Magson House, Luddendenfoot
Magson House, Luddendenfoot is situated on Magson House Road,
off John Naylor Lane.
There have been several houses on the site, dating back to at least
Owners and tenants have included
The existing house was completed in 1851 by John Appleyard and
still includes parts of the original house.
Subsequent owners and tenants have included
In Rev John Watson's,
History & Antiquities of the Parish of Halifax in Yorkshire,
published in 1775, he records inscriptions
on the building
One of the stones containing this inscription can still be seen in
the grounds of the property.
Further Notes by Dave Stollery, current [2022] resident
of the property:
When excavating part of the garden, we unearthed one of the original
roof stones from the house with the inscription on it.
I've not found any evidence of the uncommon hollow mentioned
in the Watson extract and I suspect that it was filled in back
in the 1700s
If you look at the house on Google Satellite view you can see
that the larger Victorian part of the house has the smaller, much
older, part of the house as an extension at its North-East corner
All of the internal doors in the house have locks on them and the
keys have tags on them showing they were the property of Sagar
As I understand it, this is because they bought the house to use it
as offices after the damage that was done to their own office down
the road in 1973.
It is possible that they bought it from Joseph Whitworth Limited
who may have been using it as offices, though I have no evidence of
This & associated entries use material contributed by Dave Stollery
Malcolm Bull
Revised 11:51 / 17th October 2024 / 6185
Page Ref: X561