The following burials are recorded for Plot 4115 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Bridget Cannon who died 23rd October 1860 (aged 37 years) [labourer]
- Mary Crossley who died 5th October 1860 (aged 3 months), daughter of Bridget & Denis Crossley [labourer]
- Martin Gaughan who died 23rd August 1860 (aged 18 years), son of Mary Gaughan [labourer]
- Charlotte Graham who died 29th September 1860 (aged 2 years), daughter of Elizabeth & John Graham [brass finisher]
- Alfred Holmes who died 8th August 1860 (aged 7 weeks), son of Eliza & William Holmes [warp dresser]
- Michael Huly who died 18th October 1860 (aged 16 months), son of Sarah & Thomas Huly [farmer]
- Samuel Illingworth who died 5th September 1860 (aged 69 years) [bill poster]
- Ada Robinson Kitson who died 7th November 1860 (aged 16 months), daughter of Mary Jane Kitson
- John McGowen who died 2nd August 1860 (aged 17 years), son of Bridget McGowen [labourer]
- Matthew John McHay who died 11th October 1860 (aged 1 year), son of Elizabeth & John McHay [corkcutter]
- Sarah Mitchell who died 6th August 1860 (aged 61 years)
- Jane Mooney who died 26th September 1860 (aged 5 years), daughter of Eliza & John Mooney [labourer]
- Edward Mooney who died 21st October 1860 (aged 3 years), son of Eliza & John Mooney [labourer]
- Elizabeth Ann Moore who died 21st October 1860 (aged 1 year & 7 months), daughter of Elizabeth & Richard Moore [porter]
- Mary Moran who died 15th November 1860 (aged 11 months), son of Bridget & Anthony Moran [labourer]
- Walter Scott Simpson who died 16th November 1860 (aged 6 months), son of Fanny & Richard Simpson [polisher]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on the Calderdale Companion
Page Ref: X4115X
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