James Bolton

James Bolton was the son of William Bolton and the younger brother of Thomas Bolton.

He went on to become a mycologist, naturalist and botanical artist, and he produced several volumes of water-colours of plants and fungi from the Halifax district – including

He collected his specimens from the woods and fields of Lee Bridge, Birks Hall, and Cross Fields.

He was a member of the Natural History Society at Edinburgh.

He was one of the most influential figures in 18th-century botany and mycology.

In 1768, he married Sarah Blackburn [1749-1???].


  1. Virgil
  2. Thomas
  3. John
  4. Sally who died in childhood

He lived at Causey Head.

He is mentioned in Graptolite's historical notes on the Church at Illingworth

This & associated entries use material contributed by John Edmondson & Roy Watling

© Malcolm Bull 2024
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