Burials in Grave 4108 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4108
in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Mary Jane Appleyard who died 12th August 1868 (aged 2 years), daughter of Mary & James Appleyard [woolsorter]
- John Bates who died 1st July 1859 (aged 17 months), son of Elizabeth & Ely Bates [father white smith]
- Maria Beetham who died 3rd June 1859 (aged 2 years), daughter of Rebecca & Richard Beetham [father joiner]
- Robert Chapman who died 24th June 1859 (aged 43 years) [labourer]
- Mary Clarey who died 31st May 1859 (aged 16 years)
- John Edward Crossland who died 6th September 1860 (aged 6 days), son of Sarah & James Crossland [dyer]
- John Flinn who died 2nd August 1868 (aged 3 weeks), son of Hannah & John Flinn [dyer]
- Mary Ann Gaukroger who died 21st June 1859 (aged 32 years), daughter of Elizabeth Gaukroger [spinster]
- Charles H. W. Greenwood who died 27th July 1868 (aged 1 month), son of Harriet & John Greenwood [woolsorter]
- James Hiley who died 10th June 1859 (aged 73 years) [wool comber]
- Isaac Sutcliffe Hindley who died 6th June 1859 (aged 3 years), son of Elizabeth & Isaac Sutcliffe [father labourer]
- Elizabeth Shackleton who died 5th June 1859 (aged 43 years), daughter of Martha Oldfield [husband tailor]
- Fred Shaw who died 1st August 1868 (aged 4 months), son of Ann Shaw
- Albert E. Simins who died 26th July 1868 (aged 4 months), son of Mary & Henry Simins [mechanic]
- Johanna Smith who died 3rd June 1859 (aged 23 years), daughter of Mary & Thomas Toohen [husband mason]
- Baby Taylor who died 13th August 1868 (aged 2 days), son of Ellen M. Taylor
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 13:27 / 29th September 2023 / 4644
Page Ref: X4108X