Burials in Grave 4319 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4319
in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Eli Aitken who died 8th September 1861 (aged 4 years), son of Mary & William Aitken [carpet weaver]
- Sarah Baldwin who died 28th August 1861 (aged 49 years)
- Jesse Denton who died 7th September 1861 (aged 19 years), son of John Denton [coal miner]
- Thomas Mann who died 25th August 1861 (aged 59 years) [wool comber]
- John McGuire who died 22nd August 1861 (aged 71 years) [labourer]
- Alfred Midgley who died 22nd September 1861 (aged 5 months), son of Betty Midgley
- Hannah Outhwaite who died 7th September 1861 (aged 16 years), daughter of Mary & William Outhwaite [spinster]
- Kestable Park who died 1st September 1861 (aged 19 years), daughter of John Park [spinster]
- Fred Pearson who died 22nd September 1861 (aged 10 weeks), son of Sarah & Thomas Pearson [carpet weaver]
- Thomas Raffaety who died 11th September 1861 (aged 50 years) [labourer]
There is also 1 burial of a stillborn child
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 08:07 / 27th September 2023 / 3474
Page Ref: X4319X