Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
The following burials are recorded for Plot 2491
in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Martha Emma Aaron who died 20th May 1870 (aged 6 years), daughter of Joseph Aaron [green grocer]
- Lilly Ackroyd who died 12th October 1870 (aged 2 years), daughter of Mary Ackroyd
- Harriet Anderson who died 9th September 1870 (aged 3 years), daughter of Sarah & Walter Anderson [white washer]
- Arthur Bates who died 14th September 1870 (aged 2 weeks), son of Hannah Bates
- Harry Beaumont who died 9th September 1870 (aged 7 months), son of Sarah & George Beaumont [woollen presser]
- Agnes Blackburn who died 12th October 1870 (aged 14 months), daughter of Emma & William Blackburn [gardener]
- William Henry Blackley who died 3rd September 1870 (aged 1 month), son of Eliza & Squire Blackley [wire drawer]
- John David Bothwell who died 17th July 1870 (aged 19 days), son of Sarah & James Bothwell [cork cutter]
- James Broadbent who died 22nd July 1870 (aged 2 months), son of Mary & Edwin Broadbent [labourer]
- Mary E. Broadbent who died 31st August 1870 (aged 2 months), daughter of Mary & Thomas Broadbent [carpet weaver]
- George Dell who died 15th August 1870 (aged 7 months), son of Martha & William Thomas Dell [plumber]
- Rose Clara Ellis who died 6th September 1870 (aged 7 years), daughter of Sarah & John Ellis [presser]
- Arthur S. Gaukroger who died 2nd October 1870 (aged 2 months), son of Hannah & Samuel Gaukroger [plasterer]
- Julian Hartley who died 17th August 1870 (aged 1 year & 5 months), child of Hannah Hartley [mechanic]
- Emma Highley who died 3rd October 1870 (aged 2 years & 6 months), daughter of Eliza & Charles Highley [labourer]
- William Henry Holt who died 12th September 1870 (aged 15 months), son of Betsey & Harrison Holt [carder]
- Emily Horsfall who died 25th July 1870 (aged 1 month), child of A. & Crossley Horsfall [mechanic]
- Hannah Maria Horsfall who died 4th September 1870 (aged 3 years), daughter of Fanny & James Horsfall [labourer]
- Ruth Ann Horsfall who died 9th September 1870 (aged 18 months), daughter of Fanny & James Horsfall [labourer]
- Joseph Mann who died 29th August 1870 (aged 2 weeks), son of Eliza Mann
- Mary Gill Martin who died 30th June 1870 (aged 15 months), daughter of Jamma & Patrick Gill [labourer]
- John Martin who died 24th July 1870 (aged 6 months), son of Sarah & Matthew Martin [coach man]
- Rachel McGowen who died 24th July 1870 (aged 1 year & 7 months), daughter of I. & John McGowen [labourer]
- James McManus who died 25th September 1870 (aged 1 year & 9 months), child of Ann & John McManus [labourer]
- James A. Oakes who died 24th June 1870 (aged 6 months), son of Harriet & Thomas Oakes [labourer]
- Mary Elizabeth Pollard who died 29th August 1870 (aged 3 months), daughter of Jane & Sutcliffe Pollard [music teacher]
- John Redhead who died 2nd August 1870 (aged 1 year), son of Frances & John Redhead [mechanic]
- Sarah A. Redhead who died 18th August 1870 (aged 7 years), daughter of Frances & John Redhead [mechanic]
- Albert Riley who died 22nd July 1870 (aged 1 month), son of Mary Riley
- William Rothery who died 9th August 1870 (aged 4 months), son of Sarah & Benjamin Rothery [labourer]
- George Henry Savage who died 21st June 1870 (aged 8 months), son of Mary & John Savage [mechanic]
- Robert Henry Smith who died 6th October 1870 (aged 4 years), son of Louisa Mary Baldwin
- Thomas Swallow who died 15th October 1870 (aged 2 years), son of Ann & Frank Swallow [cord wainer]
- Thomas Swift who died 25th September 1870 (aged 7 weeks), son of Susannah & William Swift [weaver]
- Ellen Sophia Swift who died 29th September 1870 (aged 14 days), child of Mary Swift
- Emma Swithenbank who died 9th August 1870 (aged 1 month), daughter of Sarah & S. Swithenbank [corn miller]
- John Edward Turner who died 5th October 1870 (aged 7 days), son of Rachel & James Turner [book keeper]
- Catherine Whalen who died 29th July 1870 (aged 1 year), daughter of Julia & William Whalen [tailor]
There are also 3 burials of stillborn children
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 13:27 / 29th September 2023 / 9365
Page Ref: X423