Arthur Bennett Carter : Obituary

The Halifax Courier & Guardian [15th July 1933] published an Obituary on the death of Arthur Bennett Carter

The death took place on Saturday night of Mr A. B. Carter, of 8, Ladywood-terrace, Pellon-lane, Halifax. Mr Carter, who was 83 years of age, had always been a keen supporter of the co-operative movement and for a period of 47 years held the office of secretary to the board of the local Society. His was a familiar figure at the general meetings of the Society, which he attended with unfailing regularity.

Despite his advancing years, at the earnest entreaty of his colleagues he had retained the office of secretary up to the time of his death and as late as last week had been actively associated with the work. In 1911 on the completion of 25 years as secretary he was the recipient of a testimonial which took the form of a gold albert with medal attached from the directors, ex-directors and officials. A gold guard was also presented to Mrs Carter who died some years ago.

The interment took place at Lister-lane Cemetery, on Wednesday. The Rev. E. Parry (Vicar of St Augustine's) conducted the services at the house, St Augustine's Church and the graveside.

The principal mourners were Mr and Mrs L. E. Cater (son and daughter-in-law), Mr P. Carter (son), Mrs Speak (grand-daughter), Mr Speak, Mrs Burdikin, Mr and Mrs Devitt, Mr L. Storey (solicitor) and Mr F. Knowles (financial secretary of the Halifax Industrial Society). The bearers were employees of the Society, Messrs Laycock, Mallinson, Stirton, Skirrow & Palethorpe


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