Yorkshire Lyrics : Poems by John Hartley
Yorkshire Lyrics is a collection of poems written by John
Hartley in the dialect as spoken in the west riding of
To which are added a Selection of Fugitive Verses not in the Dialect
The collection was published by William Nicholson & Sons, London &
Wakefield in 1898 and includes
- Mi Darling Muse
- To a Daisy, Found blooming March 7th
- Mi Bonny Yorksher Lass
- Give it 'em Hot
- A Tale for th' Childer, on Christmas Eve
- Words ov Kindness
- A Brussen Bubble
- Th' Little Stranger
- Th' Traitle Sop
- Once agean Welcome
- Still true to Nell
- Bide thi Time
- A Cold Dooas
- A Jolly Beggar
- Aw Wodn't for all aw Could See
- Come thi Ways!
- What is it?
- Awst Nivver be Jaylus
- Lamentin' an Repentin'
- Bite Bigger
- Second Thowts
- A Neet when aw've Nowt to do
- Ther's much Expected
- Coortin Days
- Sweet Mistress Moore
- Waivin Mewsic
- Jimmy's Choice
- Old Moorcock
- Th' Short-Timer
- Sol an' Doll
- Their Fred
- Love an' Labor
- Nooan so Bad
- Th' Honest Hard Worker
- Peevish Poll
- The Old Bachelor's Story
- Did yo Ivver!
- A Quiet Tawk
- Lines, on Startling a Rabbit
- Nivver Heed
- Gronfayther's Days
- Awr Dooad
- Whear Natur Missed it
- That's All
- Mary Hanner's Peanner
- Grondad's Lullaby
- Sixty, Turned, To-day
- That Lad Next Door
- A Summer Shaar
- Awr Lad
- Bonny Mary Ann
- That Christmas Puddin
- A Bad Sooart
- Fairly Weel-off
- A Warnin
- To W. F. Wallett. The Queen's Jester
- Lads an Lasses
- A New Year's Gift
- Matty's Reason
- Uncle Ben
- A Hawporth
- Th' Better Part
- Th' Lesser Evil
- Take Heart!
- They all do it
- To Let
- Lost Love
- Drink
- Duffin Johnny (A Rifleman's Adventure)
- Plenty o' Brass
- The New Year's Resolve
- A Strange Stooary
- What Wor it?
- Billy Bumble's Bargain
- Aght o' Wark
- That's a Fact
- Babby Burds
- Queen ov Skircoit Green
- Th' Little Black Hand
- My Native Twang
- Sing On
- Shoo's thi Sister
- Another Babby
- To a Roadside Flower
- An Old Man's Christmas Morning
- Settin Off
- To th' Swallow
- A Wife
- Heart Brokken
- Lines, on finding a butterfly in a weaving shed
- Rejected
- Persevere
- A Pointer
- An Acrostic
- Help Thisen
- Bless 'em!
- Act Square
- His Dowter Gate Wed
- All We Had
- Th' First o'th Sooart
- Poor Old Hat
- Done Agean
- What it is to be a Mother
- What they say
- Young Jockey
- Missed his Mark
- When Lost
- Mak a Gooid Start
- Stop at Hooam
- Advice to Jenny
- Jockey an Dolly
- Dooant Forget the Old Fowks
- Soa Bonny
- The Linnet
- Mary Jane
- Aw Dooant Care
- My Lass
- A Gooid Kursmiss Day
- Mi Love's Come Back
- A Wife
- All Tawk
- Aw Can't Tell
- Happen Thine
- Contrasts
- To Mally
- Th' State o' th' Poll. A nop tickle illusion
- Try a Smile
- Growin Old
- Gooid Bye, Old Lad
- That Drabbled Brat
- Song for th' Hard Times (1879)
- Stir thi Lass!
- Tother Day
- Happy Sam's Song
- Gradely Weel off
- Is it Reight?
- A Yorksher Bite
- Lily's Gooan
- What aw Want
- Latter Wit
- A Millionaire
- Mi Fayther's Pipe
- Let th' Lasses Alooan!
- A Breet Prospect
- Missin Yor Way
- Heather Bells
- A Lucky Dog
- My Doctrine
- That Lass
- Mi Old Umberel
- What it Comes to
- Hold up yer Heeads
- A Quiet Day
- Lass o'th Haley Hill
- Ditherum Dump
- My Polly
- Love one Another
- Dick an Me
- Briggate at Setterdy Neet
- Awr Annie
- Peter Prime's Principles
- Cuckoo!
- Fowk Next Door
- Dad's Lad
- Willie's Weddin
- Somdy's Chonce
- To a True Friend
- Warmin Pan
- It may be Soa
- A Safe Investment
- Red Stockin
- Plain Jane
- Cash V. Cupid
- Ahr Mary's Bonnet
- Prime October
- Old Dave to th' New Parson
- Tom Grit
- Th' Demon o' Debt
- Th' Lad 'at Loves his Mother
- Matilda Jane
- Modest Jack o' Wibsey Slack
- Work Lads!
- Bonny Yorksher
- Sixty an Sixteen
- Come thi Ways in
- Horton Tide
- Mi Old Slippers
- A Friend to Me
- A Pair o' Black Een
- A Screw Lawse
- A Sad Mishap
- If
- A True Tale
- Peter's Prayer
- Mak th' Best Ont
- On Strike
- Be Happy
- Its True
- Natty Nancy
- Fugitive poems
- Angels of Sunderland. In Memoriam, June 16th, 1893
- Trusting Still
- Shiver the Goblet
- Little Sunshine
- Passing Events
- Those Days have Gone
- I'd a Dream
- To my Harp
- Backward Turn, Oh! Recollection
- Alice
- Looking Back
- I Know I Love Thee
- Bachelors Quest
- Waiting at the Gate
- Love
- Do your Best and Leave the Rest
- To my Daughter on her Birthday
- Remorse
- My Queen
- Now and Then
- The Open Gates
- Blue Bells
- A Song of the Snow
- Hide not thy Face
- In my Garden of Roses
- The Match Girl
- De Profundis
- Nettie
- The Dean's Brother
- I Would not Live Alway
- Too Late
- On the Banks of the Calder
- Lines on Receiving a Bunch of Wild Hyacinths by Post
- November's Here
- Mary
- When Cora Died
- The Violet
- Repentant
- Sunset
- Poetry and Prose
- Years Ago
- Somebody's
- Claude
- All on a Christmas Morning
- Once Upon a Time
- Nearing Home
- Those Tiny Fingers
- Lilly-White Hand
- Shut Out
- Charming May
- Who Cares?
Malcolm Bull
Revised 11:31 / 16th December 2023 / 7098
Page Ref: Y15