Brighouse War Memorial: World War I Names

This list shows the names which appear on Brighouse War Memorial

The names are shown here in alphabetical order, whereas the original Memorial may show them organised in some other manner, and possibly with only initials.

I have linked some of the names here to entries on the website. Please email me if you can identify any of the people here or add more details

Where appropriate, those who died are indicated by

Louis Ackroyd
Arthur Addison
Allan Ainley
John Allen
Herbert William Allison
Harry Ambler
J. P. Ambler
Henry Anderson
Archibald Harold Andrews
Albert Arnett
John Aspinall
Joseph Astin
Frank Atack
William Atkins

Herbert Barber
Harry Barker
John Francis Barker
Clement Barraclough
Harold Barraclough
George Thomas Bates
Cecil Gordon Bean
Eric Paton Beaumont
Horace Beevers
P. Beevers
Samuel Beevers
Harold Bentham
John Ernest Bentley
Dixon Berry
Ernest Berry
Frank Arthur Berry
J. Binns
Charles Bintcliffe
Eric Wykeham Birch
Alfred Bishop
Cecil Roland Blackburn
Fred Booth
John Rolston Booth
Norman Booth
Tom Booth
Isaac Cliffe Boothroyd
Edgar Bottomley
Frank Bottomley
Charles Henry Bower
John Bowers
Leonard Bower
Herbert Brearley
Cecil Brewer
Allan Briggs
Harry Briggs
Samuel Britton
Ernest Brooke
James Edward Brooke
Harry Broomhead
Sam Broomhead
William Broomhead
Herbert Brown
John William Brown
John William Brown

James Caldwell
George Arthur Chadwick
Walter Henry Churchman
Thomas Arthur Clark
Tom Clarke
Ernest Clay
Harry Clay
James Arthur Clay
Lionel Pilleau Clay
John Henry Clayton
Thomas Henry Clifford
John Frederick Cocker
George Cocksedge
John Cogan
Leonard Collinge
D. Collins
George Henry Collins
Sam Collins
Frank Cookson
W. Cookson
W. Cooper
G. Crossley
A. Crowther
G. Crowther
George Crowther
J. Crowther
R. S. Crowther
W. Crowther

Herbert Darlington
Alfred Leonard Dawson
Charles Dawson
James Deaghan
T. Dean
Willie Dearnaly
Eric Monro Denham
Frank Arthur Denham
Charles Dennehey

George Depledge
T. Doherty
Thomas Donohue
J. W. Doyle
John Albert Drake
W. Drake
Stanley Dyson

George W. Eastwood
J. Edwards
C. Ellis
Frank Ellis
Fred Ellis
Lewis Evers

A. Farrar
Arthur Farrar
G. Farrar
Kay Farrar
Leonard Farrar
Sam Feather
Willie Fielding
Joseph Harold Fillingham
Charles Ronald Firth
F. Firth
Fred Firth
William Frederick McCluer Firth
T. E. Fletcher
Kenneth Forbes-Robertson
W. A. Forbes
E. F. Foster
F. Fountain
W. Fountain
G. France

William Garaghty
Arthur Garlick
Harry Garside
J. Gay
Arthur Gill
Willie Barber Gledhill
S. Goddard
E. Goldington
J. Goodyear
Benjamin Gough
George Grange
Thomas Richard Grange
Cedric Charles Graves
John Exley Greenwood
J. H. Green
R. Griffiths
R. Griffiths
G. J. Grose

Dudley William Hailstone
F. Haley
F. Handforth
F. Hanson
H. Hardcastle
John William Hardcastle
Shaw Hardy
Albert Edward Harris
John Armitage Hartley
J. Heaton
H. Hemsworth
F. Henson
Frank Hepper
Sam Hepworth
J. Heywood
H. Hill
L. G. Hill
C. L. Hinchcliffe
H. Hinchliffe
A. Hirst
D. H. Hirst
D. Hirst
E. Hirst
J. W. Hirst
N. Hirst
W. J. Hoggarth
William John Hoggarth
A. E. Holdsworth
C. Holgate
G. Hollingsworth
J. Holmes
W. Holt
E. Hopkinson
W. Hopkinson
A. E. Horsfall
Lj Horsfield
W. H. Howe
William Henry Howe
Irvin Hullah
E. Hurst
G. F. Hutchinson

J. B. Illingworth
T. Irving
Wilfred Irving

H. Jackson
T. Jamieson
H. Jessop
Fred Job
C. H. Johnson
H. Joy

D. Kanger
W. Kaye
F. Kear
E. H. Keir
Percy Fewster Kendall
Frederick Cyril Kerrod
C. Kershaw
H. Kershaw
James Hatton Kershaw
L. Kershaw
W. Kershaw
E. Kidman
Fred Kitchen
H. Kitson
Edward Knapton

Walter Vincent Lamb
Bruce Lamont
A. R. Lawson
Ernest Leather
Frank Leather
A. Lee
S. Lee
J. Lenn (possibly) Joseph Lemm
George John Letten
John Lever
J. Lister
Joseph Lister
N. A. Lister
F. Longbottom
Fred Longbottom
S. Lumb
George Lunn

Alban Bodley Mace
F. Mallison
Harold Mann
J. E. Mann
William Henry Mann
W. Marchant
George Allan Margerison
L. Marsden
N. A. Marsden
Norman Alfred Marsden
L. Marshall
Leonard Marshall
F. Martin
H. Martin
J. L. Martin
J. M. Martin
James Lawrence Martin
Harry Rothwell Mason
W. McMaster
C. H. Mellor
E. Mellor
F. Mellor
T. Menagham
F. Miltor
H. Miltor
C. Mitchell
R. C. Mitchell
W. Mitchell
J. Moran
John Percy Morrison
J. Morton
E. Moulson
N. Muff
Norman Muff
Herbert Muir

A. Naylor
H. Naylor
H. Newsome
N. Newsome
W. H. Newsome
Lawrence Norminton
T. Norton

D. O'Hara
James William Oade
Henry Richardson Oddy
L. Owen
Leonard Owen

Herbert Pamment
A. Parker
J. Pattison
E. Pearson
Ernest Pearson
G. Pearson
J. W. Pearson
R. Pickard
C. Pickles
F. Pickles
H. Pickles
Lionel Pickles
A. Pollard
E. Pollard
Stephen William Porteus
C. G. Priestley
Clement Stanley Priestley
H. C. Proud
Arthur Prynn
Clement Pugh

W. Ramsden
C. Raven
George Frederick Raven
B. Rawnsley
F. Rawnsley
Harrison Rawnsley
Edward Lloyd Rayner
Ernest Redfearn
Goldthorp Harvey Redfearn
Tom Reeves
H. Rhodes
N. Rhodes
S. Rhodes
Sam Rhodes
E. L. Richardson
T. Richardson
H. Rickard
J. E. Rider
Fred Ripley
Fred Roberts
George Robinson
J. Robinson
James A. S. Ruddy
John Ruddy
John Herbert Rukin
John Rukin
John Rukin
A. Rushworth
J. Rushworth
T. Rushworth
W. Rushworth

Keay Saunders
N. Saville
A. Schofield
H. Schofield
J. H. Schofield
R. Scholes
G. Settle
Wilfred Settle
F. Sharp
G. Sharp
H. Sharp
S. Shaw
(possibly) George Shoesmith
Robert John Shuttleworth
F. Singleton
Fred Singleton
John Willie Skitmore
Edwin Arnold Sladdin
Percy Slater
James Smallwood
A. Smith
C. Smith
H. Smith
Jack Smith
Joseph Smith
William Henry Smith
G. South
Herbert Southern
George Speight
R. Spence
Arthur Spink
William George Stannard
J. Stansfield
Frederick Arthur Stead
Arthur Varley Sternwhite
Milton Stevens
Wilfred Edward Stevens
Ernest Stirzaker
H. Stocks
T. Stocks
Albert Stoker
Ernest Sugden
Smith Driver Sugden
T. Sugden
Tom Sugden
E. Sunderland
Nelson Sunderland
L. Sutcliffe
Oswald Sutcliffe
William Richard Sutcliffe
Garnet Suttle
Frank Sykes

F. Taylor
Herbert Taylor
T. Taylor
A. Tegseby
Bertram Stanley Temperton
Harold Thomas
E. Thompson
G. Thompson
J. Thompson
George Thompson Thorburn
Arthur Thornton
Arthur Thornton
Donald Thornton
S. Thornton
Sam Thornton
G. Tilton
George Alfred Tilton
Ronald Tiplady
A. Town
W. Town
Albert Edward Townley
John Robinson Townsend
E. Turner
W. Turner
John William Turpin

A. Wade
Amos Wade
Matthew Wade
H. B. Wadhurst
George Bruno Wakefield
Rylatt Wakefield
Fred Walker
James Walker
H. Walsh
Joe Walsh
H. Walton
John Ward
Benjamin Warrington
William Webster
G. Wells
I. Wells
J. Wharton
A. Wheatley
Annie Wheatley
F. Whitaker
W. V. Whitehead
A. Whiteley
F. Whiteley
H. Whiteley
L. Whiteley
William Henry Wilding
Alfred Rashdale Wilkinson
Charles Wilkinson
H. Wilkinson
S. Wilkinson
Thomas Barker Wilkinson
Norman Willey
Percy Wilson
John Henry Wogan
Harry Womersley
F. Wood
Fred Wood
James Wood
A. Woodhead
Willie Woodruff
Harold Wooldridge
John Wooler
Norman Wooler
William Wyman

Ernest Young
Thomas Young

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 14:13 / 21st March 2025 / 29175

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