Burials in Grave 4026 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4026
in Lister Lane Cemetery
- James Archer who died 14th January 1862 (aged 39 years) [hawker]
- Jonathan Barrett who died 20th January 1862 (aged 56 years) [labourer]
- Nancy Butterworth who died 11th January 1862 (aged 94 years) [widow]
- Susannah Carter who died 11th January 1862 (aged 8 months), daughter of Mary & Benjamin Carter [labourer]
- Hannah Dawson who died 16th January 1862 (aged 78 years) [spinster]
- Frances Foster who died 12th January 1862 (aged 35 years)
- John Henry Gaukroger who died 20th January 1862 (aged 5 hours), son of Mary Gaukroger
- Lavinia Houseman who died 20th January 1862 (aged 2 years & 5 months), daughter of Hannah & George Houseman [joiner]
- Mary Riley who died 17th January 1862 (aged 39 years) [plasterer]
- Jeremiah Swift who died 3rd January 1862 (aged 70 years) [cloth dresser]
- James Walker Swindel who died 7th January 1862 (aged 33 years) [plumber]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 08:07 / 27th September 2023 / 3373
Page Ref: X4026X