Calderdale Art Collection
Halifax Corporation and Calderdale Council gathered a
large collection of works of art
These were originally owned by Todmorden, Brighouse, Elland and other
parts of the district
The following paintings are listed as being held by Calderdale
The precise whereabouts / conditions / accessibility are not always known
- Abergavenny [Edmund John Niemann]
- Abraham Greenwood Eastwood [Alfred Edward Emslie]
- Abstract (Cockfight) [Elizabeth Turnbull]
- Across the Cornfield [Cecilia Carpmael]
- After the Show [John Peirson]
- Afternoon in Stanley Park with George Glum [John Peirson]
- Afternoon Tea [Harry Brooker]
- Alexander Rennick [Unknown Artist]
- Alger la Blanche, Quay Scene, Algiers [Léon Cauvy]
- Amalfi [Albert Goodwin]
- And So Socrates Dies [Robert Fowler]
- The Andenburg, Ghent (Castle of John of Gaunt) [J. H. Townsend]
- An Anglo-Japanese Alliance [William Logsdail]
- Anne Lister [1765-1836] [Thomas Binns]
- Anne Lister [1791-1840] [Joshua Horner]
- Anxious Moments [John Burr]
- An Artist Holding a Palette and a Brush [Unknown Artist]
- Athens with the Acropolis [William James Muller]
- Autumn Garden No.8 [John Hubbard]
- Autumn in the Ardennes [Henry Campotosto]
- Babes in the Wood [Richmond Drummond]
- Back Rough, Burnley Valley [John Holland]
- Barber's Shop [Adrian Heath]
- Bardsea from Birkrigg [Thomas Hainsworth]
- The Basque Coast, Gulf of Lyons [E. Annis]
- Battle of the Amazons [Arnold Frans Rubens]
- The Bedroom at Boothley Road [Linda Schwab]
- The Beggar [Jusepe de Ribera]
- Birches [Herbert Gurschner]
- Bird's Nest [Thomas Farrar]
- Birks Hall: Old Well [Walter Heath]
- The Blind Home, Halifax [Ann Fuller]
- Blue and Gold [Donald Midgeley]
- Boat on the River [George Cole]
- Bolton Woods, Yorkshire [William Mellor]
- Bottom of Crown Street [Unknown Artist]
- Brearley from Lower Ewood [John Holland]
- Briggate, Leeds [John Atkinson Grimshaw]
- Browmill Point, Derwentwater, Cumbria [William Mellor]
- The Burgomaster [William Padgett]
- Burnley Valley from Crofts Stones [John Holland]
- Calyx of Sunflowers [James Arundel]
- Capriccio, Venice [Joseph Mallord William Turner]
- The Castle, Halifax [John William Oates]
- Cat Holes Dam Fall, Todmorden [John Holland]
- Centre Vale Park, Todmorden [Unknown Artist]
- Chagford Mill, Devon [John Syer]
- Chapel and Bridge, Horbury, Wakefield [Lizzie Ramsden]
- Charles H. Lucas, Mayor of Halifax [J. J. Mulroy]
- Charles I [Anthony van Dyck]
- Charles Kemble (1775–1854) [Thomas Lawrence]
- Chartist Meeting at the Basin Stone [Alfred Walter Bayes]
- Chepstow Castle on the Wye [Edmund John Niemann]
- Children Playing near the Parish Church [Gott]
- Christ Carrying the Cross [Italian School]
- Christ Expelling the Sellers from the Temple [Jean Jouvenet]
- Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane [Philip Richard Morris]
- Christ in the House of Mary and Martha [Otto van Veen]
- Christ in the Temple [A. Forti]
- Christ Walking on Water [Philip Richard Morris]
- Christmas Carol [Robert W. Wright]
- Church on the Continent, Low Countries [J. H. Townsend]
- Cinderella [Richard Redgrave]
- Cloud Poem, Evening [John Philip Busby]
- Coaching a Hundred Years Ago [John Sturgess]
- Coal Transportation into the Shibden Valley [Unknown Artist]
- Coast Scene [Frederick Richard Lee]
- Coast Scene, Bellagio, Lake Como [W. Mommerson]
- Continental Farmstead [Brutty]
- Conversation Piece, Madeira [William Bruce Ellis Ranken]
- The Conway [Leopold Rivers]
- Copley from Pye Nest [Unknown Artist]
- Copley Valley [Walter Heath]
- Cottage at Frampton, Mansel [Thomas Saunders Nash]
- The Covenanters [Paul Falconer Poole]
- Cragg Valley & Stocks Hall from Broadbottom [John Holland]
- Cricket match at Centre Vale [Alfred Walter Bayes]
- The Dales of Derbyshire [George Vicat Cole]
- David Bone [Henry Scott Tuke]
- The Daydream [Alfred Joseph Woolmer]
- Dead Grouse in Landscape [unknown artist]
- Dean Clough Mill, Bowling Dyke [Richard Drummond]
- The Death of a Knight [unknown artist]
- Decor Creation [James Arundel]
- Deer in a Woodland Glade [Unknown Artist]
- Derwentwater [James Baker Pyne]
- The Descent from the Cross [John Henry Mols]
- Dogs and a Pheasant [Richard Ansdell]
- Dr Robert Nickle Denning [Tom Whitehead]
- The Drinking Pool [Henry John Yeend King]
- Ducks [Cedric Lockwood Morris]
- The Duke's Blessing [William Powell Frith]
- Dutch Merrymaking [Adriaen van Ostade]
- East Budleigh [Miles Balmford Sharp]
- Edward Akroyd [Unknown Artist]
- The Elevation of the Cross [John Henry Mols]
- Eli Atkinson [Unknown Artist]
- Elijah Fed by the Ravens [Jusepe de Ribera]
- Elizabeth in a Blue Dress [Cecil Collins]
- An English Rose [Charles Baxter]
- The Ettrick Shepherd Boy Receiving His First Impressions from His Mother [George Washington Brownlow]
- Evening [John MacWhirter]
- Evening Confidences [George Dickinson]
- Evening off St Michael's Mount [James Webb]
- Evening on the River [William James Muller]
- Evening Sky, Glendevon [John Philip Busby]
- The Evening Star: O Hesperus, thou bringest all good things [Robert Scott Lauder]
- Ewood Hall from Greenfields [John Holland]
- Experiment No.2, Series 4 [Michael J. Newby]
- Exterior of the Parish Church [unknown artist]
- Farmyard [John Frederick Herring I]
- Farmyard in Winter [Olwyn Bowey]
- Faust and Marguerite [Frederic Leighton]
- Feeding the Calves [Joseph Denovan Adam]
- Figure Walking through a Woodland [Adrien Rousseau]
- First Christmas Morn [Raymond Lynde]
- The First Communion, Dieppe [Philip Richard Morris]
- Firth's Mill, Bailiff Bridge [Geoffrey W. Birks]
- Fish [Théa Haberfield]
- Fisherwomen [Charles Murray]
- Fishing Boats [F. R. Wirtin]
- Flower and Fruit Stall No.1 [Gerald French]
- Flower Piece [Leonard Appelbee]
- Flowers [Jan van Huysum]
- Flowers in a Blue Vase [Charles Murray]
- Flowers, Studies with Irises [Jan van Huysum]
- The Friends [Janet Taxis]
- Full of Promise [William Henry Millais]
- The Gamekeeper [Edouard Willmann]
- The Gamekeeper's Cottage [William Woodhouse]
- The Gentle Shepherd [Alexander Johnston]
- George Henry Smith [Richard Jack]
- Gibson Mill, Hardcastle Crags [Unknown Artist]
- Girl at Prayer [Joshua Reynolds]
- Girl with Dog [Henry Inlander]
- Going Home [Peter Brook]
- Grandma Robson's Shop, West Vale [Ann Fuller]
- Green Leaves [Margaret Firth]
- Greenwich Hospital [James Baker Pyne]
- A Group of Cattle [Thomas Sidney Cooper]
- A Gypsies' Encampment [William Shayer]
- The Gypsy [Thomas George Webster]
- The Gypsy [Thomas Falcon Marshall]
- Hagstocks, Shibden Valley [E. L. Richardson]
- Halifax (Bowling Dyke) [Claude Muncaster]
- The Halifax Church Choir Practising at the 'Ring o' Bells' Inn [Thomas Farrar]
- Halifax No.1 [John Piper]
- Halifax No.2 [John Piper]
- Halifax Parish Church [Albert Gilbert]
- Halifax Parish Church: Interior [Unknown Artist]
- Halifax Street Scene [John William Oates]
- Halifax Town Hall [Monica Mary Clay]
- Hampton Court, the Fountain [James Digman Wingfield]
- Happy Tram Ride [John Peirson]
- Hardcastle Crags [Samuel Baldwin]
- The Harvester [Harry Fidler]
- Harvesting [William Shayer]
- Haselmere, Surrey [George Vicat Cole]
- Head and Shoulder Portrait of a Young Man [Unknown Artist]
- Hebden Bridge from Palace House [John Holland]
- Heysham, Lancashire [Edmund John Niemann]
- High Sunderland, Halifax [Duncan Campbell]
- Highland Hunter with a Dog and a Dead Deer [Unknown Artist]
- His Father's Grave [John Callcott Horsley]
- His First Breeches [John Burr]
- His Only Friend [John Charles Dollman]
- The Holland Family at Lane Ends Green [Unknown Artist]
- The Holy Family and Saint John [Italian School]
- House and a Mill in a Rural Woodland Scene [Wood]
- The Housebody, Shibden Hall [Henry Sykes]
- Hunting Scene [Unknown Artist]
- A hurrier [George Hector Turner]
- In Eastham Wood, Cheshire [Richard Sebastian Bond]
- In the Café [Robert Atkinson]
- The Infant Hercules [Annibale Carracci]
- Inquiring the Way [Aelbert Jacobsz Cuyp]
- Inside of the Kanaree Caves at Salsette [Thomas Daniell]
- Interior [Egbert van Heemskerck the elder]
- Interior [Egbert van Heemskerck the elder]
- Interior of the Church of St Waudru, Mons [Bernard Neyt]
- Interior with Figures [Herman Frederik Carel Ten Kate]
- Interior, Monk Cottage [Victoria Crowe]
- The Israelites Rejoicing after Crossing the Red Sea [Nicolas Poussin]
- Italian Coast Scene [Clarkson Stanfield]
- An Italian Village School [Giuseppe Constantini]
- James Lister [Joshua Horner]
- James Lister [Unknown Artist]
- James R. Gregson [John Richardson Gauld]
- James Riley Atkinson [Unknown Artist]
- The Jews' Market [Petrus van Schendel]
- John Ambler [Unknown Artist]
- John Atkinson Snr [Unknown Artist]
- John Bunyan [Unknown Artist]
- John Edward Shaw [George Spencer Watson]
- John Fielden [Unknown Artist]
- John Henry Whitley as Speaker of the House of Commons [Glyn Warren Philpot]
- John Mitchell [Unknown Artist]
- John Swallow [Unknown Artist]
- John Whiteley Ward [John William Brooke]
- John Atkinson [Unknown Artist]
- Jonas Atkinson [Unknown Artist]
- Jonathan Hall [Unknown Artist]
- Joseph Greenwood: can anyone identify the man? [Eleanor Susannah Wood]
- Joseph Smith [Unknown Artist]
- Joshua Barnes [Unknown Artist]
- Joshua Dodgson [Unknown Artist]
- Judge James Stansfeld [Henry Tanworth Wells]
- Kensington Gardens [Thérèse Lessore]
- A Kentish Farm [Joseph Thors]
- Kilnhurst, Todmorden [Alfred Walter Bayes]
- Knotts Naze, Todmorden [John Holland]
- Koblenz from Ehrenbreitstein [Arthur Joseph Meadows]
- L'accolade [Laura Sylvia Gosse]
- Lady in Blue [Unknown Artist]
- Lady in Brown [William Bruce Ellis Ranken]
- Landscape [George Cole]
- Landscape [Patrick Nasmyth]
- Landscape [Samuel Bough]
- Landscape [John Crome]
- Landscape [George Morland]
- Landscape [Max Müller]
- Landscape [Eugène Joseph Verboeckhoven]
- Landscape [Henry Dawson]
- Landscape [David Walker Barker]
- Landscape [Frank Brangwyn]
- Landscape near Norwich [John Constable]
- Landscape with Cattle [William Collins]
- Landscape with Ruined Castle [Frederick Richard Lee]
- Landscape, Midday Rest [Henry Mark Anthony]
- The Last Days of Sir Philip Sydney [Robert Alexander Hillingford]
- The Last Moment of Titian [George Jones]
- The Laundry Maid [Howard Helmick]
- Laurence Sterne [Unknown Artist]
- The Leisure Hour [George Smith]
- Lily, Lily on the Brow [Jean Cooke]
- The Linn Pool [William Stewart MacGeorge]
- Little Mexican [Edward Wolfe]
- Lolita and José [Edward Wolfe]
- Los gitanos [Philip Naviasky]
- Love Letter [Arthur Stocks]
- Madonna della Sedia [Raphael]
- Maer Rocks, Exmouth [Miles Balmford Sharp]
- Man goeth forth to his labours [Philip Hermogenes Calderon]
- Man Smoking [Unknown Artist]
- March Winds [Joseph Mellor Hanson]
- Marian's View of Shibden Valley [John Horner]
- Market Scene [unknown artist]
- The Marriage of Saint Catherine [Italian School]
- The Marriage of Saint Catherine [Italian School]
- Maternal Affection [Frederick Goodall]
- Melody [Alfred Elmore]
- Men Playing at Bowls [David Teniers II]
- Midlothian Landscape [George Douglas Haig]
- A Mill [Unknown Artist]
- Mill Buildings [unknown artist]
- The Mitherless Bairn [Thomas Faed]
- Monday Morning [Peter Brook]
- A Mossy Glen [John Atkinson Grimshaw]
- Mostar, Herzegovina [Sydney William Carline]
- Mother and Child [Unknown Artist]
- Mourning [György Gordon]
- Mrs John Swallow [Unknown Artist]
- Mrs Jonathan Hall [Unknown Artist]
- Mrs Joseph Smith [Unknown Artist]
- Mrs Joshua Fielden [Unknown Artist]
- Mrs Knaplock [unknown artist]
- Mrs Sally Atkinson [Unknown Artist]
- Mrs William Smith [William Logsdail]
- The Musician [Gerrit Dou]
- My Native Land, Goodbye [Henry Nelson O'Neil]
- Mytholmroyd & Cragg Valley from Ewood Hall [John Holland]
- The Nag's Head [Unknown Artist]
- Near Bingley [Frederick Stead]
- Near Dean Wood, Rivington [Samuel Lawson Booth]
- Near Red Hill, Surrey [John Linnell]
- New Bank, Halifax [Tom Whitehead]
- New Gate, Winchelsea [Herbert Goodall]
- The Newspaper [Unknown Artist]
- Noah [Stanley Wilson]
- Noah Sending for the Dove [Philip Richard Morris]
- North Wales [H. Boyde]
- North west view of Halifax [Nathan Fielding]
- Nymphs and Cherubs [Unknown Artist]
- Off the Dutch Coast [Thomas Bush Hardy]
- Ogden [Alan O. Smith]
- Old Cottage [William James Muller]
- The Old Nag's Head, Halifax [Frederick Rawnsley]
- Old Water Mill, North Devon [Frederick Richard Lee]
- On the French Coast [James Cullett]
- On the Wharfe, Bolton Woods [William Mellor]
- Open Air Meeting, Top of Woolshops, Halifax [Ann Fuller]
- The Organ Grinder [William Mulready]
- The Organ Grinder [Joseph Mellor Hanson]
- The Orphans [Philip Hermogenes Calderon]
- Outside Cairo [Frederick Goodall]
- Park Scene, possibly Paris on the Banks of the Seine [Thomas Hainsworth]
- Pastoral Scene [Nicolaes Berchem]
- Path through the Wood [Thomas Creswick]
- The Path through the Woods [William Bromley]
- Peace and War [Thomas Sidney Cooper]
- A Peasant Girl [Ernst Bosch]
- The Pets [Charles Hunt]
- Philipp Melanchthon Expounding a Text from Luther's Bible to the Monks [Solomon Alexander Hart]
- Philipp Melanchthon Expounding a Text from Luther's Bible to the Monks [Solomon Alexander Hart]
- Piece Hall [Monica Mary Clay]
- Piece Hall [John Wilson Anderson]
- Pigeon and Lace [Sheila Tilmouth]
- Pitts Shore, Cornholme [Mark Murphy]
- Playing with Baby [George Smith]
- Playmates [John Morgan]
- Political Differences [William Parrott]
- Poppies [Roger Eliot Fry]
- Portrait of a Gentleman [A. Sachs]
- Portrait of a Gentleman of the Cooper Family [Unknown Artist]
- Portrait of a Lady [Tom Whitehead]
- Portrait of a Lady [Unknown Artist]
- Portrait of a Lady [Unknown Artist]
- Portrait of a Man [Adrian Maurice Daintrey]
- Portrait of a Man [Unknown Artist]
- Portrait of a Man Wearing Chains of Office [Unknown Artist]
- Portrait of a Man with a Rose [Unknown Artist]
- Portrait of a Rifle Volunteer Officer [Unknown Artist]
- Portrait of a Soldier with a Medal [Unknown Artist]
- Portrait of a Woman [Frederick Samuel Beaumont]
- Portrait of a Young Girl at a Window [Richard Gill]
- Portrait of a Young Man in Armour [unknown artist]
- Portrait of an Old Woman Reading the Bible by Candlelight [Arthur Netherwood]
- Portrait of an Unknown Gentleman [Joshua Horner]
- Portrait of an Unknown Lady with a Bonnet [Unknown Artist]
- Portrait of an Unknown Man [Unknown Artist]
- Portrait of an Unknown Mayor of Calderdale [James Hardaker]
- Posforth Ghyll, Bolton Woods [William Mellor]
- Prayer [Thomas Brooks]
- The Prince Consort on Horseback [John Frederick Herring I]
- The Quay, Isle of Dogs [Michael Ayrton]
- Queen Elizabeth in a Rage [Augustus Leopold Egg]
- Queen Esther [Giovanni Battista Moroni]
- The Queen's Shilling [William Samuel P. Henderson]
- Red Sky, Red Earth [Tom Whitehead]
- Reflection [John Everett Millais]
- The Repast [Francis Philip Stephanoff]
- Returning from Market [William Shayer]
- Rev John Lister [Richard Lynes]
- Reverend John Lister [Unknown Artist]
- The Rivals [William Powell Frith]
- River Scene [Clarkson Stanfield]
- River Scene [George H. West]
- River Scene [James Abbott McNeill Whistler]
- River Scene with Bridge and Cattle [Walter Linsley Meegan]
- Riverside Scene [Unknown Artist]
- Rocks [Jeff Hoare]
- Rolling Easter Eggs [Edward Atkinson Hornel]
- A Ross-shire Fishwife [Harry Fidler]
- Rural Scene [Unknown Artist]
- Rural Scene with Two Figures and Abbey [Walter Linsley Meegan]
- The Sailor Musician [William Henry Midwood]
- Sailor's Return [George Smith]
- Saint Matthew and the Angel [Jan van Bijlert]
- The Salmon Leap [James Baker Pyne]
- Samuel Lister [Unknown Artist]
- Samuel Lister [Unknown Artist]
- Sarah Curran [1782-1808] Playing the Harp [William Beechey]
- Savile Green Party of Seven [George Kershaw]
- Scene from 'The Pirates' [Charles Robert Leslie]
- Scene in Spain, near Seville [John Bagnold Burgess]
- Scene in the Himalayas [William Daniell]
- The Seesaw [Edward Atkinson Hornel]
- Self Portrait [Irene Thompson]
- Self-portrait [Joshua Horner]
- Self-portrait [Joshua Horner]
- Self-portrait [John Horner]
- The Seven Stages in Man's Life [unknown artist]
- The Seven Stages in Man's Life [unknown artist]
- Sgt Hanson Victor Turner [J. J. Mulroy]
- Shanklin Chine, Isle of Wight [J. Wilby]
- Shibden Hall: Exterior [Mary Lord]
- Shibden Valley with Scout Hall [Walter Heath]
- Ships on the Wear [Michael J. Newby]
- The Shrimpers [William Collins]
- Sibilla persica [Guercino]
- The Siesta [Louis Devedeux]
- Silent Pleading [Marcus C. Stone]
- Silver Birches [Mary Ella Williams Dignam]
- Sir James Stansfeld [Unknown Artist]
- Sir Ralph Tidsby [Unknown Artist]
- Skittles [Harry Brooker]
- Sky Canticle [John Philip Busby]
- Smith House, Lightcliffe [Lumb Stocks]
- Snow Scene in Holland [Franz Xaver Winterhalter]
- Snow Scene, Fire Museum, Batley [Alan O. Smith]
- South Yorkshire Pit [John Peirson]
- Sowerby Bridge from Pye Nest [Unknown Artist]
- Spiral Composition [Joseph Mellor Hanson]
- St Goar on the Rhine [Charles Tomkins]
- Stag at Bay (Monarch of the Glen) [James Ford]
- Standing Stones and Horse at Avebury [Monica Mary Clay]
- Still Life [Benjamin Blake]
- Still Life [I. L. Thatcher]
- Still Life with Game [Benjamin Blake]
- Still Life with Mushrooms [John Wainwright]
- Still Life, Basket with Scoop [Jeremy Webster]
- Still Life, Chair and Bowl [Joseph O'Reilly]
- Storm over Moors [M. Mally]
- The Storybook [Robert Alexander Hillingford]
- The Strayed Lamb [John Adam Houston]
- Stream through a Wood [Unknown Artist]
- Street Scene ('Aux Dames de France') [Walter Bayes]
- A Street with Washing [Peter Brook]
- A Study of Dean Clough from North Bridge [Jake Attree]
- A Study of Dean Clough from North Bridge (Blue) [Jake Attree]
- Suburban Garden [Unknown Artist]
- Sunlight and Shadows [Frank Brangwyn]
- Susannah and the Elders [Guercino]
- Swallow Falls [H. Boyde]
- Tag Lock [Miles Balmford Sharp]
- Tag Lock [George H. West]
- Thomas Fielden (1854–1897) [unknown artist]
- Thomas Henry Morris [John Saint-Hélier Lander]
- A Thunderstorm [William Hilton II]
- Timothy Bates [Unknown Artist]
- Todmorden [Unknown Artist]
- Todmorden Valley from Charlestown [John Holland]
- Trees and Water above Luddenden [David Sim]
- Trees, Woodhouse, Rastrick [Peter Brook]
- Tuning Up [Robert W. Wright]
- Two Horses in Harnesses [unknown artist]
- An unidentified Mr Murgatroyd [Unknown Artist]
- An unidentified Mrs Murgatroyd [Unknown Artist]
- Valley to the Hills [John Hitchens]
- Vegetable Market [Petrus van Schendel]
- View of Halifax from the North with the Town Hall and Cooling Towers in the Distance [Sybil Holroyd]
- The Village Festival [Frank William Wilkin]
- The Violin Player [Unknown Artist]
- Virgin [Michael J. Newby]
- Virgin and Child [Bartolomé Esteban Murillo]
- Wall & Grass [Unknown Artist]
- Walshaw, Hardcastle Craggs [John Holland]
- A Warwickshire Lane [David Cox the younger]
- Water from the Rock, Malham [John Philip Busby]
- The Water Mill [Meindert Hobbema]
- Water Scene [Thomas Danby]
- Water Scout [Unknown Artist]
- The Way Home [Walter Graham]
- The Wedding Party [Harry Fidler]
- Welsh Landscape [Benjamin Williams Leader]
- White Rose [Margaret Firth]
- The Widower [John Watson Nicol]
- William Henry Rawson [British (English) School]
- William Smith [William Logsdail]
- Winter in Ellerby [Rowland Henry Hill]
- A Winter's Morning [Harry William Adams]
- Woman and Child [Unknown Artist]
- Woman at a Cottage Door [Thomas Faed]
- The Woodcutter [Edward Atkinson Hornel]
- Woodvale Mills, Brighouse [Edward Bowen]
- The Yare Valley [John Peirson]
- The Yellow Wall [Carel Victor Morlais Weight]
- The Young Actress [Matthew Arnold Bracey Smith]
- Yurt [Jo Brown]
Malcolm Bull
Revised 17:03 / 7th April 2021 / 67276
Page Ref: X437