Burials in Grave 4177 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4177
in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Hannah Chambers who died 20th March 1851 (aged 35 years) [woolcomber]
- William Coppin who died (aged 2 years), son of Mrs & Mr Coppin [blacksmith]
- Martha Dyson who died 8th February 1844 (aged 13 years), daughter of Mary & David Dyson [father a weaver]
- Thomas Dyson who died 12th June 1851 (aged 6 weeks), son of Hart & Josh Dyson [labourer]
- Benjamin Spence who died 7th March 1844 (aged 9 months), son of Ann & William Spence [father a woolcomber]
- Mary Jane Spencer who died 3rd April 1844 (aged 12 years), daughter of Eliza & Samuel Spencer [cabinet maker]
- James Sutcliffe who died 10th December 1843 (aged 3 years), son of Mary & John Sutcliffe [father horsekeeper]
- Ely Sutcliffe who died 28th March 1851 (aged 5 years & 8 months), son of Mary & John Sutcliffe [labourer]
- Samuel Thompson who died 5th April 1851 (aged 2 days), son of Mary & Thomas Thompson [cabinet maker]
- Joseph Wharton who died 22nd March 1851 (aged 3 weeks), son of Ellen & Abraham Wharton [butcher]
- Mary Ann Wrigglesworth who died 14th January 1844 (aged 3 months), daughter of Martha & Edward Wrigglesworth [father carpetweaver]
- David Wrigglesworth who died 28th January 1844 (aged 2 years), son of Martha & Edward Wrigglesworth [father a carpetweaver]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 13:27 / 29th September 2023 / 4256
Page Ref: X4177X