Burials in Grave 4125 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4125
in Lister Lane Cemetery
- John William Bourke who died 2nd October 1861 (aged 5 months), son of John Bourke [labourer]
- Lydia Clayton who died 18th September 1861 (aged 87 years) [widow]
- Harry Cockroft who died 7th October 1861 (aged 18 months), son of Susan & Thomas Cockroft [labourer]
- Mary Greenwood who died 10th September 1861 (aged 35 years)
- James Halmshaw who died 7th October 1861 (aged 6 days), son of Elizabeth & Henry Halmshaw [cardmaker]
- Ann Joiner who died 7th October 1861 (aged 34 years) [spinster]
- Bridget Kennedy who died 11th October 1861 (aged 25 years), daughter of Thomas Kennedy [labourer]
- Margaret Kershaw who died 14th September 1861 (aged 47 years)
- Sarah Leeming who died 21st September 1861 (aged 75 years) [widow]
- John Riley who died 18th September 1861 (aged 15 years), son of Louisa Riley [labourer]
- James Varley who died 11th October 1861 (aged 9 months), son of Eliza & James Varley [warehouse man]
- Mary Ann Walsh who died 27th September 1861 (aged 5 years), daughter of Grace & Michael Walsh
- Isabella Wilkinson who died 13th October 1861 (aged 40 years)
There are also 2 burials of stillborn children
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 13:27 / 29th September 2023 / 3869
Page Ref: X4125X