy will be done.

SSB 179

In Loving Memory of WILLIAM SHAW who died March 6th 1929 Aged 81 years.
Also SARAH, wife of the above who died Sept. 1st 1938 Aged 82 years
Also ANN, daughter of the above who died Feb 20th 1914 Aged 31 years
At Rest

SSB 180

In Loving Memory Of ADAM HOYLE Delph Hill, Scammonden born May 25th 1836 died Aug. 21st 1914.
"Thy will be done"
Also of HANNAH, the beloved wife of the above who died April 26th 1930, Aged 84 Years.

SSB 181

In Memory of JOHN POGSON, Late of Bent-House, in Rishworth, who departed this Life February 23rd 1855, in the 73rd Year of his Age
ALSO MARY, Wife of the above John Pogson, who departed this Life Novr 17th 1860, Aged 80 Years

SSB 182


SSB 183

In Memory Of WILLIAM LUMB of Hey Croft Scammonden who departed this Life Decr 1st 1858 Aged 57 Years.
Also MARY daughter of William and Grace Lumb who departed this Life July 26th 1865, Aged 24 years.
Also ELLEN Daughter of the above named, who departed this Life January 17th 1869, Aged 31 Years.
Why do ye mourn departing friends, Or shake at deaths alarms, Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To call us to his arms.
Also GRACE, Wife of the aforesaid William Lumb, who departed this Life May 4th 1883 Aged 80 Years.

SSB 184

Sacred To The Memory Of JOSEPH STANCLIFFE of Wood Head in Barkisland who died 5th of June 1812 Aged 71 Years.
Also of ANN his Wife who died 24th April 1819, Aged 72 Years.
Also of JOHN their Son who died 17th of December 1801, Aged 21 Years.

SSB 185

In Loving Memory of BENJAMIN, son of Henry and Hannah Berry, of Broad Lee, Scammonden, who died October 17th 1869, Aged 6 years.
Also of the above HENRY BERRY, who died April 9th 1880, Aged 62 years.
Also HANNAH his beloved wife who died July 28th 1892, Aged 73 years.

SSB 186

In Memory Of JOSEPH HIRST of New House Barkisland who died May 11th 1826, Aged 38 Years.
Also SARAH, the beloved wife of the above who died Dec. 9th 1874, in her 85 Year. (sic
Also GEORGE HIRST, Son of the above who died July 2nd 1859, Aged 33 Years.
Also WILLIAM HIRST, Son of the above named Joseph and Sarah Hirst, who died Feb. 24th 1895. Aged 72 Years.

SSB 187

Here lieth the Body of WILLIAM the Son of Edward Kenworthy of Stot hall (Stot sic)  in Rishworth who departed this Life the 2nd Day of Novr 1809, Aged 33 Years.
Also MALLY the Wife of the above Edward Kenworthy who departed this Life the 12th Day of March 1811, Aged 58 Years.
Also the Body of the afore said EDWARD KENWORTHY who departed this Life June 26th 1819, Aged 69 Years.
Also the Body of JOSHUA KEN- WORTHY his Son, who departed this Life September 5th 1849, Aged 70 Years.
Also of SARAH, wife of Levi Kenworthy Stott Hall, Rishworth, who departed this Life July 13th 1867, in the 66th Year of her Age.
Also of the above mentioned LEVI KENWORTHY who departed this life August 30th 1867, Aged 74 Years.
Far from sight, to memory dear

SSB 188

In Memory Of JOHN BARRET of Deanhead, who died, February 11th 1851, aged 66 years.
Also HANNAH his Wife, who died January 8th 1854, Aged 66 years.

SSB 189

In Loving Memory of SARAH PHOEBE BERRY, who died Dec. 13th 1915, Aged 51 years.
Also HENRY, Beloved husband of the above, who died June 1st 1932, Aged 70 Years
Also ALMA, their daughter, who died March 6th 1938, Aged 43 years.
Also RHODA, their youngest daughter Died December 5th 1943, Aged 44 years.
On a separate plaque:

Also ELSIE, their daughter, who died Nov 17th 1986, Aged 89 years. Cremated at Parkwood.

SSB 190

In Affectionate Remembrance Of ALICE Wife of James Crabtree, of Lockwood, who died Novr 27th 1881, Aged 70 years.
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord"
Also of the above named JAMES CRABTREE, who died May 29th 1890, Aged 79 Years.
He suffered hard and murmured not, We watched him day by day, With aching hearts grow less and less Until he passed away. A PEARSON GOLCAR

SSB 191

In Affectionate Remembrance Of LEVI SYKES of Scammonden who died July 14th 1879 Aged 73 Years.
Also of MARY His Wife who died August 21st 1882 Aged 75 Years. of Upper Royal George Inn, Scammonden.
Also of JOSEPH SYKES Son of the above named who died July 30th 1912, Aged 78 Years.

SSB 192

On the north face:
In Loving Memory of SARAH, beloved wife of John Lumb, Born Oct 19th 1831. died January 27th 1888.
Also of the above JOHN LUMB, who fell asleep Oct 2nd 1912 in the 84th year of his age RIP
On south face:
In Affectionate Remembrance of MATILDA, daughter of John & Sarah Lumb, of Paddock Nook Barkisland, who died April 10th 1868, in her 10th year.
Also FRANK LUMB, died April 15th 1872, in his 3rd year.
Also of DAN LUMB, died June 18th 1873, in his 18th year.
Also 5 infants.

SSB 193

In Loving Memory Of JOHN SYKES, Died September 27th 1882, Aged 42 years.
Also MARY ANN, the beloved Wife of the above Died November 20th 1889, Aged 48 Years.
Also JOHN WILLIAM, their Son Died October 8th 1924, Aged 59 years.

SSB 194

In Loving Memory Of FIELDING ASPINALL of Stainland, who died April 5th 1859, Aged 51 years.
Also ROSE HANNAH daughter of Fielding and Ann Aspinall who died Oct 13th 1867. Aged 18 years.
Also of BENJAMIN, their Son who died Decr 13th 1868. Aged 17 years.
Also ANN, Relict of the above, who died May 16th 1891, Aged 78 years.
Also 3 children who died in infancy.

SSB 195

In Loving Memory of WILLIAM, beloved husband of SOPHIA LUMB, of Fox Stones, Barkisland, who died Aug 10th 1916, aged 64 years.
"Thy will be done."
Also SOPHIA, relict of the above, who died Oct 12th 1919, aged 73 years.

SSB 196

In Memory Of JOHN LUMB of West Carr who died June 3rd 1876 Aged 51 Years.
Also of WILLIAM LUMB who died May 5th 1869, Aged 33 years.
Also of MARY LUMB, their sister, who died June 19th 1888, Aged 60 years.
Also of SARAH LUMB their sister who died June 20th 1907, Aged 75 years.

SSB 197

SSB 198

In Loving Memory Of ABRAHAM, the beloved husband of Sarah Ann Lumb, Died October 2nd 1933, Aged 71 Years.
Also the above SARAH ANN LUMB, Died March 27th 1939, Aged 80 Years.

SSB 199

Here lieth interred the Body of Mally[?] Hirst, Daughter of John Hirst of Royd in Rishworth, who died Sepr 16th 1798 in the 7th Year of her Age.
ALSO the Body of ANN the Wife of the above John Hirst, who departed this Life Sepr 18th 1810, in the 52nd Year of her Age.
Also the Body of NANCY the Daughter of the above John and Ann Hirst who departed this Life Decr 30th 1821 in the 26th Year of her Age.
Also the above-said JOHN HIRST, who died Novr 26th 1835 Aged 77 Years.
Also THOMAS HIRST, his Son, who died March 12th 1837, Aged 45 Years.
Also GEORGE HIRST of Royd in Rishworth who departed this Life July 14th 1861 Aged 62 Years.
Also WALKER TAYLOR, Son of George and Ann Hirst, who departed this Life January 31st 1862, Aged 5 Years.
Also ANNE Wife of the above named George Hirst, who departed this Life Novr 12th 1868, Aged 50 Years.
Also JOSEPH, Son of the above named who departed this Life August 25th 1869, Aged 30 Years.
Also THOMAS, Son of the above named George Hirst, who departed this Life March 21st 1879 aged 41 years.

SSB 200

"At Rest" In Loving Memory of JAMES EDWARD, beloved son of John and Sarah Eastwood, of Far Royd, Rishworth, who died August 19th 1912, Aged 37 Years.
Also the above SARAH EASTWOOD died Oct. 18th 1927, Aged 78 Years.
Also the above named JOHN EASTWOOD, died Jan 30th 1930, Aged 82 years.
On the north face:
Also BENJAMIN their Son died September 28th 1948 Aged 70 Years

SSB 201

In Loving Memory of EDWARD KENWORTHY of Ing Farm Rishworth, who died August 8th 1879, Aged 58 years.
Also EDWARD, Son of the above, who died April 13th 1883 Aged 22 years.
Also MARY, beloved Wife of the first named, who Died November 30th 1889 Aged 67 Years.

SSB 202

In Memory Of BENJAMIN SYKES of Hudson Croft Scammonden who died July 1st 1879, Aged 48 Years.
Also ELIZABETH, his wife, who died June 16th 1912, Aged 78 Years.
Also Mary, their daughter, who died July 15th 1948, Aged 76 Years.

SSB 203

Thy will be done In Loving Memory of MARY ANN, Beloved daughter of Robert and Susan Gledhill, of Nest Scammonden, who died May 21st 1878 in her 18th year.
Also of the above ROBERT GLEDHILL, who died February 28th 1890 Aged 59 Years.
Also SUSAN, beloved wife of the above Robert Gledhill, who died June 4th 1902 Aged 62 Years.
Also of ALBERT GLEDHILL, son of the above named who died July 30th 1908. aged 39 years, [The inscription ends with offset date and a comma as shown.]

SSB 204

In Loving Memory of MARTHA ELLEN The beloved wife of Gledhill Sykes, of Slaithwaite, Born March 18th 1865, Died December 20th 1902.
Also ELLEN, their daughter Born July 1st 1890, Died November 28th 1890.
Also the above named GLEDHILL SYKES Born March 2nd 1864 Died May 15th 1930
At Rest (A man named Gledhill Sykes discovered the disastrous fire at Barkisland Mill, December 9th, 1882.) 

SSB 205

In Memory Of ANN the beloved Wife of George Lumb of West Car, Dean Head, who departed this Life December 24th 1859, Aged 63 Years. Asleep in Jesus! Oh! for me, May such a blissful refuge be; Securely shall my ashes lie, Waiting the summons from on high.
Also HENRY, and HANNAH, who died in their Infancy.
Also of MILES, Son of the above who departed this Life March 14th 1850 Aged 33 years.
Also ANNE Grandaughter of the above, who departed this Life July 24th 1869, Aged 2 years & 6 Months.
This lovely bud so young so fair, Called hence by early doom, Just came to shew how sweet a flower, In paradise could bloom.
Also the above GEORGE LUMB, who died September 10th 1875, Aged 80 Years.

SSB 206

Here Lieth interred the Body of JAMES WHITELEY, of Hall Green in Rishworth, who died July 25th 1798, in the 60th Year of his Age.
Also SUSEY, Daughter of Jeremiah Whiteley, who died Janry 8th 1829, Aged 28 Years.
Also THOMAS his Son, who died March 17th 1830, Aged 22 Years.
Also MARY the Wife of the aforesaid Jeremiah Whiteley, who died Aug. 21st 1837, Aged 66 Years.
Also the above named JEREMIAH WHITELEY who died Decr 3rd 1846, in the 75 Year of his Age.

SSB 207

In Loving Memory Of JOHN SCHOFIELD who died Jany 31st 1899, Aged 68 Years.
Also ANN, wife of the above who died Feby 2nd 1919, Aged 85 Years.
Also JOSEPH, their son, who died Oct 17th 1882, Aged 17 Years
Also JOHN EDWARD, their son, Who died Octr 24trh 1886, Aged 22 Years.
Also their five infants.
Also SARAH, their daughter, who died Jany 26th 1951, Aged 78 Years.

SSB 208

In Affectionate Remembrance Of JOSEPH Beloved husband of Hannah Kenworthy, of Stott Hall, Rishworth, who died January 21st 1916, Aged 53 Years.
Also JOHN KENWORTHY, brother of the above, who died August 28th 1925, Aged 71 years.
"At Rest"

SSB 209

In Loving Memory of SARAH ADELAIDE, The beloved wife of Levi Hirst of Rishworth Born Dec. 20th 1849, Died April 15th 1874.
Also of HARRIET, the beloved wife of the above Levi Hirst, Born Sep 10th 1843, Died June 14th 1902.
Also of the above LEVI HIRST, Born May 16th 1849, Died Dec 10th 1915.
Also of WALKER TAYLOR, son of the above Levi and Harriet Hirst, Born June 26th 1886, Died April 29th 1889.

SSB 210

In Memory Of SAMUEL WILKINSON of Wall Nook, Scammonden, who died July 27th 1915, Aged 94 Years.
Also of SOPHIA, his wife who died April 29th 1895, Aged 73 Years.
Also of JOSEPH, their son who died Oct. 14th 1878, Aged 16 years.
Also of SAMUEL, their Son who died Jan. 2nd 1883 Aged 28 years. WADSWORTH MILNSBRIDGE

SSB 211

In Memory of GEORGE SHAW of Withinsend in Rishworth who died March 3rd 1877 in the 56th year of his age.
Also 5 children of the above George and Jane Shaw. JOHN Aged 1 year & 8 months GEORGE Aged 1 year & 4 months JOSEPH, aged 8 months ELIZABETH MARY Aged 1 year & 6 months WALKER Aged 7 months
Also JANE, Wife of the above named George Shaw, who died March 23rd 1880 in the 56th year of her age.
Also HANNAH the beloved wife of Joseph Sykes of Heckmondwike who died February 27th 1902 Aged 51 years. Thy Will Be Done

SSB 212

In Loving Memory of DANIEL SHAW, Nook End Farm, Barkisland Born November 24th 1846 Died February 8th 1912
Also SARAH, his wife Died October 26th 1922 Aged 80 years
Also Walker, their son, Beloved husband of Alicia Shaw, Died April 28th 1946 Aged 75 years.
Also ALICIA, wife of the above Walker Shaw, Died July 22nd 1963 aged 82 years.

SSB 213

In Loving Memory of JANE, Wife of Charles Taylor, of Hanhead Scammonden, who died March 1st 1892, Aged 42 years. Thy will be done.
Also the above named CHARLES TAYLOR, who died June 1st 1905, Aged 53 Years.
Also MARY, wife of the above, who died May 14th 1920, Aged 63 Years.

SSB 214

In memory of JAMES SHAW of Beestones House, Stainland, who died July 29th 1891, Aged 81 years.
Also ANN, Wife of the above who died June 23rd 1888, Aged 75 years.
Also Joseph, their son who died April 19th 1903, Aged 60 years.
Also SARAH, their daughter who died April 16th 1906, Aged 73 years.
Also JOHN SHAW, their son who died April 18th 1920, in his 84th year.

SSB 215

In Memory Of MARY, Wife of Joseph Whiteley, of Crofthouse, in Rishworth, who died the 21st Day of March 1814, Aged 31 years.
Also the above JOSEPH WHITELEY, who died the 26th Day of August 1850, Aged 68 Years. And also SARAH, Second Wife of the above Joseph Whiteley, who died the 18th Day of March 1852, Aged 77 Years.
Also MARY Wife of Thomas Whiteley, of Withins, Barkisland, who died February 6th 1867, Aged 71 Years.
ALSO the above THOMAS WHITELEY who died November 29th 1875, Aged 66 Years.

SSB 216

In Loving Memory of ANNICE BEAUMONT of Rishworth who died August 8th 1907, in her 54th year.
Also of AMMON, son of the above who died April 28th 1902 in his 26th year.
Also of ELLEN, daughter of the above who died December 31st 1886, in her 7th year.
Also of ELIZABETH, daughter of the above who died December 10th 1892, in her 15th year.

SSB 217

In Memory Of JOHN KENWORTHY, Aged 46 years.
Also SARAH ANN, beloved wife of the above Aged 43 years.
Also JANE, beloved daughter of the above, Aged 9 years, who all died Nov. 26th 1881.
Also MARY, neice of the above, Died July 16th 1936, Aged 80 years.

SSB 218

In Loving Memory Of ROSE ANN beloved wife of John Sykes, who died Dec 22nd 1882 Aged 25 years.
Also the above JOHN SYKES, who died July 21st 1932, aged 82 years.
Also SARAH ANN SYKES, sister of the above who died Nov. 29th 1919 Aged 60 Years.
'At Rest'

SSB 219

In Memory Of the late JONATHAN HIRST of Wortshill Slaithwaite who died September 14th 1873 aged 69 years.
Also HANNAH, wife of the above Jonathan Hirst, who died February 27th 1878 aged 73 years.

SSB 220

In Affectionate Remembrance Of HANNAH, the beloved wife of John Bottomley, of Dumfries Saddleworth, who departed this life 14th Septr 1877, aged 44 Years. Wisdom hath builded her house.
Also the above named JOHN BOTTOMLEY, who died at Gate House, New Hey, Nr Rochdale Jan 1st 1896, in his 63rd year
"Gone to rest"

SSB 221

On the top face:
In Memory Of MARY the beloved wife of William Gledhill, of Deanhouse Stainland, who died Sept 12th 1876, Aged 38 years.
Also EVA ANN, their daughter who died August 1st 1903, Aged 31 Years.
Also the above named WILLIAM GLEDHILL, who died Feb. 27th 1915, Aged 79 Years.
Also ARTHUR, the beloved son of Richard and Sarah May Walker, and Grandson of the above who died March 28th 1911, Aged 3 Years. and 10 Months.
Also EMILY, their daughter who died April 28th 1915, Aged 46 Years.
Also the above RICHARD WALKER, who died August 8th 1929, Aged 55 Years.
On the south face:
In Loving Memory Of SARAH MAY, beloved wife of the aforesaid Richard Walker, who departed this Life March 3rd 1934, Aged 60 years.

SSB 222

In Loving Memory Of JANE the beloved wife of Joshua Kenworthy of Field House Rishworth, who departed this life Aug. 6th 1901, aged 50 years.
Also JOHN, beloved son of the above, born March 2nd 1890, Died January 13th 1915.
Also the above JOSHUA KENWORTHY, died Aug 18th 1922, aged 71 years.
On the south face:
Also JAMES, son of the aforesaid Died Feb 18th 1927, in his 33rd year.

SSB 223

In Loving Memory Of ELIZABETH, The beloved wife of Thomas Helm Wilkinson, of Sowerby Bridge. Born 29 August 1856, Died 16th May 1906.
Also the above named THOMAS HELM WILKINSON, who died Nov 25th 1928, in his 76th year.

SSB 224

In Loving Memory Of WILLIAM, beloved Son of George and Mary Lumb, of Scarr Farm, Deanhead, who died December 16th 1899, Aged 14 Years.
Also JOSEPH, their beloved Son who died November 25th 1903, Aged 21 Years.
Also the above named GEORGE LUMB who died March 19th 1904, Aged 62 Years.
Also MARY, wife of the above George Lumb, who died August 17th 1923, Aged 75 Years.
Also ADDISON LUMB, who died September 18th 1962, Aged 79 Years.
In Loving Memory Of WILLIAM, beloved Son of George and Mary Lumb, of Scarr Farm, Deanhead, who died December 16th 1899, Aged 14 Years.
Also JOSEPH, their beloved Son who died November 25th 1903, Aged 21 Years.
Also the above named GEORGE LUMB who died March 19th 1904, Aged 62 Years.
Also MARY, wife of the above George Lumb, who died August 17th 1923, Aged 75 Years.
Also ADDISON LUMB, who died September 18th 1962, Aged 79 Years.

SSB 225

In Loving memory of JAMES, The beloved husband of Mary Ellen Baron, who died Dec. 17th 1923, in his 61st year.
At Rest
In Loving memory of JAMES, The beloved husband of Mary Ellen Baron, who died Dec. 17th 1923, in his 61st year.
At Rest

SSB 226

In Affectionate Remembrancce of JAMES BOTTOMLY, of Camp Hill Scammonden, who died October 7th 1880, aged 50 years.
Also HANNAH daughter of the above James & Ann Bottomly, who died in infancy.
Also WILLIAM, their son, who died April 25th 1865, aged 13 months.
Also ELIZABETH ANN their daughter, who died May 20th 1865 aged 7 years.
Also ANN, wife of the above, who died April 22nd 1904, aged 68 years.

SSB 227

In Loving Memory Of Our Dear Mother ELIZABETH TWEED, of Dean-House Stainland, Who Died Sep. 22. 1900, aged 58 years.
"Her end was peace."
In Loving Memory Of Our Dear Father BENJAMIN TWEED Who Died Sep. 21. 1908, Aged 68 years.
Also of EMMA, Daughter Of The Above Who Died May 24. 1936, Aged 56 Years.
Also BENJAMIN, Son Of The Above Who Died May 13. 1954, Aged 72 Years.

SSB 228

Gone but not forgotten In Loving Memory of BENJAMIN SYKES, of Booth Wood Rishworth, who died June 29th 1888, in his 39th year.
Also NELSON, son of the above who died Feby 12th 1912, Aged 25 Years.
At Rest.
Also JANE SYKES, wife of the above, who died Jany 1st 1914, Aged 60 Years
"Though lost to sight to memory dear"

SSB 229

In Loving Memory of ROSETTA, Dearly Loved Wife of Fred Gledhill, Died 4th July 1931, Aged 49 Years.
Also The Above Named FRED GLEDHILL, Died 22nd January 1946, Aged 67 Years

SSB 230

In Loving Memory of FRED, The dearly beloved husband of Mary Maria Mitchell, who died May 3rd 1928, in his 71st year.
Also of the above MARY MARIA MITCHELL, who died May 26th 1935, Aged 60 years.
At Rest

SSB 231

In Loving Memory of EMILY, the beloved daughter of Walter & Sarah Hirst, of Ripponden, who died Oct 4th 1925, Aged 18 Years.
"Thy will be done."
Also of the above SARAH HIRST of Stones House, Ripponden, who died Aug. 15th 1947, Aged 80 Years.
Also the above WALTER HIRST who died March 25th 1956, Aged 82 Years

SSB 232

In Memory of WILLIAM CROSSLEY of Low Platt Born August 6th 1857, Died September 1st 1925.
Also BENJAMIN CROSSLEY, Died January 13th 1931, Aged 64 years.
Also MICHAEL CROSSLEY Died January 16th 1935, Aged 72 years.
At Rest

SSB 233

In Loving Memory of JOHN HENRY, the beloved husband of Mary Haigh, of Rye Field, Scammonden, died Jan. 20th 1925, in his 49th year.
"Thy will be done."
Also MARY, wife of the above, ied Octr 14trh 1934, in her 63rd year.
Also LILY, daughter of the above Died May 24th 1971, in her 67th year.

SSB 234

In Loving Memory of JOHN WILLIAM, beloved husband of Mary Baron, died May 10th 1931, in his 71st year.
Also MARY, beloved wife of the above who died Feb. 13th 1936, aged 68 years.
Also JOSHUA SYKES, died March 16th 1929, in his 78th year.
'Peacefully sleeping'

SSB 235

Treasured Memories of a dear Husband and Father ARTHUR PICKARD, who died March 25th 1929, aged 62 years.
Also a dear Wife and Mother CLARA PICKARD, who died Jan 15th 1949, aged 82 years.
Also FLORENCE, their daughter beloved Wife of Rawson A. Whiteley, who died Dec 25th 1955, Aged 64 years.
Also the ashes of RAWSON A. WHITELEY, Dearly loved Husband of the above died Aug. 30th 1977, aged 86 years.
'Their Memory We Treasure'

SSB 236

In Loving Memory of MARY The beloved Wife of George Sykes, of King's Mount, Barkisland who died July 19th 1929 Aged 66 Years.

SSB 237

In Loving Memory of JANE, beloved wife of Thomas Fairbank of Nook End Farm, Barkisland. Died Feb. 25th 1930. Aged 56 Years.
'At Rest'
Also the above THOMAS FAIRBANK, Died Nov. 20th 1943, Aged 71 Years.
Also SARAH HANNAH, their daughter. Died October 29th 1980, Aged 76 Years.

SSB 238

In Loving memory of MARTHA ELLEN, beloved wife of Ammon Sykes, of Hudson Croft, Scammonden who died May 23rd 1930, aged 54 years.
Also the above AMMON SYKES, who died April 4th 1944, aged 76 years.
Also BEN SYKES, M.B.E. son of the above who died May 15th 1975, aged 71 years.
Also MABEL SYKES, daughter of the above who died February 8th 1991, aged 92 years
'Perfect – Peace'

SSB 239

Sacred to the Memory of EMMA BERRY Born March 14th 1858. Died June 11th 1930.
At Rest

SSB 240

In Loving Memory Of ELIZABETH beloved wife of Stephen Sykes, died June 24th 1930, Aged 72 Years.
Also the above STEPHEN SYKES died June 15th 1935, Aged 81 Years.

SSB 241

In Loving memory of NORMAN, dearly loved son of Levi & Laura Sykes, Haugh Top, Barkisland, died April 20th 1931 aged 21 Years.
Also the above named LEVI SYKES, died February 27th 1956, aged 75 Years
Also the above named LAURA SYKES, died January 18th 1960 Aged 82 Years.
Also NELLIE, daughter of the above, died April 6th 1961, Aged 53 Years
'Loves Last Gift – Remembrance'

SSB 242

SSB 243

In Loving Memory of JAMES WHEELWRIGHT Of West View, Stainland Dene, Who Died March 30th 1944, Aged 55 Years.
Also His Dearly Loved Wife, FLORENCE MARY who Died January 10th 1985, Aged 88 years. Re-United.
Also JOHN JOEL WHEELWRIGHT Son of the above And a dear husband and father Who Died July 1st 2002, Aged 78 Years

SSB 244

SSB 245

In Loving Memory of ELIZABETH ANN, the Dearly Loved Wife of Robinson Lumb, of Field House, Rishworth, Who Died 9th February 1953, Aged 64 Years.
Also of the above ROBINSON LUMB, Who Died 18th April 1956, Aged 75 Years.
Also To The Dear Memory of HELENA SHAW, Who Died 12th October 1941, Aged 79 Years.

SSB 246

In Loving Memory Of FRED EASTWOOD, who died June 13th 1940, aged 63 years.
Also of MARY ANNIE, his beloved wife, who died May 18th 1947, aged 63 years.
At Rest.

SSB 247

In Loving memory Of ADA The Beloved Wife Of R. J. Cullington, Died 28th Oct 1937, Aged 66 Years.
"Blessed Are The Pure In Heart"

SSB 248

On the headstone:
In Loving Memory of FRANCIS THOMAS WILLIAMS, Hard Platts Farm, Stainland, Born 1895, Died April 11th 1937
Also JANET, wife of the above, Born 1896, Died March 20th 1969..
On the north surrround:
NORA ELAINE, of Barnston House, Stainland, daughter of above, born 1933, died August 23rd 1989

SSB 249

TREASURED MEMORIES OF SARAH, beloved wife of Percy Edward Rotton, who died Feb. 8th 1936, in her 53rd year.
Also the above PERCY EDWARD ROTTON, who died Feb. 26th 1956, aged 80 years.

SSB 250

SSB 251

In Loving Memory of GERTRUDE, Beloved Wife of George Whiteley, Who died Jan. 29th 1935, Aged 41 Years.
Also the above GEORGE WHITELEY, Who died Dec. 20th 1965, Aged 74 Years.

SSB 252

In Loving Memory of A dear wife MARY ELLEN NORMANTON who died Nov. 25th 1962, aged 76 years.

SSB 253

In Loving Memory Of JAMES Beloved husband of Hannah Sykes, Friends House, Scammonden, who died Aug. 5th 1933, Aged 69 years.
Also the above named HANNAH SYKES who died June 6th 1945, Aged 71 years.

SSB 254

SSB 255

In Loving Memory Of PETER ROBERT WHITELEY who died March 23rd 1933 Aged 67 years.
Also HELENA the beloved wife of the above who died Nov. 16th 1945 aged 81 years, of the Royal George, Scammonden.
Also their dear son NORMAN who died June 4th 1981, aged 86 years.

SSB 256

Only one corner is visible.

SSB 257

In Loving Memory of DAVID, beloved husband of HARRIET SHAW, who died March 1st 1932 in his 75th year.
Also HARRIET, wife of the above David Shaw, of Haugh Top, Barkisland, who died Nov. 30th 1942, aged 84 years.
Also ROLAND, son-in-law of the above, and beloved husband of Maude Kershaw, who died Jan. 1st 1979 aged 83 years.
Also MAUDE KERSHAW, beloved wife of the above Roland, who died December 28th 1994 aged 93 years.

SSB 258

In Loving Memory of WILFRED EASTWOOD LUMB, who died 10th April 1945, Aged 35 Years.
Also of EDNA, his dearly loved Wife Who died 27th November 1956, Aged 48 Years.

SSB 259

In Loving Memory of ANNIE PARKIN. 15 Nov. 1891 – 11 May 1946.
NELSON PARKIN. 4 April 1893 – 14 Oct. 1952.
SAM PARKIN, 9 May 1920 – 24 Aug 2000.

SSB 260

In loving memory of my parents WALKER LUMB 1881 – 1946 and his dear wife MARY ELIZABETH 1880 – 1962 of Turner House and Far Royd Farms
Also my sister BETTY 1913 – 1974

SSB 261

In Affectionate Remembrance of A Dear Husband and Father, HAROLD HAIGH, Who Passed Away 8th April 1960, Aged 64 Years.
"Not Goodbye, Only Goodnight, Beloved."
Also A Dear Wife and Mother ELSIE EVELYN, Who Passed Away 20th March 1979, Aged 76 Years.
Together Forever.

SSB 262

REMEMBRANCE In Loving Memory Of MARY LUMB, Who Died 25th January 1961, Aged 76 Years.

SSB 263

In Loving Memory of A dear husband and father PERCY BERRY Died June 23rd 1963 Aged 71 years. Organist of Dean-Head Church from 1910 to 1963.
"Gone from our sight but not from our memory."
Also LILLY PREST A dear wife and mother Died May 22nd 1987, aged 87 years.

SSB 264

In Loving Memory of A dear husband and father ARTHUR BOTTOMLEY died July 21st 1963, aged 60 Years.

SSB 265

In Loving Memory Of GEORGE EDGAR LUMB, A Devoted Husband and Father Died 26th February 1988, Aged 76 Years.
Also IVY, A Dearly Loved Wife and Mother Died 11th August 1997, Aged 82 Years.
STEVEN LUMB Infant Grandson of George and Ivy Born and Died 6th April 1977

SSB 266

SSB 267

SSB 268

SSB 269

In Loving Memory Of RUTH MARY Beloved Wife of Hilton Beaumont Died 25th November 1959 Aged 54 Years.
When I am dead, my dearest, Sing no sad songs for me, Plant thou no roses at my head, Nor shady cypress tree. Be the green grass above me with flowers and dewdrops wet, And if thou wilt, remember and if thou wilt forget.

SSB 270

SSB 271


SSB 272

In memory of a loving husband, father and grandfather DAVID BARRIE SMITH 1935 – 2000

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Shaw

© Malcolm Bull 2025
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