Bramley Lane Graveyard, Lightcliffe

The graveyard for Bramley Lane Chapel, Lightcliffe lies behind the original Chapel building which is now 4 private houses - 153 to 159 Bramley Lane.

There are 9 graves representing 24 burials between 1841 & 1870.

The following people, and/or members of their family, are recorded here:

John Batty [1787-1865]
Benjamin Draper [1803-1856]
The family of Dan Holt
George Ibbotson [1812-1846]
Joseph Ibbotson [1802-1856]
Samuel Ibbotson [18??-18??]
Joseph Mallinson [1795-1868]
Samuel Mitchell [1782-1863]
Ann, wife of Joseph Naylor
James Pearson [1807-1866]
Simeon Woodhead [1832-1???]

Some of the monumental inscriptions in the graveyard are shown in the CD entitled Halifax Monumental Inscriptions #4

This & associated entries use material contributed by David Glover & John Williams

© Malcolm Bull 2024
Revised 13:37 / 5th June 2024 / 3142

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